It was Imlo himself who stopped to end it all.

End this farce!However, Imlo's face was even more ugly at this moment. Although there was no way to continue, he had verified everything.

He really can't believe everything in front of him, and he can't believe that this box is actually

Chapter 88 Fake Li Gui meets real Li Kui? (4/5, please customize)

Chapter 88 Fake Li Gui meets real Li Kui? (4/5, please customize)

The box is empty!That's right, the box is empty!The nuclear bomb inside has disappeared!This is also the reason why Imlo had the reaction just now.

With his own eyes, he watched his subordinates go to great lengths to move it into the box, and also closed the box in person.

However, why is there no nuclear bomb and why does Imlo feel as if he has been tricked by someone!Perhaps, the oriole had already taken away the nuclear bomb, and he was foolishly ignorant, thinking that the nuclear bomb was in the box, and he had sacrificed an unknown number of men.


Thinking of this, Imlo couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter.

Of course, this laughter is not very good, and everyone can hear some pessimism and some despair from it.

It was as if the dream had been shattered!More people can be sure that something must have happened here, and it is a very major change.

Maybe, their guesses have come true!For a time, many soldiers clenched their guns.

Imlo didn't care about this at all, just looked at the empty box, thinking about what went wrong.

Now that the situation is like this, there is no way to change it, but you can still find the reason, try it, and see if you can block the other party, or at least let the other party understand that their Hydras are not easy to mess with!It's just that he was disappointed again!He didn't notice any problems, no one touched such a nuclear bomb under his nose, and no one could have the opportunity to transport the nuclear bomb away from under his nose!Unless, what supernatural power!Imlo felt that he might have got the truth.

There is a special power in this world, and it is not necessarily that this power can do this.

Imlo gritted his teeth even more!This also means that Imlo can't do anything at all, and can't take revenge on that... the person who is hidden in the dark.

Click!A crisp sound came from Imlo's mouth, but a tooth was shattered by Imlo.

It's not that Imlo wants to bite the poison in his teeth, but that he bites his teeth too hard!However, all this made some soldiers noticed, and they imagined a picture of suicide in their minds.

Originally, it was nothing, but.

Next to him is a box 'with' a nuclear bomb.

Immediately after, the group of people thought of a scene that was not particularly special.

Finally, they stopped waiting and raised their guns and pulled the trigger!The gunshots are loud!Imlo's pupils shrank subconsciously, and he was about to dodge when he suddenly felt that his body was no longer under his control.

A frenzied expression appeared on his face.

At the same time, he also uncontrollably used his loudest voice to shout out the words he didn't want to shout the most right now.


With this sentence, Imlo was hit by an unknown number of bullets, and the pain struck, and he was also beaten into a sieve, just like his previous subordinate.

Imlo didn't know what was wrong with him, why he couldn't control himself, and shouted such a


You know, now is really not a good time to say this.

However, he still did it!Imlo fell to the ground weakly, and the blood from his body quickly drained.

Imlo also felt that his life was constantly being lost, the darkness was constantly approaching, and he was about to die.

Approaching death, Imlo felt as if his consciousness suddenly woke up, and a special memory appeared in his mind out of thin air, covering his original memory.

Before his death, Imlo suddenly found that he didn't seem to be a Hydra, he seemed to be just a human trafficker.

Yesterday, he was caught by a group of guys with scarlet eyes dressed like ninjas, and then passed out.

When he woke up again, he felt that he was a part of Hydra, and then he came here with some prepared documents, equipment, and the sudden extra tactical and physical qualities.

Made all this now!He was counted!He thought he knew his identity, but, in fact, he didn't know, he was like a marionette, held in his hands by a guy.

Even the final sobriety is an idea of ​​the other party.

The other party left a sentence in his memory!This is the fate of human traffickers!Imlo is in pain!Not because he's a trafficker, but because he can't get revenge on such a guy, he wants to struggle to live a little longer, and then, say it all.

However, there is absolutely no way.

Can only lie on the ground powerless, waiting for the last time to come.

When his consciousness was dying, the sound of a person's footsteps suddenly appeared in his ear.

Immediately after, a person has appeared under his line of sight.

Imlo seemed to see some hope, struggling to say something, but found that his strength was not enough for him to say even a word.

"Stop, stop, I admire your courage and loyalty, but I have to say, you are also very stupid!"

The man pretended to examine his wound, and after making another movement of looking for something, he whispered in Imlo's ear.

Imlo struggled to make a puzzled look.

Just such a look made him feel as if he was being hollowed out.

He didn't understand what this person meant! "If you really want to save it, then tell me how to defuse this damn bomb, at least, do the right thing in the end!"

The man said softly again.

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