Even Zhang Tong is admiring Jiangning's endurance. He has been walking for more than half a day with only one person and a bottle of water. He doesn't drink a mouthful of water and doesn't sweat.

Jiangning walked calmly in front. At this time, Zhang Tong came up and stopped Jiangning, "separate here for a while, let me take you, and Zhu Deqiang take your grandfather."

Until now, Zhang Tong still thinks that Zhang Niu is Jiangning's grandfather, but Jiangning will not explain so much, he nodded gently, "yes."

Zhang Tong's eyes flashed a touch of joy, but it was soon covered up by him. Then he quickly said to Zhu Deqiang, "Lao Zhu, you take this old man to explore the way there, and I'll go there with this Mr. Jiang, and come back in an hour."

Zhang Niu is not worried about the danger of Jiangning. No one in this group may be able to go back, but as far as Jiangning is concerned, he is the most likely one to go back.

Then Zhang Niu followed Zhu Deqiang and left in another direction. Only Jiangning and Zhang Tong were still on their way.

Walking, Zhang Tong some nervous up, he slightly behind Jiangning, put his hand on the long bag behind him.

At this time, Jiangning cold voice came out, "I have a grudge with you?"

Jiangning this inexplicable words, let Zhang Tong suddenly shiver up, his hand suddenly released from the long bag, "I don't know what you are talking about, we have no revenge." Zhang Tong's tone is a little guilty.

Jiangning doesn't break the point either. Although he is ahead, he has six sharp senses. Although the opponent's movements are small, he can still capture the news.

A few minutes later, Zhang Tong put his hand on the long bag behind him again. He also sighed, "in fact, I'm with you. I don't have any grudge. It's just that people die for money and birds die for food. Don't blame me."

With that, Zhang Tong directly opened the bag and took out the shotgun. It was just a shotgun. It was a kind of small steel ball, but it could also kill people.

Jiangning stopped, turned his head and looked directly at Zhang Tong. He was not surprised at all. He had already guessed this scene when he saw the other side holding a shotgun.

"Are you sure this gun will hit me?" Jiangning light said a, and no one was robbed pointed to the people should have panic expression.

Zhang Tong looked at each other so indifferent, in the heart is also some bad feeling, he a Lengshen, Jiangning has appeared in his side.

As if he saw a ghost, he threw his shotgun away and said, "you He was shocked. He was just five or six meters away from Jiangning. Why did Jiangning suddenly come to him.

Jiangning picked up the shotgun and sent it to Zhang Tong. "People die for money. Don't you know what this sentence really means?"

Zhang Tong understood the other party's meaning. He said that people die for wealth, but Jiangning said that people die for wealth, which is really the literal meaning.

"I, I know." He didn't mean to resist at all. He took the shotgun and put it up. He knew that Jiangning was not stupid to give him the shotgun. If the other party didn't have the confidence, how could he give the gun to him so safely.

Now come to think of it, Jiangning walked down for two days in a row. He didn't look tired at all. When he was so close to the other side, he still couldn't hear the breath of the other side. This is a strange thing in itself.

"What should I say when I go back?" Jiangning asked again.

After hearing this, Zhang Tong was really lost in thought, thinking about how he should say, "that is, I have a problem with my shotgun, and I can't do it to you."

Jiangning nodded with satisfaction, "you are smart." I don't know who is stupid in the end, so he took the lead.

Zhang Tong wiped the sweat on his forehead, half tired and half nervous. In front of Jiangning, he always had an inexplicable pressure.

An hour later, they also returned to the previous place to gather. Zhu Deqiang followed Zhang Niu, and his eyes seemed to have some panic.

"Then, we should go this way." Zhu De stretched his finger in a direction. He took a look at Zhang Tong without any trace, and his heart was full of bitterness.

Jiangning did not ask in detail, but it seems that Zhang Niu should have shocked Zhu Deqiang. He also said with a smile, "then are we going to continue or are we waiting here?"

Zhang Tong and Zhu Deqiang looked at each other, and they could also see the bitterness in each other's eyes. He directly gave a bitter smile, "let's walk towards the front and find the second camp."

Then the two of them took the lead and went out in front. They didn't need to find a way or something, but they just wanted to find a chance to attack Jiangning.

Although it's no man's land, it's only been in Taibai Mountain for a long time. The map is in Zhu Deqiang's and Zhu Degang's mind. There's no need to explore the way. Even if it's necessary, it's not now.

Camp No. 2 is a cave, which is very dry and has stored a lot of dry wood. It seems that they are not the first to come here.

"Many donkey friends will choose to camp near here. Over time, we have a map in it. No matter how we walk, we will come here to camp. This is a relatively safe place."

Zhang Tong saw Jiangning confused, but also some warm explanation, he now has no desire to Jiangning hands, just want to come in and out safely.

Jiangning didn't say anything. According to his observation, it was a good place to camp. There was a stream nearby. He didn't see it, but he heard the sound of water.

And it's getting closer to the cold temperate zone, so the temperature difference between day and night should be very big, so the cave can be well insulated. "It seems that in recent years, there are many people in Taibai Mountain."

Jiangning said with some emotion.

Zhang Tong asked a little surprised, "has Mr. Jiang ever been here before?"

"Yes, but it's a little early." Jiangning didn't pay attention to what happened before. When the other party asked, he answered truthfully.

Zhang Tong was not surprised. "I can't hang up Mr. Jiang's good physical strength. Most of the people who have been to Taibai Mountain are senior donkey friends. It seems that Mr. Jiang is such a person."

Jiangning smile, did not explain in depth, his physical strength is good, not because he is a senior donkey often climb mountains, but cultivation.

After waiting for a long time, the rest of the people didn't go to the No. 2 camp. Zhang Tong was also a little strange. "Gangzi with the people, shouldn't have not come yet?"

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