Seeing off some annoying flies, Jiangning returned to the living room.

Chen Lan, Yulan and Chen Xi's face are not very good, they are still struggling for the previous things.

Originally, they had forgotten that they had gone to the family dinner well before, but they were swept out of the house, but the Chen family appeared again.

"At least it's a family, too, alas."

Yulan sighed and took Chen Lan's hand.

"But they did that to us."


Three women all sighed, that kind of being driven out of the house is really not very good.

Their family had been working hard to get the approval of the old man before, but in the twinkling of an eye, everything was meaningless.

Finally ready to let go to start a new life, Chen family appeared again.

"From now on, there will be only one Chen family, that is us. Don't think about it any more."

Jiangning comforted a, before Chen Lan uncle's family, even Chen Yun old son has never looked up to him Jiangning.

It turns out that everything in Jiangning can be tolerated for Chen Lan's sake.

But Mr. Chen Yun didn't even care about his old love, so he drove the Chen Lan family out of the Chen family.

How could he give that Chen family a good face.

Now they want to interfere in their lives, and Jiangning will not allow them.

"By the way, I'm going to make you a piece of jewelry. All three of you have it. You can choose it."

Jiangning just opened the plastic bag that hit the table before and took out four dirty stones.

But when the stones were turned over, the eyes of the three people were bright.

"King green, this is king green, isn't it?"

Magnolia looked at the emerald ring on her finger and took it off.

This is a gift from Zhang Hai, she has been reluctant to throw it on her hand, but now why is she wearing this ring.

"Husband, how beautiful."

Chen Lan takes a fancy to qingbingyu at a glance. She likes the cool feeling very much.

"Can I have all three?"

Before, Chen Xi didn't like jewelry all the time. She always thought those jewelry were too vulgar.

But now when she saw these exquisite jades, she felt that she had suddenly changed her attitude towards jewelry.

"Well, Ma wants the Imperial Green, right? Lan Lan wants the green ice jade, and Xi Xi wants the exquisite jade."

Jiangning is not stingy. It's just the jade he wants to use to set up his battle. Now there is a shortage of materials.

"But I'll do it for you later. Let's do it one by one this time."

After seeing how many people had chosen, Jiangning asked them what parts of jewelry they wanted, and then went to the basement with the three pieces of jade.

The Yin Qi big array has not changed well, he naturally dare not let three female follow him to the basement.

The basement has bright lights and high-power air conditioning to regulate the temperature.

But the air in the basement was extremely humid, like water dripping.

The temperature is also very low. Jiangning takes a look, and the air conditioner is running normally. The set temperature is even as high as 30 degrees.

But even he felt a little cold, and the Yin here was stronger than other places.

Jiangning didn't care. He sat down with his knees crossed, put the smallest black stone in his hand, and cut it like a knife.

There were only two fingers left in the stone, but suddenly there was a purple light.

"Ziyang jadeite, I've lost sight of this stone."

Jiangning was slightly stunned. Although he thought the black stone was extraordinary, he didn't expect that it was Ziyang jade.

What he saw before was a turquoise ball. He thought it should be a piece of warm jade, but he didn't expect it to be Ziyang jade, which is much higher than warm jade.

This Ziyang jade, even before he had only seen one the size of mung bean, now it is the size of a finger.

"It seems that this is really right. Ziyang jadeite and qingbingyu complement each other. This spirit gathering array also has a core, but it would be better if there were Lanji Bingyu."

Jiangning murmured to himself, waving away all the remaining pieces of jade.

"Yin Yang reversal gathering spirit array, that's it. There's just so much Yin Qi left here."

Jiangning closed his eyes and began to recall the spirit gathering array. He waved a whole piece of jade into many small squares.

Aura surging, each piece of jade has been carved on a talisman.


Jiangning murmured.

Above the villa, Chen Lan looked up and found that the whole villa group was shrouded in white clouds.

Wisps, like the very rain Ningcheng.

"From the base."

Jiangning murmured again, a yin-yang fish gradually appeared between his two hands, and then the whole yin-yang fish cage covered the villa they were in.


Jiangning's forehead gradually exuded sweat this time. Now his cultivation has not recovered completely. It's really a bit reluctant to arrange such a large array.

Qingbingyu and Ziyang jadeite gradually merge into a small yin-yang fish, then slowly floating in the air, constantly flashing.

"Mom, do you feel a lot more relaxed and I feel much better?"

Just when the spirit gathering array was completed, the whole villa where Chen Lan and her family lived was suddenly covered by clouds and fog. From the outside, it was like a fairyland, unable to see the whole picture.

"Eh, why there's so much fog all of a sudden. It's so beautiful."

Chen Xi is sitting on the bay window in the room playing games, but the scene in front of him surprised him to put down his mobile phone.

Jiangning is sitting cross legged in the basement, the layout of the big array let him almost overdraw all his aura, he now wants to take advantage of the most rich aura to start training.

After a night of silence, Jiangning opened his eyes and slowly vomited out a mouthful of turbid Qi. His cultivation improved a little.

Zheng family, now the father and son of Zheng family have become slaves, the whole Zheng family has become the vassal of Qian family.

At this time, there were almost no living people in Zheng's villa, which looked like a ghost house.

"Qian zhengran, go and help me see the villas we built before. There's something wrong there."

Yuxu sat in the hall of Zheng's family with his knees crossed. His momentum was constantly fluctuating. After explaining, he quickly closed his eyes.

"Home owner."

Qian zhengran looks like a middle-aged man, but his actual age is 60 years old. He vaguely sees the blood spilling from the corner of yuxu's mouth, so he naturally has some worries.

"All right, go and have a look."

Yuxu light response, villa group construction of the array of nature is not a junior Qian Nan can complete, that is his handwriting, Qian Nan is just a guard.

This array was set up by him for Refining Essence and blood. It had some connection with him, but just now the array suddenly changed, and the connection was broken. He was implicated and hurt.

Qian zhengran agreed, and then withdrew.

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