People follow the voice to see, even Ningcheng best doctor said can only maintain life, unexpectedly someone would say can cure, who is so big tone?

The staff of baicaotang knew Jiangning. When they saw that the speaker was Jiangning, they began to talk about it one after another: "Alas, isn't this Mr. Chen's husband? When is he going to be a doctor?"

An old employee knew Chen Lan better and said directly, "my husband is just a useless son-in-law. He has been married for several years and doesn't go out to work, so he stays at home to eat and drink from Mr. Chen."

The voice of the old staff was loud, and it reached the ears of the ladies. They thought Jiangning was a figure, but they didn't expect that he was a waste husband. They also said that he could cure my son.

The lady was slightly angry in her heart and said sarcastically, "Oh, this is Mr. Chen's little white face. It's not bad. I didn't expect that he was very clean on weekdays, but he kept a little white face in private. So Mr. Chen is good at this?"

The lady's words were so strange that people felt very uncomfortable. As soon as Jiangning looked cold, she was about to attack.

Zhao Kang is also an understanding person. When he heard his wife say this, he said with a smile, "there are many rich CHILDES pursuing President Chen. I didn't expect that you finally fell in love with a soft eater, which makes people laugh."

Jiangning snorted coldly. His eyes swept the two people in front of him coldly. The flame of anger was burning in his chest. "I was going to treat your son, but now I've changed my mind. I beg my wife to forgive you. I can still save your son, or your son will die."

Zhao Kang is angry and laughs, beg her? Who gave him courage?

Zhao Kang clapped his hands, and more than a dozen bodyguards in black came around, "please? I've never asked anyone in Zhao Kang's life. What kind of thing do you want me to ask you for? "

People who were still watching before were shocked to see so many bodyguards in black. They quickly dodged for fear of getting into any trouble.

Jiangning face unchanged, light said, "qualification? The best doctors in Ningcheng can't cure your son, but I can

Wang Yuan thought that Jiangning was just talking wild, so he ignored him. Unexpectedly, he insisted repeatedly that he could cure Mr. Zhao. He has been practicing medicine for more than 30 years, and he can be called a medical champion in Ningcheng. Now he is trampled by a hairy boy?

"I've been practicing medicine for more than 30 years. Even if the president of Jiangcheng hospital sees me now, he has to call me an elder. You are a young man in your early twenties. Do you know medical skills? I don't think I'm invincible after reading a few medical books at home! "

"Ha ha, in your opinion, what's wrong with Mr. Zhao?" Jiangning is really going to laugh. How about more than 30 years of boasting? When I talked with Hua Tuo, I'm afraid your grandmaster was not born yet!

Wang Yuan said with a smile, "you are a junior. What qualifications do you have to ask me questions?"

Mr. Zhao's body seems to be over tonifying and kidney deficiency. In fact, Wang Yuan didn't see what the disease was, so he could only use it to prevaricate.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Jiangning laughed, "can't you even see his illness? Then your medical skill is really good. "

When Zhao Kang heard that the two of them were arguing, he kicked the bench under his ass and yelled angrily, "what are you fighting for! My son is still lying here, I tell you, either cure my son today, or pay 10 million, or I will smash your shop! "

Hearing Zhao Kang's instructions, the bodyguards in black surrounded Jiangning and Chen Lan in the middle, eyeing.

Jiangning face unchanged, motionless file in front of Chen Lan.

Chen Lan biting her lips, she knows that today this thing can not escape, Zhao Kang such a person, how is she this kind of small company boss can provoke.

However, she was very pleased. When his staff saw these black bodyguards running away, only Jiangning was still standing in front of her. She suddenly felt that Jiangning's thin shoulders were very safe and seemed to support her.

But no matter how strong the form is, Jiangning can't beat so many black bodyguards no matter how brave he is.

"I'll pay for that ten million." Chen Lan clenched her teeth and said, "it's a big deal to sell the house. It's barely enough to make up 10 million.".

When Zhao Kang heard this, he waved his hand, and the bodyguards scattered. "It's good that Mr. Chen has been like this for a long time. Why should he be so embarrassed? But if Mr. Chen married a rich young man, it would be better solved today."

Zhao Kang did not forget to satirize Chen Lan at the end, saying that Chen Lan gave up the pursuit of so many rich CHILDES and married a useless son-in-law. If she married a rich childe, it would not be so difficult to even take out 10 million.

Chen Lan thought that when the matter was finally solved, Jiangning said: "we don't pay, it's not the problem of our medicine, why let us pay!"

After hearing Jiangning's words, Chen Lan's face is shocked. She finally calms things down. Jiangning will start to make trouble again.

Before Chen Lan spoke, Zhao Da lying on the ground suddenly became short of breath, and the whole person began to twitch.

On hearing this, the lady rushed to her, "son, my poor son, what is this?"

Seeing his son's condition getting worse, Zhao Kang was also anxious. "Dr. Wang, if you can cure my son, I guarantee that you will be promoted to vice president next year."

Wang Yuan's embarrassment is not that he can't rule, but that he can't rule. Vice president, how many people dream of a position that they can't reach in their lifetime.

Jiangning sighed and said, "when people live, the kidney is the place where Qi gathers, and when the kidney is injured, Qi disperses. Mr. Zhao's eyes are sunken, his cheeks are raised, and his face is sallow. This is the manifestation of excessive indulgence and deficiency of kidney yang."

Knowing his son's virtue, Zhao Kang snorted coldly, "everyone knows that. It's nothing to guess."

Wang Yuan also agreed, and also timely embellishment, "originally the kidney is not good, but also took fake medicine, this is the last straw to crush the camel."

The lady cried out, "broken drugstore, I want you to bury my son with me."

Jiangning sneered, "your son didn't come to baicaotang today to buy medicine. He should have asked a girl to go out, but he ate a brother in advance before he came, which led to coma."

Zhao Kang was just about to say how his son could take that kind of medicine when a box of blue medicine came out of Zhao Da's body. Zhao Kang picked it up and frowned. He was right.

When Jiang Ning just spoke, he was scanning the expression of those employees. He pointed to a girl who was evasive. "It's you. Stand up."

Jiangning then said, "it's estimated that your son just wants to go out to bed with this one to exchange life. If you don't believe it, she should have two people's chat records on her mobile phone. Secondly, what's your identity, what's your son's identity, and you'll always follow the bodyguard subordinates. If you really want to buy medicine, why do you come by yourself? "

"Besides, it's certain that your son will not be mended. The girl has a good figure. I think your son will be excited after seeing it. He will take this medicine everyday and his liver will be seriously damaged. To sum up, all three of the five zang organs are damaged, which leads to the present situation."

Wang Yuanyuan was sweating a lot. He knew that he had met an expert today. He had checked several times before and could only see that Mr. Zhao had kidney problems.

"In about three minutes, your son will start to shock."

Although Jiangning's words are astonishing, there is sufficient evidence, but no one refutes it. We just wait for the time to pass, and three minutes later we can verify whether Jiangning is bullshit or really has medical skills.

As long as three minutes arrive, if the son Zhao Da is really what Jiangning said, it's not too late to ask him to treat his son, Zhao Kang thought.

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