“The Longteng Plan includes Yanguo’s first modern city, Yanguo seaport terminal, and Yanguo Expressway.……”

As Chen Yang spoke, he kept pointing out the locations of airports and ports on the map.

Immediately, he picked up the thick book-like volumes he took out of his backpack.

He took out a book and opened it. On the pages were exquisite architectural drawings outlined with lines.

Chen Yang said: “This is the Yancheng underground pipeline design drawing.”

Then he took out another book: “This is the Yancheng ground transportation planning and design drawing.。”

“This is the design drawing of Yanguo International Airport, this is the design drawing of Yanguo Port, this is……”

He took out the design drawings one by one and kept introducing them.

Listening to Chen Yang’s confident and powerful words and looking at the detailed and professional design drawings, netizens were shocked and speechless.

Ports, airports, cities, highways…

overnight, the prototype design drawings of a country were all built?

Not to mention a small island, even in developed countries, if you want to design these drawings from scratch, the design time of a single project will be calculated at least in months.

All done in one night.

is it possible?


But the premise is, how much does this cost?

How much manpower is required?

Even the most ignorant layman can clearly understand that the funds required are absolutely astronomical!

The total value of the design drawings in Chen Yang’s hand is probably worth several billion!

Although Chen Yang did not say clearly who provided these help, it has come to this point, and netizens are not blind.

Fishing boats, yachts, sports cars, helicopters, tens of thousands of workers and various construction vehicles.

There are also maps drawn overnight, as well as these complete design drawings.

Those who can accomplish so much work overnight must either be a big country with strong confidence.

Or, it’s a consortium with strong financial resources.

The only thing that they can’t understand at the moment is why the other party wants to fund Chen Yang to build such a desert island country?

It makes no sense at all.

But no matter what, one fact can be seen from the actions of these countries or consortiums.

That is, they are taking the initiative to help Yan Country move towards urbanization.

The future of Yan Kingdom is full of hope!

Chen Yang put the design drawings away one by one and said: “I will publish the design drawings on the Yanguo website later. Interested friends can check it out by themselves.。”

“Next, is the second thing。”

“Damn, I forgot one more thing。”

“Come on, tell me what the second thing is. ”

Chen Yang thought for a while and said: “The second thing is that starting from today, Yanguo will sell 50 billion RMB of treasury bonds, with a face value of 100 yuan. The savings treasury bonds purchased by investors will accru

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) e interest from the date of purchase. The principal and interest will be paid in one lump sum upon maturity, without compound interest. No interest will be accrued on overdue redemptions.。”

“Treasury bonds are divided into 3-year and 5-year terms. The annual interest rate for the three-year term is 2.63% and the annual interest rate for the five-year term is 2.75%. You can directly log in to Yanguo’s official website to check。”

“You can download the Yanguo APP and purchase national bonds directly in the APP. The Yanguo APP has opened payment channels for various countries.。”

“In addition, all those who purchase national bonds can obtain Yan Guo’s passport for free! Chen

Yang looked serious and said in a solemn tone: “This is the last opportunity for Yan State to obtain a passport by purchasing national bonds. In the future, national bonds will be sold and no more gifts will be given.”。”

“I’m so excited! 50 billion!”

“The king is awesome, he will start selling government bonds now!”

“I really didn’t expect this move, it was so ridiculous!”

“Even the website and APP are ready, your efficiency is terrible, right?”

“I did the math. From the time I bought the island through crowdfunding to now, it’s less than a week in total.。”

“This APP is so well made, so silky smooth! I can’t believe it, this is a government APP?”

“The website is so beautiful, the aesthetic is simply amazing。”

“I didn’t catch up on crowdfunding to buy the island, but I will definitely support this wave of national debt!”

“A passport from a deserted island is of no use. Only fools buy national bonds.。”

“Yes, it’s just a deserted island. You don’t know when it will end.。”

“Brothers, please don’t buy it. This is a waste of money. You don’t really think this guy will use 50 billion to build a country, do you? It is estimated that the money will disappear within minutes as soon as it arrives!”

“No, what guarantee do you have for the repayment of this national debt? Just rely on your deserted island? What is the difference between this and the White Wolf with empty gloves?”

“I’m scared, I’ll just buy it for 100 yuan anyway。”

“This is the last way to get a passport by buying national debt. You won’t feel bad even if you lose 100 yuan.。”

“Afraid of wolves before and tigers behind, people like you are destined not to achieve great things。”

“Life is a gamble all the time. Betting 100 yuan on the passport of a future developed country is worth it!”

“Are you actually worried that Yan Guo won’t be able to pay? There is obviously support from a big country behind Yan Kingdom!”

“100 yuan, bought it!”

“I am now beginning to suspect that the big boss should be backed by a consortium rather than a country, and there is more than one consortium!”

“Yes, I think so too. These consortiums probably want to create a new developed country through their bosses!”

“If you don’t get on the bus now, when will you wait? “

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