Jiangning is still in the office to explain to Chen Lan about quitting smoking powder. Xiao Liu, an employee, rushes in without knocking on the door. "Mr. Chen, a large group of people outside want to buy it, but we don't have it."

Jiangning a smile, looking at Chen Lan, he did not expect a casual ad, actually came so many people.

In fact, the most important thing is the Jiangning silver needle treatment. The scene of resurrection was so shocking that everyone didn't consider whether the smoking cessation powder was credible or not, so they came in a hurry.

Jiangning took out a pen, wrote a prescription, and handed it to Chen Lan, "this prescription is only one, you know how to operate, I won't say more."

"This prescription is only for powder, but not for medicinal materials. It will be stolen by others."

Now, traditional Chinese medicine can be made into powder for convenience. It's very convenient to brew it with boiling water when you go home. It's not like when you go home with a pair of herbs, you have to boil it.

Chen Lan some unbelievable, "this prescription really effective?"

"Effective, guaranteed, trust me." Jiangning has a confident face, which is the confidence of his medical skills.

Chen Lan had to rush out of the door to start dispensing, Jiangning also went out, after all, he was the party present, in order to be more convincing.

Chen Lan is not a vase. It can be seen from the fact that she keeps the baicaotang in good order by herself. As soon as she goes out, she immediately frightens those disorderly employees.

"Don't worry. Follow the prescription."

To appease the staff and those people who are clamoring to give up smoking powder, Chen Lan is also not afraid to stand up, "everyone, baicaotang is the first to give up smoking powder. Today, we will pick out an old smoker and try the medicine on site."

Chen Lan doesn't want to, but since Jiangning says it's effective, she thinks it's really effective.

As soon as Chen Lan's words came out, several elders immediately stood up. Chen Lan casually pointed out, "how long have you been smoking, sir?"

The old man coughed a few times, stuck a mouthful of phlegm, and caught it with a piece of paper. With this action, we have been convinced that the old man is an old smoker.

"I've had phlegm in my throat for more than 30 years. Don't mind."

I'm a little embarrassed. I'm just a little excited. I can't help it. But I'm more convinced. People who smoke know that they smoke too much and have too much phlegm.

After a while, Xiao Liu came over with a paper cup and boiling water and said, "look, this is the smoking cessation powder. Now our traditional Chinese medicine is brewed directly with boiling water. Now we are brewed."

After washing the medicine, he waited for the medicine to cool down. Then he let the old man drink it. The onlookers wanted to see the effect of the medicine. Of course, they waited patiently.

Jiangning stood up at this time, since the medicine has been drunk, we need to test efficacy, "you light a cigarette to try."

Old man a Leng, is not to say quit smoking powder, how to drink the medicine, but also let others start smoking.

The master thought about it and said with a little uncertainty, "well, I usually have to smoke several cigarettes to enjoy myself. It's a public place. Is it inappropriate?"

People around wanted to see what magical effect the medicine had. The drug seller dared to let others smoke. Why on earth was that? So he followed suit.

Uncle coughed twice, but there was no sputum. He was also a little strange. As long as he coughed, there must be sputum. He didn't think much about it. He lit a cigarette and began to smoke.

"Oh, what kind of cigarette is this? Yes, it's the one I often smoke." The old man was stunned. He always enjoyed smoking. Today, as soon as the cigarette entered his throat, he began to feel sick.

"This smoking cessation powder will make you hate cigarettes. The most obvious feeling is vomiting. If you can't quit smoking once, I can't help it."

"In addition, nicotine actually paralyzes your nerves, and you can quit smoking by your own perseverance. The most important drug is adjuvant, followed by conditioning the lungs damaged by your perennial smoking."

"If you think you are a trust, you can see the effect after prescribing the medicine and taking it on the spot."

What Jiangning said is reasonable. He didn't deliberately say that it was the effect of his own medicine. On the contrary, it was more convincing.

People who came to buy medicine began to buy medicine one after another, and the staff in the store were already too busy. Even Wang Yuan was assigned to the ranks of dispensing medicine, which made people more convinced.

You still have a doctor in baicaotang who is No.1 in Ningcheng, so this medicine must be effective. Besides, the previous trial medicine is obvious to all.

The staff are busy, and Jiangning has left with Chen Lan.

Two people sitting in the car, Chen Lan also some worry about their employees can do well, but Jiangning actually took her to the market to buy vegetables, which made her some helpless.

"I want to go back and see what they can do if they don't do it well?"

Jiangning kept his head down, continued to choose vegetables, and also cut the price with the landlady. This was a habit that his husband had formed three years ago.

"It's OK. If baicaotang wants to be bigger and stronger in the future, you should rest assured to do it for them."

Chen Lan thought of today's smoking cessation powder, the effect is so good, but also some dream feeling, usually they are selling some common drugs, or selling drugs developed by other manufacturers.

Now she also has her own brand, quit smoking powder, which has become famous in the future. With this kind of medicine, baicaotang is really likely to open two more branches.

Chen Lan found that she had misunderstood Jiangning before. Jiangning's medical skills were so good that she asked him to buy vegetables and do housework every day. A big man was transformed into a housewife by him.

This skillful action of picking vegetables, ordinary bargaining can be cut by Jiangning out of a domineering, "aunt, this dish is cheap five cents, don't want to raise prices, I look at the price every day."

Also don't know this words in the end domineering where, there is a convincing force in it, Chen Lan can't help but stay, weak asked a, "why?"

Jiangning didn't hear it. Maybe he did. He didn't know how to answer.

Chen Lan looked at that side Yan, once again pulled him, facing his eyes, "you are so powerful, why are you willing to do these for me?"

"Because you're my wife." Jiangning said, turn back to pick vegetables, he lived for 2000 years, every 100 years has a weak period, Chen Lan took him.

This is kindness. He has to repay it. After three years of living together day and night, Chen Lan will not deliberately embarrass him. This is a time-honored love. He also falls in love with Chen Lan, which is undeniable.

One thing belongs to the same thing. He was in a weak period before. His mother-in-law's family's prejudice against him was all due to his kindness to Chen Lan. He was clear about it.

Jiangning after buying vegetables, holding Chen Lan's hand, to the parking place.

Chen Lan is still thinking about that sentence, because you are my wife. From this moment, she also wants to say to Jiangning, "I'm glad to have a husband like you."

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