Half a month has passed since the Chen family banquet. Chen Lan and Yulan are a little depressed. After all, one has lost the industry he has been fighting for for a long time, and the other has lost the opportunity of prosperity.

But Chen Lan also asked Jiangning that day, why did he do it?

Jiangning shook his head and said, "I wanted you to be recognized by the Chen family, but their faces are too ugly."

Chen Lan has the same feeling. After all, the Chen family has gone too far for them.

Zhang Hai's son also transferred from Ningcheng No.1 Primary School to a very ordinary school.

It's not Jiangning who gets in the way. It's just that his son, at a young age, shows off everywhere when he enters Ningcheng primary school. He is specially recruited by the headmaster, causing a lot of hatred.

Zhang Zhengyan had been sheltering before, which was explained by his father after all.

But all of a sudden, he received a call from Jiangning saying that he didn't need to give special treatment to the child any more, so without Zhang Zhengyan's protection, his son would be in tragedy.

Zhang Hai also took over Chen's pharmaceutical industry, and he was extremely disappointed when he got what he wanted.

"Wife, let's go, let's go out for dinner, and mom, let's join us."

Jiangning asks Chen Lan and his mother-in-law to go out for dinner. He is busy these days, but Chen Lan doesn't know what he is busy with.

They had to go out to dinner with Jiangning. After dinner, Jiangning took them to the vicinity of baicaotang.

"Jiangning, don't try to answer me. You know it's sad enough for my daughter to lose baicaotang." Magnolia also reflected a lot, unlike before open mouth and shut up to scold waste.

However, after all, he is the culprit for Chen Lan's loss of the big company, and his previous accumulated good feelings are all gone. He can only say that he is indifferent, has no hatred, and has no good feelings.

"Look, wife." Jiangning stretched out his hand and pointed to a plaque with two big characters of medical hall written on it.

Chen Lansi didn't understand what Jiangning meant. When she looked around, the medical hall was just across the street from baicaotang, and she suddenly gave a bitter smile.

"Husband, I don't have baicaotang now. If I had seen a medical school here before, I would have found out the details of the other party for the first time."

"Just now, what does it have to do with me?"

Jiangning doesn't speak, just takes out a key, hands it to Chen Lan, and then leads her hand to the door of the medical hall.

"Do you remember, when I took your hand, I gave you a world."

Jiangning affectionate looking at Chen Lan, before he is useless, weak period, like Chen Lan, but dare not move her.

But now, after the period of weakness, it's time for Chen Lan to give it back.

After that, he took Chen Lan's hand and opened the door of the medical hall with the key.

"See, after this is your herbal hall, but the medical hall is different, its name will ring through Ningcheng, even the whole of China." Jiangning full of domineering finish this paragraph, and Chen Lan has eyes full of tears, stand on tiptoe, in Jiangning lips a kiss, then hugged him.

"Hey, you should pay attention to the influence." Although Yulan spoke, she was shocked this time. Jiangning really gave her a surprise.

Had Jiangning and Chen Lan always been so close, she would have rushed up to separate them.

"Tomorrow, let the medical hall open, let the herbal hall close down completely, save you sad, Chen family, also collapsed, from now on, the rich Chen family, you are the owner."

Jiangning has 100 billion yuan of assets. If this money goes down, sows can fly to the sky with wings. He is a great doctor in Jiangning. What can he do wrong.

Chen Lan stretched out a finger and gently touched Jiangning's lips.

"No, you are the owner of the rich Jiang family."

"It's time to wake up. It's just such a small medicine hall. It belongs to the rich Jiang family and Chen family."

Although Yulan scolded, she couldn't hide the excitement in her eyes. At least Jiangning had the domineering power. She was most afraid that Jiangning would become the mud before.

As for the rich, magnolia is only a joke.

Chen Lan looked at as like as two peas, but this medical hall was even more new.

"When to start business is a question of personnel. I'm the only empty handed shopkeeper at present."

As Chen Lan strolls around, the medicine inside is complete, and the consulting room is also arranged. It can be said that the only thing left in this medical hall is opening and recruiting staff.

"It's just one family. There are 18 hospitals in Ningcheng under renovation. Do you know who the owner is?"

In fact, Chen Lan doesn't have to guess. She's just a little shocked. Jiangning has created 18 hospitals in just half a month.

"Eighteen, not even nineteen here, can Jiangning be managed by me alone?"

Jiangning comfort a few words, finally let the mother and daughter are satisfied.

"By the way, the day after tomorrow, we are all ready to open."

Jiangning finally threw a bomb out, but at this time, Chen Lan and her daughter are no longer so surprised.

After all, Jiangning had thrown out 18 property rights certificates. Other people rented all the stores. He bought them directly.

What makes Yulan most satisfied is that there is only Chen Lan's name on the property right certificate.

They just lost 20 million big companies, but in a flash, they had tens of millions more real estate.

Yulan doesn't know any more. If you look at the stores on the commercial streets and the stores in high-end residential areas, you will know that the property rights are expensive.

Although surprised, but Chen Lan held her, do not let her ask.

"By the way, Chen Xi came back very late recently. Why don't you ask her, and we'll pick her up by the way?"

Yulan can't help saying that her favorite is the two daughters.

Chen Lan smiles, takes out her mobile phone and dials it, but more than ten times in a row, Chen Xi's mobile phone is in the off state.

Her face turned white at once.

"Husband, Xi Xi's mobile phone is turned off, will something happen?"

This sentence, even Yulan's face has become extremely ugly.

Jiangning pondered for a while, comforted the mother and daughter, "don't be afraid, maybe it's just that the mobile phone is dead, let's go home and wait."

After hearing this, Chen Lan immediately shakes her head. Chen Xi is most afraid that her mobile phone has no power. She is not afraid to carry two power bank when she goes out. How can she have no power.

Besides, Chen Xi often comes back late recently, which is not normal.

Jiangning can only continue to comfort two people, with two people on the car, "maybe Chen Xi has already gone back."

Jiangning smiles and finally sends the two people into the car. He claims that he has something to do and he stays.

He took out his cell phone, before the smile suddenly disappeared, his face became extremely ugly.

Just five minutes ago, he received a text message, "if you want to find Chen Xi, come to Haotai club. You can only come by yourself. You are not allowed to call the police."

Jiangning then showed a cruel smile, he seems to have not been angry for a long time, but today, someone will suffer.

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