The next day, Chen Xi took Jiangning out early. Yulan and Chen Lan were strange. After all, Chen Xi always hated Jiangning.

Blue sky cafe, Jiangning holding a cup of mineral water sitting next to Chen Xi, they sat opposite a girl, called Wang Ting.

Wang Ting seems a little cramped, "that, Xi Xi, what do you mean when you bring your brother-in-law to me?"

Jiangning light drink a mouthful of water, has not spoken, even Chen Xi want to speak are held by Jiangning.

Wang Ting wanted to go, but every time she wanted to stand up, it was like a big mountain on her shoulder, which made her unable to stand up.

Ten minutes later, the water in Jiangning's hand had been finished. He finally said the first sentence from entering the door, "who asked you to harm Chen Xi?"

Wang Ting wanted to retort, but Jiangning's eyes were too terrible, and the pressure appeared on her shoulder again.

She quickly cried out, if that thing is said, the person behind will not let her go.

But if she didn't, she felt that Chen Xi's brother-in-law would not let her go now.

Jiangning's eyes are too cold, even if Wang Ting knows what he dare not do in public, Wang Ting feels extremely afraid.

Wang Ting was perturbed. She took the newly bought LV bag and threw it to Chen Xi. "Xi Xi, I'm sorry. This bag is for you. Please don't worry about it with me."

Although she apologized to Chen Xi, her eyes were staring at Jiangning.

She has a premonition that the person opposite must have seen through her, and that person knows everything she thinks.

But she found that this apology did not satisfy Jiangning, because the pressure on her body was growing.

"I said, I said!"

As soon as this sentence was said, Wang Ting found that the pressure had disappeared, and she immediately felt that she was crying.

"I'm sorry, it's Zhang Hai. He and my father are classmates. He gave me money to buy this LV bag. That's why I am, I am."

Jiangning waved to her not to go on. He probably understood.

Just Zhang Hai, he should have got what he thought of, but why not let Chen Lan and his family go?

Chen Xi can't bear to hear this. She always thinks that Wang Ting is her best friend, but she betrays her.

And for a fake Lv.

Chen Xi has seen that bag before, and Chen Lan likes it better, but this bag is limited, about 400000, so Chen Lan didn't buy it.

But they often search the information of this bag on the Internet. They have a good understanding of this bag, so she can see that this bag is fake at a glance.

"Wang Ting, we will break up later. Do you know that I was almost insulted last night?"

Chen Xi is usually very strong, always smiling, but today, Jiangning saw her eyes have two drops of tears.

Wang Ting raised her head and asked incredulously, "Chen Xi, our friends for so many years, I have apologized. What else do you want?"

Wang Ting is a little angry, so many years of friends, just for this little thing.

Indeed, in her opinion, this is a small matter, because after all, Chen Xi was saved and nothing happened.

She felt that it was a joke, and it was a joke.

"You know, it's a fake, fake."

Chen Xi threw the bag back and ran away with her face covered.

Jiangning snorted coldly. Although he didn't want to take care of the matter, he still wanted to say something when he saw that the girl didn't know how to repent.

"If Chen Xi had not been saved last night, her life would have been ruined, and her best friend would have ruined her life."

"Do you think it's terrible? What would you do if it happened to you?"

Wang Ting a Leng, she did not consider these, according to her opinion, she is a joke.

Just Jiangning this point, she reflected.

Sometimes, people don't pretend to be confused on purpose, just the terrible consequences in their mind, they choose to escape.

Wang Ting cried, crying very sad.

Jiangning said and left, after all, Chen Xi also want him to chase, otherwise she ran out alone, what happened is not good.

Chen Xi is just angry, and a little sad, in fact, she is not so unbearable, roared two, also relieved a lot.

She looked at Jiangning, who was always with her, and was moved.

"Brother in law, was I too mean to you before?"

Jiangning nodded. He didn't need to be polite. After all, he was a family, just like he didn't care about Chen Xi's unkindness.

Chen Xi was stunned, ordinary people should not be polite at this time, don't care, don't feel mean and so on.

Jiangning didn't, but Chen Xi thought it was very good. If Jiangning said that, she would be very sad.

After all, being polite means that the relationship between two people is not so good.

"By the way, why is Zhang Hai aiming at you?" Jiangning thought for a long time. If Zhang Hai wants to rectify people, it must be Jiangning instead of Chen Xi.

Chen Xi thought about it, and she suddenly realized.

Zhang Haizhi came to find her, bought a lot of clothes and bags for her, let her through the relationship with song Xiaotian, to build a relationship between Zhang Hai and the Song family.

Just rejected by Chen Xi, and because of the previous family dinner, Chen Xi said a few impolite words.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi also told Jiangning the reason of the matter.

Jiangning did not speak after listening, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Just like before, Zhang Hai wanted his son to enter Ningcheng primary school, but also to pull Chen Lan to find Zheng Shaofeng.

This time, in order to catch up with the Song family, I want to sacrifice Chen Xi.

Jiangning didn't want to worry about Zhang Hai, but Zhang Hai challenged his bottom line again and again.

Jiang Ning is also a little angry because he can only do some dirty tricks.

However, as Jiangning, he is not going to specifically target Zhang Hai, but next time, he will not be soft handed.

Jiangning thought of this and saw that it was almost time to go back with Chen Xi.

"Brother in law, you see that man's face is so white. I want to be so white, too."

Jiangning looked at the white woman and frowned. The woman didn't look simple.

In Jiangning's eyes, this woman's identity is not simple.

It's just that this woman doesn't look white, but a kind of unhealthy pale.

But there is no foundation on her face. What a white question can be said is that the woman should be ill.

"Brother in law, I saw you peeping at beautiful women. I'll go back and tell my sister."

Chen Xi reaches out a hand and shakes it in front of Jiangning's eyes. Seeing Jiangning's recovery, she quickly thrusts her waist and says angrily.

Jiangning shook his head and forced Chen Xi to leave.

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