Feng Kun's face was full of shock. What he was most proud of was his medical skills. Even his teachers praised him for his talent and talent.

Otherwise, he is not qualified to participate in the assessment of shengshoutang, but he was eliminated.

"I don't agree. I must know an answer today." He thought it was a bad day. He just made a few sarcastic remarks.

As a result, he was scolded before the assessment started, and then he lost face all the way to the present, not to mention being eliminated. Today, he seems to come to see a joke for everyone.

"Mr. Shen, although I offended you just now, you also said that the medical skill of shengshoutang decides the position. I think my medical skill is not bad. Today, even if I am really eliminated, you must have a reason for me to be convinced."

Shen Tianying took a look at Feng Kun and said, "do you mean I'm going to trouble you on purpose?"

Feng Kun sneered in his heart, but his face was scared. "How dare I say such a thing? I just think it should be fair and just. There's a reason to lose, right?"

Feng Kun is not mean and arrogant. Anyway, he has already annoyed the other party. It's better to make a big deal of it. It's a big deal to change a few examiners to have a look.

He doesn't believe that his medicine is really bad to such a degree, maybe it's the old guy's old eyes, or deliberately targeting himself.

"Mr. Shen, you said just now that the prescription of this one was too strong. Have you forgotten? Just fierce medicine how can take care of stomach

Feng Kun obviously refers to Jiangning. Is he worse than a bumpkin? He thinks it's impossible.

Recognizing acupoints is better than himself. It just means that he has a better ability of rote memorization, and he is still very frightened at the first test.

The second test is clearly his inspiration. How can he say that he is copying the old prescription? He doesn't believe that Jiangning is better than him in both tests.

"I've also thought about asking him about the medicine of this little friend. His medicine can really achieve the effect of recuperation. Although it's just fierce, it's necessary to take strong medicine for serious illness."

"In fact, among all the examinees, there are some medicinal materials with strong properties, which are not completely reconciled."

Shen Tianying began to talk about it, and began to analyze the situation of the female patient he said, "she was born with a cold stomach, which is also a key point. Although she doesn't say it, you all have some guesses, which is good."

"Guess what use, can't really find out the disease, then how to suit the remedy to the case, I can't agree with that." Feng Kun thinks that the so-called famous doctors are just like this. They are old and muddleheaded. The method of curing diseases and saving people is full of adventure, which runs counter to what they have learned.

"You should have studied western medicine." Deng xiangtian directly glared at him, "western medicine will have such a conservative way of treatment, traditional Chinese medicine in many cases there are examples of adventure."

"I once took over a patient's esophagus. I don't know why there was an unknown object stuck there. The patient was very painful and occasionally had difficulty breathing."

"Western medicine repeated examination, excluding cancer, all kinds of diseases, and finally did not find out why."

"A country doctor saw the woman patient, and without saying a word, he hit her on the chest twice and hung her upside down and ran on her back."

"At that time, there were several doctors who dared to toss patients like this. As a result, I don't have to say. You understand."

When Deng xiangtian said this, everyone nodded slightly.

"If I'm right, that woman is from the Feng family." Deng xiangtian took a deep look at Feng Kun and said slowly, "I don't know if it's your mother."

Feng Kun's face changed for a while. There was such a thing. That's why he began to study traditional Chinese medicine. But he didn't expect that Deng xiangtian knew it and said it.

This is using their Feng family's affairs to hit Feng Kun in the face. To put it bluntly, he himself is not in his face. You know, a few minutes ago, he advocated not to guess, not to mess around, and to find the right disease.

Shen Tianying said slowly, "this kind of conjecture is not blind conjecture, but according to all the causes of the patient to see to think, in the end why there is such a situation."

"Therefore, they all agree that the patient's stomach is cold and the body is deficient, and the deficiency is not compensated, so they add a little stimulation in the conditioning, but they don't warm it up any more. It's really harmful if the patient's stomach is cold and the body is deficient."

Shen Tianying's last sentence exploded in Feng Kun's mind. He really became the laughing point of the whole examination. There was not a word right from the beginning to the end.

There was not a time when he pretended not to be beaten in the face. His face was full of ferocity and his eyes were full of madness.

"I don't agree." Feng Kun roared and took out his mobile phone, "I'll call the people of shengshoutang. You are all United. You collude to suppress me, right?"

"Genius is to be suppressed, I understand, I understand."

Jiangning leaned aside and marveled. He really suspected that the Feng family had a history of latent mental illness. Otherwise, why did the first Feng family he met go crazy.

Feng Kun was the second Feng family he met. He went crazy because he couldn't stand the blow because of a little frustration.

Ji Changfeng just opened his eyes, eyes full of disgust, said, "our holy hand hall a pair of medicine price 100000, you know you just use the cost of medicinal materials more than 100000."

"Then our holy hand hall will lose money. No matter who you recommend, the way to prescribe medicine is to harm our holy hand hall."

Jiangning slowly remembers this season's long wind. The innate superiority in his speech shows that this person is the object to be cleaned up.

He knew Deng xiangtian, otherwise he would not be so angry when Feng Kun mocked Jiangning at first.

It's hard to say about Shen Tianying, but his medical skills are worth nodding, which is also a kind of affirmation for him.

Jiangning said slowly, "what is the third test? Or say

Shen Tianying sighed, slowly spitting out a few words, strange medicine can live.

"The third test is that you can freely use the medicinal materials in the holy hand hall, and then sell them in one day. During this period, you can't be said to be the people of the holy hand hall."

"The most important thing is that the herbs you prepare should be simple to use, that is, cheap, but can treat difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and have quick effect. During this period, you can cooperate with your acupuncture treatment."

"That is to say, for the third test, you have to find a patient by yourself, and then cure him. Our holy hand church will send two members to accompany you."

What Shen Tianying dislikes most is this test. Even if she only treats patients, who can make more money than them.

Feng Kun sat on the ground and muttered to himself, but the examiners had already left.

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