Farms and fisheries don’t need many people.

But here’s a trickier question.

Generally speaking, workers in these two industries with more mature experience have more stable incomes than other industries, and they are not too young.

If you just recruit people, it will be a bit difficult, but as long as you give enough money, you can definitely recruit them.

But Chen Yang is not just recruiting.

Farms and fishermen are the jobs he has prepared for Yanguo citizens, and he does not plan to recruit from outside.。

“A little difficult, but not too much。”

“There is nothing that money cannot solve. If there is, it must be because the money is not enough. ”

Chen Yang picked up a pen and paper and first determined the positions and personnel salaries required by these two industries.

After the position salaries were determined, Chen Yang added the required related equipment to the purchase list.

Once everything was done, Chen Yang Save the article and wait until all the national bonds are sold and announce it together with the live broadcast. At

two o’clock in the afternoon, 50 billion treasury bonds were sold out.

Chen Yang did not waste any time and started the live broadcast immediately. The

live broadcast started suddenly, but the traffic was here, and it didn’t take a while , online can easily exceed 10 million。

“I lost it, is it on again?”

“Why are you so diligent in starting the broadcast today?”

“Is there something big to announce again?

Chen Yang said: “Good afternoon, everyone. “。”

“Temporarily launched, announcing three things。”

“First, all Yanguo’s 50 billion national debt has been sold。”

“Hold the grass, sold out?”

“50 billion, sold out in just four hours?”

“Who is buying it?”

“50 billion is not much. Our country only sold 1 trillion some time ago. You can’t even buy it if you want.。”

“Can these be compared together? Our country’s credit is high, and the national debt is guaranteed to make a profit, and large institutions can buy it for billions.。”

“Yanguo’s national debt is open to the world for sale, and 50 billion is really not too much.。”

“When is the next Treasury bond sale? ”

Chen Yang said: “The second thing is about the procurement of the Longteng Project. The procurement list is as follows.……”

“1. 100,000 tons of drinking fresh water and 200,000 tons of domestic water。”

“2. Organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur……”

“3. Cement, yellow sand……”

“4. Excavators, concrete mixers, pile drivers……”

Chen Yang listed out all the things he needed one by one: “I will post the purchase list on the Yanguo website later. Major companies can send quotations directly to my email. Please indicate the affiliation of the email you send. countries and companies。”

“Next comes the third thing – bidding! ”

After Chen Yang finished talking about the procurement matters, he immediately announced the third thing.

When everyone heard it, they immediately became energetic.

Especially the leaders of many companies, they turned off the barrage function at this moment and concentrated on it.

Chen Yang said: “This bidding is for the whole world, and the bidding is open to the whole world . The projects

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) mainly include submarine cables, Yanguo base stations, drinking water plants, and power stations.……”

“Let me put it into perspective, it’s both procurement and bidding. How much does it cost?”

“People have 50 billion, so many projects like this are worth a lot of money。”

“The country was founded yesterday, and 50 billion was raised today, and the construction of the country is in an orderly manner. It is really hard to imagine that all this can be done by one person.。”

“His abilities are indeed awesome, a bit too much.。”

“I used to think that he would develop the fishing industry first, and then make money bit by bit and develop the country. It turns out that the boss and I are not on the same level. ”

Chen Yang said: “Major companies please send their budget bids directly to my email, and please indicate the country and company you belong to.。”

“Okay, that’s it for today’s live broadcast, goodbye everyone. ”

After the notification, Chen Yang immediately published the purchase list and bidding projects on the official website.

As for the immigration plan, we have to wait.

At least until the infrastructure construction is completed.

As for when these infrastructure constructions will be completed, it will be completed very quickly. .

The efficiency of the simulation engineering robot is three times that of ordinary people.

And it works 24 hours a day, which is equivalent to five times the efficiency of ordinary people.

All 10,000 people are invested in the construction of Yancheng, and it can be completed in a month at most.

If he wants to , you can buy 10,000 more robots and throw them in, and the efficiency will be even higher.

It is possible, but it is not necessary.

The construction speed is too fast, which can easily attract unnecessary attention.

The construction of airports, ports, highways and farms , must also be carried out simultaneously.

His plan is to complete these infrastructure constructions within a month.

Once the infrastructure construction is completed, the first batch of immigration plans can be officially implemented!

After he downloaded the broadcast, it also appeared again on the Internet His hot search.

The 50 billion treasury bonds were sold out, which shocked some netizens who had no idea about money.

At the same time, it also gave confidence to investors from various countries.

The 50 billion treasury bonds were sold out in 4 hours, which means that ordinary people are also optimistic about it. The development of Yan Country.

Although most ordinary people just follow the trend of others.

But it is only with the participation of ordinary people that investors like them can benefit.

At the same time, countless companies of all sizes from various countries can log in immediately. Download the purchase list from Yanguo’s official website and check the bidding projects.

Based on the list, provide a quotation and budget, make a bid, and then send it to the email address left by Chen Yang.

Here, not long after Chen Yang finished broadcasting, he suddenly received a call from Longguo phone number。


【Begging for flowers, begging for monthly tickets, begging for evaluation votes]

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