"Try it. I'm not just going to eat you. I'm going to see you kneel down for me today. Hehe, otherwise this good guy in my hand is not playing with you."

For some reason, sun Ling's face was filled with a ferocious smile. His hands were shaking, as if excited and as if in fear. His shotgun seemed to go off at any time.

Jiangning sighed and didn't pay any attention to this man. He understood this expression. Sun Ling almost lost his mind. It's useless to reason with this kind of person.

His vision bypasses sun Ling in front and falls on the faces of Zhu Degang and Zhou Ning in the back. The shotguns in the hands of these two people are just as wavering as their expressions.

"Poor thing." Jiangning did not say that when he was pointed at by sun Ling with a shotgun, sun Ling was also pointed at by Zhu Degang and Zhou Ning with a shotgun.

"Poor me? Hey, you see, this fool said I was pathetic. He said I was pathetic when his life was in my hand

As a matter of fact, many people have this idea. If they want to do something, they can do it. It's not a kind of morbid psychology that sun Ling wants Jiangning to kneel down for him for no reason.

Yebai and Li Lanyin can't hold on any longer. Zhang Niu is a great master. Although they don't know what means they used to suppress Zhang Niu, the situation now tends to Zhang Niu's side.

"Hurry up, kill Jiangning, we can't support it." Li Lanyin gave a big drink. If it wasn't for the conditions, he would have done it by himself.

Sun Ling is also a bit disappointed feeling, not happy to stare there two people, "is not an old man, you can't hold on for a few minutes, it's really useless."

The two white people who had been struggling to support him after he had Tucao had a rather disordered look. He turned his head and raised his shotgun in front of him, facing Jiangning. "I wanted to make complaints about you, but now I can't do it, so you still go..."

Before the word died, Jiangning's fingers had been gently pressed on his shotgun. Then Jiangning raised his right hand and lightly pointed to Zhou Ning and Zhou Ning, "how did you decide?"

If they had not been entangled just now, and there was a faint tendency to help him, he would not have asked about their behavior now and would have started directly.

Zhou Ning's ears suddenly heard what Zhang Tong had said to him before he left, "that Jiangning should not be called Mr. Jiang. He is not afraid of hunting guns. He can't kill him with hunting guns."

He still vaguely remembers Zhang Tong's tone, extremely determined, all he just hesitated, Zhang Tong told him this, obviously told him to stand on the side, and don't stand wrong.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated. He waved his shotgun to the back of sun Ling's head and said faintly, "Mr. Jiang, I don't know. Are you satisfied with this choice?"

He also used honorifics. Now he can't see the situation clearly. The old man Zhang Niu is one against two, playing like a martial arts movie, or a martial arts movie with special effects.

Zhou Ning knew that the situation had tilted and they had no chance of winning. Even the biggest weapon in their hands was useless to Jiangning. What else did they say to take care of Jiangning and wait for the other party to free their hands to take care of themselves.

Sun Ling was stunned. His face was full of disbelief. Then he became panic. He released his hands, and the shotgun fell to the ground. With a bang, it went off.

But after that, sun Ling knelt on the ground, raised his hands high, and said in great fear, "don't kill me, don't kill me, I'll kneel down for you."

His face changed faster than the weather in Taibai Mountain. Jiangning also shook his head slightly. He had already said that he should consider the consequences of his actions.

He turns his head and looks at Yebai, but Zhang Niu has released his hand and caught Li Lanyin. Yebai jumps from the top of the mountain with a rope.

"This man is determined, but is the night family here? I need to speed up the pace of controlling the holy hand hall." Jiangning said, turning to look at Sun Ling kneeling in front of him.

Then he directly kicked away sun Ling's burden, and those climbing tools fell directly down the mountain. Jiangning said faintly, "if you can get out of the mountain in such a situation, why not forgive you?"

As soon as the voice fell, sun Ling kowtowed to Jiangning immediately, "no, Mr. Jiang, if there is no food and water, I can't make it through the day, I can't get out."

In cold weather, if there is no food, he can't keep his temperature. Besides, he is still on the top of a mountain. After what happened just now, he sweats all over and shivers now.

He knew that if he was left here by Jiangning, his chances of survival would be very small, "Mr. Jiang, I owe a lot of money, I'm still young, I just see money, Mr. Jiang, Dr. Jiang, forgive me."

Jiangning looked at Zhang Niu, nodded slightly to the latter, and then made the same decision to Li Lanyin as sun Ling.

As for the man who ran away, Jiangning thought that maybe he would meet again soon. He didn't have to take the risk to chase him especially in this snowy mountain environment, and he didn't have the spare time.

I felt much faster when I went down the mountain, but it still took three days. When I finally came to Camp No. 1, the people of holy hand hall were still here.

"This time we picked the medicine, just because we went to the cold temperate snow mountain, they were killed. I don't know how many people can come out in the end."

Zhou Ning also announced the result to everyone. It's not that Jiang Ning didn't care about Wang Qiang, but that he didn't see Wang Qiang when he went down the mountain.

Everyone was surprised at the result, but in the end, there were not many people who would struggle. They also cherish their lives and would not risk entering Taibai mountain again for these people.

"Well, we can only hope that they are lucky and have their own way. We can't help more." Among the interns, someone spoke out the voice of the public.

Zhou Ning said that the search and rescue work had already been carried out, but it didn't seem to have much credibility. After all, these interns didn't see people entering the mountain except for them, and they didn't see anything like helicopters.

Finally, they did some research near the No. 1 camp, and went into the mountains again to pick some drugs such as radix astragali.

Then he went down the mountain. It was a job. But Zhang Niu left as soon as he went down the mountain. After all, he rushed back to save his niece.

At this time, Jiangning is in the hotel, he is on the phone, and the person on the other end of the phone is Deng Xiangjun.

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