The old man's style is very similar to that of Qian Nan. Even the Buddha dust in his hand is of the same style. It seems that there is a shadow of a few cents going south between his eyebrows. It should be said that Qian Nan is more like the old man.

Jiangning looks serious. The old man looks like a dog, but he is actually a monk of Yuanying, and he is not promoted by external forces.

And from the movement of the whole body's true Qi, we should have stayed in Yuanying cultivation for some time, not far from the next stage of distraction.

Jiangning looked at him and said faintly, "who are you from here?"

The old man snorted coldly, stroked his beard, and looked at Jiangning coldly, "you are a little friar in the foundation period. You use some dirty tricks to harm my apprentice. How dare you ask me who I am?"

The old man's name is Qian Kun. He is famous in sanxiu, but he is famous for his short guard. This short guard is especially aimed at his little apprentice, Qian Nan.

It's said that Qian Nannan did not know when he appeared under Qian Kun's door and was deeply loved by Qian Kun. Everyone had heard that Qian Nannan was Qian Kun's illegitimate son, but Qian Kun always claimed that Qian Nannan was just an orphan he had picked up.

Jiangning pointed to the money on the ground and said, "you said this man, he insulted me and was abandoned by me."

Qian Kun's eyes are dull, and then his anger surges to his heart. Qian Nan is 30 years old. He spends a lot of energy to make him reach the golden elixir period, and his future is limitless.

But he was abandoned by this man. How can he bear it.

"You dare to abolish my apprentice. Hehe, the elders behind you are well educated. They will let you use some evil moves to harm others. Immortal Qian Kun will get rid of you as a small evil, and then get rid of the big evil behind you."

Qian Kun's words are dignified. People who don't know really think that he is doing harm for fame. In fact, he just wants to find an excuse to attack Jiangning, and then by the way, he tries to find out if there is any support behind Jiangning.

Jiangning knew what he meant as soon as he heard it, and he disdained to pretend, "there's no one behind me, so don't try."

Jiangning respects his master very much, and Qian Kun even dares to say that his master is a disaster. Jiangning is also angry, "besides, I don't allow others to insult my master, and you are not qualified to mention him."

Qin Kun said in secret, "well, it turns out that it's a wild boy who has no one to support him. Then why do you talk nonsense?" my apprentice Jindan period, you build the foundation period, do you dare to say that you win him openly? "

"I'll take revenge for my apprentice and let you know that you can win once, but you can't win twice."

Before I finished speaking, I was already on the way to Jiangning.

Jiangning was not flustered at first sight. He had just been ready to start. He was just a monk in Yuan Dynasty, and he didn't pay attention to it.

He took a false step and avoided Qian Kun's attack. Unexpectedly, the Buddha dust in Qian Kun's hand was only illusory, and the real attack was the dagger in his left hand.

Jiangning said in secret that it was sinister, so he had to get down in time, avoid the dagger, raise his foot and kick Qian Kun on the chin, and with the other foot on Qian Kun's chest, he opened the distance.

When he went up and down the mountain tonight, his shoes had already been stained with a lot of red clay. These two feet kicked Qian Kun and left two big footprints.

Qian Kun's immortality was destroyed in an instant.

Qian Kun was surprised at Jiangning's action, and his kick in the chest was very light, but it made him a little out of breath, sighing that this guy was not easy to provoke.

But he said, "well, you are also a monk of Yuanying. It's shameless to hide your accomplishments and bully my apprentice

Jiangning was stunned. The old man played a lot. Who did he say this to? There were only two of them.

Qian Kun said that these are totally subconscious behaviors. When he wandered in the world of cultivation in his early years, he was used to using this set of righteousness to suppress people.

This habit has been deeply rooted. Even if there is no one else, he will still do it. When the other party hears it, he will surely scold him for being shameless in his heart. This can disturb the other party's mood and is very useful in duels.

After that, Qian Kun bit the tip of his tongue, and a small figure flew out of his head. "Since I'm a monk Yuan Ying, I don't have to keep my hand. Yuan Ying is fighting, either you die or I die."

He knew that Jiang Ning would be strange, but he also knew that he had only the ability to build a foundation. How could he recruit Yuanying.

Jiangning used to be a monk of Dacheng, but now he uses the means to restore Yuanying's cultivation, but his Yuanying is still quiet. However, the old man dare to recruit Yuanying, which is not more suitable for him.

Jiangning and war and retreat, not with Qian Kun's yuan baby fight.

In Qian Kun's opinion, his move is very dangerous, but it is very useful. Jiangning really can't recruit Yuanying, so he dares to go for it.

"In front of the real strength, you can't use your dirty means, right? I see how long you can last."

Qian Kun, while controlling Yuan Ying, yelled at him, which was a little like the so-called elder, but like a shrew.

Jiangning retreated two steps, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly. Suddenly, he had a silver needle in his hand, and a golden dragon hovered around his tail. After being stimulated by real Qi, the Golden Dragon broke away from the silver needle and flew up.

Although it's only one meter long, it's much bigger than Qian Kun's Yuanying. Jinlong locks Qian Kun's Yuanying with his body and tears it up.

Qian Kun's baby yuan is gone, leaving only the purest real yuan. He is swallowed by Jiangning. His momentum is rising, and he seems to break through the foundation period.

Qian Kun suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and roared, "Xuedun."

Jiangning has not yet come to pursue. Qian Kun has already run south with Qian. Jiangning is standing in the same place, and its momentum is rising, gradually surpassing the foundation construction, and is firmly in the golden elixir period.

He slowly spits out a bad breath. Unexpectedly, there are so many impurities in the real yuan left by Qian Kun's baby. He has to feel that the generation of friars is not as good as the generation.

After all this, he had no time to pursue Zheng Shaofeng, so he had to give up. Looking at the direction of Qian Kun's escape, he said coldly, "it's a shame to be someone else's master at such a level."

Jiangning down the mountain, back to the car, Chen Xi has fallen asleep, he also had to lament that Chen Xi's heart is really big, the first second was kidnapped, the second after a person can fall asleep in the car.

Qian Kun shows his blood to escape, takes Qian nan to a magnificent manor, kneels down, "father, I'm back, you must make the decision for me."

The door of the manor opened. Qian Kun and Qian rushed south through the garden and came to the hall. There was a young man sitting in the hall. When Qian Kun saw the young man, he immediately knelt down.

"Father, the child is back. This is your grandson. He has reached the golden age when he was young." He made no mention of his own topping.

The young man turned around, his voice was hoarse, and there was a sense of vicissitudes in his eyes, "but now I can't feel his cultivation, and you only have a trace of ghost. What do you mean?"

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