Jiangning slowly stepped out of the plane, the weather in Luodu is full of haze, today is still a cloudy day, the whole sky is gray, and there is no smile on the face of the road.

"Get out of the way. Why are you in the way?"

Hearing this voice, Jiangning slowly frowned, gently sidestepped and dodged the push of the man behind him, but the man continued to push towards Jiangning.

"Boy, get out quickly. There will be a big man coming out soon. We are here to pick up the plane." The man said that the black suit should be a kind of bodyguard.

Jiangning slowly turned his head and walked out of the airport.

"Hey, look at you." The bodyguard is not happy in his heart. It's a big reception. He can't make any mistakes. If the man comes down to the airport and sees other people, the boss will blame him.

"Miss Feng is coming. We all want to welcome her. What are you doing here?" Just at this time, another man in black came in a hurry and ran away before pulling him.

"Here's a minute. Get out of here." The man left a word, he had run away.

Jiangning would not be angry with each other because of this small matter. Without raising his head, he walked out of the airport.

"I'm not saying that I don't want to see some irrelevant people at the airport. Can't you hear me clearly? I'm from the Feng family. " Feng Ling stepped out with her high-heeled shoes. Her figure was outlined in a cheongsam. She was a beauty, but her words always made people feel uncomfortable.

"You Zhang Jia are getting worse and worse. Zhang De, why didn't he come to meet me in person?" Feng Ling covered her nose, and all the people in black around her could only stand far away.

When they just called out to welcome Miss Feng, Feng Ling covered her nose and said that their poverty had smoked her.

"Zhang Shao has a surprise for you outside the airport."

Before the speaker came near, Feng Ling turned her head and walked out, "what surprise can he prepare for me, and stay away from me when talking."

There was anger in the eyes of those people in black behind, but they dared not speak up. Feng Ling's condescending attitude and superior tone made them very uncomfortable.

As employees in the security company, they often receive big people, and naturally they will not let their body have any strange smell to make big people uncomfortable.

They even got news that everyone had gone to the bathroom before they came, and they had perfumed perfume, but Feng Ling looked like they had a bad smell on her body, and kept her at a distance. What was she like?

Jiangning slowly out of the airport, suddenly, a salute rang up, petals from the sky.

"Asshole, trash, you don't look, it's not Lingling coming out."

Zhang De's face is full of anger. The surprise he had carefully prepared is how to get out of a smelly boy. How can this make him happy.

"Roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll Zhang Deji came up and waved to the security guard to drive Jiangning away.

At this time, Feng Ling had come out with an unhappy face, "OK, Zhang De, your surprise really surprised me."

"It's all these junkies. Originally, this is to welcome Lingling you. As a result, this boy took the lead."

"You don't have a good look. Are you welcome this boy? None of them went out with brains today, right?"

Listening to Zhang De's words, many people who welcome her are helpless. Don't you think Zhang Da Shao can't look directly at Miss Feng? They don't dare to lift their heads, and then they hear the voice of high-heeled shoes coming out, but they didn't expect that it wasn't Miss Feng.

Feng Ling was also angry. She wanted to surpass Jiangning and come out ahead of time, but she couldn't catch up with Jiangning and still fell behind.

Zhang De went to Feng Ling with a flattering face, knelt down on one knee, took her hand and gave her a light kiss. He gave her a big bunch of bright red roses.

Feng Ling's expression was a little better. "How about today?"

Feng Ling's words made Zhang De smile. He looked at Feng Ling seriously and said, "I will give you a satisfactory explanation."

Zhang De turned and looked at Jiangning, with a grim smile on his lips, and then rows of bodyguards rushed up and surrounded Jiangning in the middle, "boy, you say how to calculate today's account."

He sneered in his heart. Originally, a good welcome would have been yelled by this boy. Now Feng Ling is angry. How can she let the other party's anger go down.

"Blame me?" Jiangning raised his head, light said, he went his way, did not do anything, this thing is their own wrong, how to blame on his head.

"Today's welcome party is not for you. You came out first to gain the face that doesn't belong to you. What do you plan to do?" Zhang De said coldly that the bodyguards around had begun to clear the scene.

"Then apologize." Jiangning's face became gloomy gradually. The other side was determined to blame him. He didn't even care about what he had been scolded by this man before.

Zhang De looked happy and indifferent. He thought he was a character, but in the end he didn't admit his advice. But today it's not so simple.

"Sorry? This is a must, and the money for the salute, the staff and the petals are all carefully prepared by me. I have made great efforts to welcome Miss Feng. "

"You have to apologize, but you also have to offer one million yuan to make amends to Miss Feng."

Zhang De observed Jiangning for a while, and found that clothes without a sign on them, even the brand goods were sold on the market, which was a poor force.

"It's ok if you can't pay for a million yuan. You have to kneel down and climb out behind Miss Feng."

Feng Ling also nodded when she heard this, which was a good way to deal with it. At least she let the poor boy know who he had accidentally provoked.

"I think you're wrong. I mean you apologize to me." Jiangning light said, not afraid of the surrounding this group of fierce security.

When Feng Ling heard this, her face broke down immediately. Does this poor boy mean to ask them to apologize to him? This is counting her as well as Feng Ling, isn't it.

"I told this boy before that I would clear the place and go out quickly today. Now, Zhang Shao has made a big trouble. He is so arrogant now. This can't be done well."

Just now, the security guard who met Jiangning said to the people around him. Suddenly, the faces around him looked at Jiangning with sympathy.

It turned out that someone had tried to persuade the boy, but the other party didn't listen to him. At this time, he still spoke rudely to Miss Feng and Zhang Shao. Where did he get the courage.

"Say it again." Zhang De's face has been black, "you just said to apologize, is playing with me?"

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