Li Lu and Kong Nian are both Jiangning. They are confused by their serious faces. They look around in a hurry, but they can't find anything.

Jiangning eyebrows slightly wrinkled, eyes such as torch, constantly scanning around.

For a long time, Li Lu couldn't help but ask, "Jiangning, what are you looking at?" She looked in the direction of Jiangning's eyes.

At this time, because of the tiger thing, there were fewer people in the street, but these people seemed to be just watching the crowd, as if there was nothing special.

"You step back." Jiangning took a step forward and kept them behind.

Then, his eyes were gloomy, and he noticed a breath, which was so strong that he had to pay attention to it.

Counting the time, it's been a long time since Wang Daotian was pressed by him under the ice and snow. Wang Daotian should have come out.

Can't it be that Wang Daotian has found this place? It's too fast.

Jiangning shook his head and didn't think much. Even if Wang Daotian came, he could only fight with all his strength.

This is the first time that Li Lu has seen Jiangning show such a serious expression. Even if she had dealt with the elders of the pan family before, it was just two hands at random.

But now, she keenly felt that a terrible breath was about to rush out of Jiangning's body, which made her feel chilly.

This kind of breath, even if it just leaked out, also let her have a kind of feeling that she can't lift her head.

At this time, Jiangning moved forward a little, this step really affected Li Lu's heart, she quickly looked forward.

She wanted to see what terrible characters came to make Jiangning so serious.

All of a sudden, Jiangning's body disappeared in front of her. She was stunned and wanted to chase Jiangning, but she couldn't even notice the direction Jiangning left. How could she chase Jiangning?


After a while, Jiangning stopped in an open space on the outskirts of Qingcheng. He gave a cold hum and said in a loud voice, "what do you mean to lead me here?"

"Come out." Jiangning's voice was not big, but it spread slowly and reverberated continuously. The voice became louder and louder.

Then Jiangning's eyes fell on the corner of the open space, where there was an old man walking slowly.

But then a large number of people came from afar and soon surrounded Jiangning.

Jiangning's state of alert was relaxed when he saw the old man. He thought it was Wang Daotian, but it seemed that he was just too nervous.

"Boy, do you know what it's about to ask you to come?" A middle-aged man came out with a sneer.

If kongnian were here, he would recognize this man. This is Xu Nianlin, the boss of Qingcheng medicine hall and the second younger brother of the Xu family.

Moreover, these people around Xu Nianlin are all the leaders of the medical industry in Qingcheng. This time they join hands to come here, the purpose is definitely not simple.

Xu Nianlin looks at the old man around him. If he didn't come here, he might not have the courage to stand in front of Jiangning and face Jiangning.

At first, he thought Jiangning could deal with it easily, but after careful investigation, he knew that Jiangning slapped down the two elders of the pan family.

This kind of power is obviously not so simple to deal with, at least his Xu family does not have such power, so he invited the old man to come.

"I really don't know anything." Jiangning was a little displeased, which led him here. In the end, he asked himself if he knew anything and where he knew it?

He is really idle, because a vague breath has come here.

Jiangning shook his head, looked at the people around him and said faintly, "if it's OK, I'll go back." As soon as his voice fell, he really took a step.

He never joked that he wanted to go back, that is, he wanted to go back!

"Stop!" Xu Nianlin felt insulted. The boy in front of him actually said he would leave. How he didn't pay attention to him?

But he said this, as if he didn't say it. Jiangning still wanted to leave without looking back. He took a deep breath, tried to hold back his anger, and cried out: "I told you not to leave!"

"Smelly boy, if I let you go today, I won't be Xu!"

Jiangning heard the words "Stinky boy" and walked slightly. But what really made him care was the sentence "Xu". He remembered that kongnian once said that the Xu family seemed to be dealing with him.

He is worried that he can't find the person who ruined his shop. Now that the Xu family is here, he has to make a good inquiry.

The door of his own house was smashed. Naturally, Jiangning was not happy.

"The Xu family?" Jiangning asked, "is there anything wrong with the Xu family behind the Qingcheng medicine hall?"

"Yes, I'm the Xu family behind the Qingcheng medicine hall. Now that I know, you know what we're looking for?" Xu Nianlin sneers.

He saw Jiangning's puzzled expression. He didn't know him. Now that he knew his identity, he should know what he came for.

Although he wanted to see Jiangning trembling with fear, he knew that the boy could slap the pan family, which was obviously unusual.

However, this time, he was well prepared. Everything was in no hurry. This boy can take care of it slowly.

At this time, Jiangning is some inexplicable looking at this Xu Nianlin, this person does not know what to think, with a strange smile on his face.

"My hospital, did you break it?" Jiangning asked faintly.

Xu Nianlin didn't listen too clearly, so he heard a smash. But now, arrogance is enough. He sneered and slowly said, "it's me, so what?"

Jiangning slowly turned his body, stretched out his hand and said: "since it's you, lose money, maybe I can choose to forgive you."

"What are you talking about?" Xu Nianlin's face suddenly sank. What does that mean? They came to Jiangning today to ask for compensation. Instead, Jiangning asked them for compensation?

Jiangning opened this small hospital for free. It took away a lot of customers and earned a lot of fame. Now many people blame their doctors for making money and not having any medical ethics.

This matter is related to the whole medical industry in Qingcheng, which is a violation of the interests of all of them!

"I don't think you're awake yet. Ask me for money?" Xu Nian was angry at Linton.

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