Chen Feng's face is ferocious. He slowly rushes towards Yulan and Chen Lan. Since the other side doesn't cooperate, why is he polite? He can only use some means.

Chen Feng's hand has been raised, constantly shaking in mid air, but how did not fall.

"You can do it." At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the garden chair, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly full of panic.

"You're a man or a ghost." His hand was up in the air, and he couldn't take it back or fight it down. He couldn't understand what was going on.

"Is it a man or a ghost? You seem to want me dead. " It was Jiangning who appeared. He had just put Chen Xi upstairs. How bold he was to hear Chen Feng dare to fight his family.

Chen Feng looks at Jiangning, and her mouth is full of ridicule. Although she doesn't know why Jiangning is here, maybe it's just Jiangning who has escaped. If Jiangning has solved the problem, she can't believe it.

Chen Feng didn't notice the cold sweat on Chen Feng's forehead. She went directly to Jiangning, pointed to him and said, "waste, do you think it's useful to run away? Sooner or later, the immortals will find you and kill you. I will tell the immortals that you are here. "

Chen Lan stopped her tears. She thought Jiangning was dead just now, but it turned out that Jiangning was in good condition. Her hanging heart finally fell down, "no, what about Xi Xi? Husband, have you seen Xi Xi? "

Yulan doesn't dare to see Jiangning's expression. She's afraid that something might happen to Chen Xi.

"I sent her to bed."

Magnolia heard Jiangning's voice and opened her eyes. Her face was full of happiness. She put her hands together and looked at heaven. Her heart was full of piety.

Just now, she kept praying that her family was OK. At this time, Jiangning and Chen Xi came back. She felt that heaven had eyes and heard her devout prayer, which didn't make any accident happen to their Chen family.

"Yes, big waste and small waste have escaped. The immortals certainly disdain to chase you. But when my husband Zhang Haixue comes back, he will not let you go."

Chen Feng's eyes are full of pride. Jiangning is a little bit fierce, but no matter how fierce he is, can he be immortal? When Zhang Hai comes back, he can still clean up Jiangning.

At this time, Chen Feng is already in a cold sweat. He has seen the world. Since the immortal said that Jiangning is better than death, he must be ready to fight against Jiangning and even take Chen Xi as a chip.

But now Jiangning has a faint smell of blood, but people are sitting in front of them in good condition. He has a frightened guess, "Jiangning is more powerful than the immortal, and has killed the immortal."

But he doesn't open his mouth to remind Chen Feng that he can't even move his body, so he can only watch Chen Feng's vicious words against Chen Lan's family, full of ridicule.

He yelled in his heart to let Chen Feng stop talking, but it backfired.

Chen Feng walked into the villa of Chen Lan's family carelessly. She felt this side and that side. She kept saying, "yes, this furniture is good."

"I don't like Chinese style sofas. They are all made of wood. They are not good-looking. When I sell that piece of white marble and import a set of all foreign style sofas from DaXiZhou, I really remember."

Chen Feng closed his eyes. The Chen family is finished. Why can't Chen Feng see the situation clearly until now? Even if he looks at himself, he knows that the situation is wrong.

"Ah Feng, come in and see if this carpet is imported from Persia. It's said that there are one hundred thousand of this carpet."

"How can you stand at the door? I know you're going to threaten Chen Lan and his family, but there's no need. The gods can frighten them."

Chen Feng's eyes are full of luxurious furniture, antique vases that seem to be of great value, as well as any famous red wine and foreign wine in the wine cabinet.

"This tea table can't be made of pear blossom and Begonia wood. It's a luxury. Sister LAN, have you ever touched this tea table with your dirty hands and feet?"

Chen Feng doesn't expect that carpet any more. In her opinion, how can Chen Lan's family have such noble taste? They should not move to this tea table.

"The Persian carpet has been changed. I don't like it when your family tramples on it." Chen Feng spat directly on the carpet, her eyes full of disgust.

After that, Chen Feng is the rich woman in Ningcheng. Her identity is different. How can she use the things that Chen Lan's family has contacted? She has money, she has changed everything.

Zhang Hai's husband used to be very good at school. She is a returnee. Now she must be very quick to learn the art of immortals. Her vision can't be so short. She is just a small Ningcheng. She wants to be a broad-minded woman in Huainan province.

"Chen Feng, take your crazy sister and go away." Jiangning already had impatience in his eyes. From the first sentence, he wanted to drive people away.

But Chen Lan stopped him and looked at Chen Feng sympathetically. So did Yulan.

"Waste, do you believe I'll let Zhang Hai tear your mouth when he comes back?" As soon as Chen Feng turns her head, Chen Lan and Yulan's eyes are saying that they pity her.

"You think I'm crazy, too? Now I'll call Zhang Hai and ask my husband to turn you out to be beggars. Why do you feel sorry for me? " Chen Feng's voice became very sharp. She stepped on her high heels and walked to Chen Lan. She took out her mobile phone and turned it into hands-free on purpose.

"When my husband answers the phone, you're done." After the beep, a man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Look, my husband has answered the phone. He may be half immortal now. Your family is waiting to beg." Chen Feng picked up her cell phone and put it to her mouth.

Jiao didi said to the phone, "husband, do you have the means to become an immortal? I'll wait for you to go home. I'll tell you, today I'll come..."

"Are you the wife of the phone owner? Although I know it's hard to accept, your husband didn't become an immortal. His body was found in the countryside. Please be patient. By the way, can you come and claim it? "

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly widened. Is Zhang Hai dead? The body has been found. Didn't you contact them before because Zhang Hai is dead?

"Are you mistaken? That's not my husband. My husband is Zhang Hai. I'm sorry I have the wrong number." Chen Fengman is puzzled to see a mobile phone screen, above impressively write and husband call.

"Did you pick up my husband's cell phone, so you're joking with me." The smile on Chen Feng's face has gradually solidified.

"No, we are the police station, Ningcheng East branch. Three days ago, we found a male corpse. The corpse was highly rotten. We can't find the identity. We can only change his mobile phone card to our mobile phone. You are the first one to call."

Chen Feng's eyes gradually dull, cell phone Bang fell to the ground, fragmented.

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