Yuewan water city, green building, a group of well-dressed people sitting on the stool.

Mother in law Yulan tasted a mouthful of green tea gracefully, then glared at the young man who looked unimportant opposite her, and said sarcastically, "you waste, do you know where this is?"

Jiangning nodded helplessly and said, "this is the best hotel in Ningcheng."

Looking at Jiangning's indifferent expression, Yulan was more distressed and disgusted: "so you dare to come here? Although our family is not bad, do you know how much it costs to eat here? "

Beside Jiangning, a beautiful looking woman with a cold expression on her face said, "Mom, today is my grandfather's 70th birthday. It's nothing wrong for Jiangning to treat him to an expensive meal."

Yulan is not happy, white Chen Lan one eye: "don't excuse for this waste, you see your elder sister, someone else's husband is a returnee doctor, my birthday also gave me an emerald, your husband, driving the car is you buy."

Jiangning eyebrows wrinkled, make complaints about the past three years, he did not know how many times his wife's mother Tucao so many times, ears are callus.

He said, "don't worry, mom. It's my treat. I'll pay for it."

Magnolia shows an expression of disbelief. Even sitting beside magnolia, Chen Xi, Chen Lan's sister, also shows a look of disdain: "you are useless, green building. Can you afford money? A meal here is worth tens of thousands. In the end, you don't want it from my sister."

Chen Lan saw this, afraid of Jiangning face hang up, quickly said: "sister, you say less, no big no small, call brother-in-law."

Chen Xi shows a grimace, disdain a way: "elder sister, beat to death I won't call this waste elder brother-in-law, eat your, use your, whole a wretch waste, also don't know why you were blind in those days, must marry him."

It was Jiangning's Millennium mood, and make complaints about Chen Xi's little girl's Tucao.

But now he has gone through a period of weakness once in a hundred years, and finally regained his strength. He no longer needs to endure the life of his husband in hiding.

At this time, several waiters came over enthusiastically, holding all kinds of delicious dishes: "Sir, the dishes are coming up to you at the appointed time."

Jiangning nodded lightly and said, "serve."

Several waiters were ordered to put the dishes on the table immediately.

See these dishes, Magnolia and Chen Xi instant change color, Chen Xi is a big mouth, some unbelievable said: "it's the golden rain, I heard to 88000, and Sanfu linmen, 100000, and..."

Every dish here is specially ordered by Master Zhang, the chief chef of lvyinxiaozhu. The price is expensive and there is no market for it. Even the super rich dare not order it here.

Yulan's face turned purple with anger. She pointed to Jiangning and trembled: "well, you are not only a waste, but also a black sheep. These dishes are enough to buy a suite."

Even Chen Lan frowned slightly and looked at Jiangning puzzledly: "husband, is it too wasteful for you to order these? Although our company has made a profit recently, it doesn't have so much liquidity."

Jiangning smile, calm way: "wife, for three years wronged you, from today on, to my return to you."

Yulan snorted coldly: "in return, what do you take in return? Are you out of your mind and think you can afford the money? Jiangning, I tell you, even if you steal and rob, you can't get the money, let alone you waste, you don't even have the ability to steal. "

At this time, suddenly, an old man in a chef's uniform came to the table: "Mr. Jiang, these dishes are all made by me. Are you satisfied?"

Seeing this, Jiangning took a look at the dish and said impatiently, "I don't see that I'm talking to my family. Don't bother me. You're not as good as your master."

Everyone in the Chen family looked down at him and didn't know the identity of the old man, but Chen Lan suddenly changed color and apologized: "Master Zhang Jingde, I'm sorry, my husband can't speak. Your food is very good."

In an instant, everyone in the Chen family changed color and looked at the ugly old man in awe.

Although the old man is dressed as a cook, he is the boss of the green building. Moreover, the green building is just one of his many industries. It can be said that cooking is just his hobby.

Although the Chen family is a rich family, compared with Master Zhang Jingde, it is nothing.

However, to everyone's surprise, after listening to Jiangning's comments, Master Zhang did not get angry. Instead, he looked like a child who had made a mistake and bowed his head and said, "I am so far behind my master."

Jiangning snorted coldly: "you're a dish that I didn't even bother to eat before. You, ah, you're too busy to be in business all day. How can you reach your master's level?"

Master Zhang was scared to a cold sweat. Cen Cen said: "what Mr. Jiang criticized was that I immediately handed over all my business affairs to my subordinates to take care of them and study master's skills."

Jiangning waved and said, "step back, and don't bother me without my orders."

Master Zhang, with a hum, stepped down respectfully.

In an instant, the Chen family seemed to encounter something incredible, staring at Jiangning with a kind of damned eyes.

Chen Lan was the first to say, "husband, what's the matter? Do you know Master Zhang?"

Jiangning shook his head and said with a smile, "I don't know him. He's not qualified to know me. I should say he's the younger generation of a friend of mine. It's a shame for him to come here for dinner this time."

Chen Xi chuckled and said, "it's a blessing for you to know Master Zhang. It's enough to give you face and boast like this."

But that said, this time, in the face of Master Zhang, she didn't dare to call waste.

Yulan could not save face, so she hesitated: "what's so great about knowing Master Zhang? I think people just think cooking is a hobby, so they just give you this waste."

"Sister, who do you think is rubbish?"

At this time, a group of people came from a distance.

It's Chen Lan's grandfather and his uncle's family.

Yulan stares at Jiangning and says to Uncle Chen Lan, "brother, who don't you know? The whole Chen family is just a piece of junk in Jiangning. Don't stand there. Just sit down and have a meal. "

A few people sat down and saw the dishes on the table, which changed color in a moment. Chen Lan's grandfather said displeased: "Chen Lan, it's only seventy years old. You're too wasteful."

Chen Lan was very happy in her heart, but she didn't expect that her husband, who had been regarded as a waste, still had this ability. Her mouth cracked with a smile: "grandfather, this meal is not arranged by me, it is arranged by Jiangning."


Elder sister Chen Lan's husband, Dr. Zhang Hai, was jealous: "younger sister, he arranged it, but you didn't pay for it. You can't connive at this rubbish. Since you are in the Chen family, you have to have rules. Hum, this kind of black sheep behavior is out of order."

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