"Mr. Jiang, this guest's situation is a little complicated. Could you please have a look?"

It was the first time that Wang Yuan saw such a disease. He was not sure, so he had to ask Jiangning to have a look.

Jiangning nodded slightly, looking at the sick young man in front of him, frowning tightly.

He observed for a while, the other looks sick on the surface, but in fact the body is very healthy, should not be sick.

"Cough, don't you have a doctor here who can look after my illness?"

"Thanks for your daring to call it the hospital. I think it's better to close early."

The young man kept shouting and coughing up some blood intermittently.

When he saw Jiangning coming, he put a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then he covered it up.

It's just that these little moves can't hide Jiangning. Naturally, Jiangning also saw them.

"You're not sick. You can go."

Jiangning waved, but he didn't have the spare time to entangle with each other.

Jiangning turned around and was about to leave, but saw a middle-aged man walking into the hospital and coming towards them.

"This gentleman, I'm Li Qiang. I'm a traditional Chinese medicine. Let me help you to have a look."

Jiangning heart sneer, this also too coincidental, is not when he Jiangning is a fool?

He held his hands, went to one side and sat down carelessly. He wanted to see what happened to these people.

Li Qiang and the young man obviously knew each other. He quietly winked at the young man, and no one noticed except Jiangning.

"I'm a traditional Chinese medicine. Now most people don't believe in traditional Chinese medicine. You can trust me."

Li Qiang asked the young man.

The young man's performance was in place. His face was full of tangles. After nodding and shaking his head, he spoke with great uncertainty.

"If you can cure me, I'll believe it."

Jiangning shakes his head. This young man is so interesting. If he really doesn't believe in traditional Chinese medicine, why come to the medical hall to see a doctor.

Seeing that all the people around were watching the excitement without any doubt, Jiangning felt helpless.

Li Qiang sat down and began to feel his pulse. He frowned and sometimes bowed his head to write down two herbal medicines.

"Your illness is very complicated. I'm only five points sure that I can cure it."

Li Qiang looks at the young man with a complicated expression, clenching his fist slowly, then loosening it, as if he had made up his mind.

"I'm willing to try my best to use my ancestral medical skills. Do you believe me?"

When the young man saw Li Qiang's sincere expression, he seemed to have made up his mind. He took Li Qiang's hand and nodded his head.

"Well, believe me, I will cure you."

Li Qiang gave a big drink, took off his coat and took it seriously.

"Ha ha ha."

All of a sudden, there was an untimely laugh. People turned to see it, but found that it was Jiangning who was laughing.

"I'm sorry, you go on."

Rao is Jiangning's state of mind. Seeing this scene full of acting skills, he can't help laughing.

Li Qiang turned his head, pointed to Jiangning, constantly shaking his head, looking extremely disappointed.

"You are still the boss of the hospital. When you see the patient suffering, you still laugh?"

"Do you still have any medical ethics? Do you open a medical school just to make money?"

Li Qiang's words are just and awe inspiring. Looking at the medical hall and Jiangning, he looks very sad.

"I, Li Qiang, have been practicing medicine for 10 years. I have traveled all over China, seeking neither fame nor profit, just to be able to practice medicine."

"Well, I'm really a good doctor. Now people are too utilitarian."

The onlookers began to coax and applaud for Li Qiang.

Li Qiang pressed his hands in the air and motioned everyone to stop. When the onlookers were quiet, he continued.

"In this hospital, when they see a disease that is not well treated, they let the patient go, saying that the patient is not ill."

"Look at this young man, his face is blue, his lips are white, and he has no blood color. Isn't that a disease?"

Li Qiang helped the young people stand in front of us, so that the onlookers could see more clearly.

"Yes, I don't know medicine. I can see that this young man is ill."

"It's really pitiful that the hospital should drive a patient out."

Jiangning listened to the taunts of the people around him and sneered in his heart. Looking at the anxieties of the employees and Wang Yuan, he was even more helpless.

If he didn't want things to get worse, he would have applauded them.

Clap for their acting.

"Don't blame the doctor hall, maybe it's just because I can't afford to pay for it."

The young man covered his mouth and coughed up blood again.

Jiangning looked at the young man's sleeve and laughed.

"No, it's just that this hospital is too unscrupulous. I'll see you for free."

"Should the poor wait to die when they are ill? I don't believe that. "

When young people heard Li Qiang say this, tears gradually left in their eyes.

Around the onlookers, the aunts began to blame the hospital, and some emotional people even left tears.

"Garbage doctor, close the door."

"If you don't have money, you don't want to see others. What's the reason?"

"I'm going to post today's events on the Internet. I'm going to let people in quanningcheng and Huaxia see how dark this so-called medical hall is."

A few people yelled, and people around them began to echo, taking out their mobile phones to shoot.

Seeing this scene, Li Qiang sighed and helped the young man leave slowly.

But they walked so slowly that some sharp eyed people found them.

"Dr. Li, are you here?"

Li Qiang sighed and shook his head at the medical hall.

"If the patient is ill, I'll take him to treat him. If we continue to make trouble like this, won't it delay the treatment?"

Jiangning faintly looks at these two people. The script of the scene is drawn out by Li Qiang and the young people. How did it become a delay in treatment by the medical school.

But the people around have already started to make trouble, constantly criticizing the hospital.

"Delay treatment, is this the medical hall or the harm hall?"

"Harm hall, close the door, close the door!"

Jiangning smile, before selling quit smoking powder, we all aimed at this reputation to buy medicine.

And the charge of medical hall is the lowest in Ningcheng.

But after such a thing happened, Jiangning was a little bit cold hearted. These people ignored the accusations, and no one spoke for the hospital.

Jiangning didn't want to do it, but now this situation, the medical hall has been inexplicably pushed to the forefront, he can only do it.

He flicked his fingers at the young man, and the look in his eyes gradually became cold.

The young man's eyes suddenly widened, and a lot of blood flowed out of his hands, which gradually dyed his whole body red.

Then the pupil gradually lost his look and fainted on the ground.

Li Qiang is completely dull now. It's just acting. What's the situation? How is it different from what they said before.

"Dr. Li, please help me."

Seeing this, people around him kept shouting at Li Qiang Qiang.

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