Yanguo, Exit-Entry Administration Bureau.

Chen Yang opened the system backend and saw hundreds of visa applications, almost all of which were tourist visas.

Both visas require a clean criminal record and take time to issue.

It had only taken less than half an hour. Only the officials from various countries could prepare all the materials so quickly.

He took a look and saw that the number of applicants from each country was similar, ranging from four or five to a dozen or so.

From the number of applications for these visas, we can roughly see how much countries pay attention to Yanguo.

There is attention, but the level of attention is not as high as Chen Yang thought.

This was also what Chen Yang expected.

The only thing Yan Guo has shown now is that he is rich.

He is very clear-headed and knows which things can be touched at this stage and which things cannot be touched even to death.

It’s not that he is incapable of making nuclear threats, but the problem is that doing so is completely meaningless.

It will not promote the development of Yan State in the slightest, but will make many people who have hopes for Yan State become timid.

You are a country that is just starting out, and you are starting to use force against other countries before your economy has developed. Who would dare to go there?

Keeping a low profile, attracting people, and rapidly developing the economy are the top priorities of Yan State at the moment.

As for other countries coming to colonize, or launching military force to suppress it…

this problem almost does not exist.

Now it is no better than before. In the past, the great powers used to colonize crazily. However, today with the mature industrial and agricultural socialization system, it is the other way around.

In order to allow the colony of Surinan to become independent, Holland almost knelt down and begged, but Surinan refused to agree. In the end, he reluctantly agreed, but offered a sky-high price and required Holland to pay 6.5 billion Dutch guilders before becoming independent.

After several discussions, Holland finally got rid of Su Linan after paying 3.5 billion Dutch guilders.

The same situation exists in French Guiana and Puerto Rico, which are frantically trying to get rid of this burden.

However, after seeing the poor life of its former brothers Guyana and Suriname after independence, French Guiana resolutely rejected the French proposal and refused to be independent.

As long as they are not independent, they will have the nationality of the country at birth and enjoy the national treatment and various subsidies of the country. Once independent, they will become today’s Guyana and Suriname in minutes.

The same is true for Puerto Rico, which has neither rich oil, natural gas or other resources, nor its own advantageous industries. Once it breaks away from the United States and loses financial subsidies, it will soon become a backward and poor country, and its living standards will plummet.

In order to maintain its current wealthy life, Puerto Rico is not only unwilling to be independent, but has continuously held referendums to join the United States and become the 51st state of the United States. In order to prevent Puerto Rico from becoming a heavy burden to itself, the Uni

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) ted States directly refused.

But despite this, Puerto Rico still belongs to the United States in name. Except that they do not have the right to vote or be elected, they have the treatment enjoyed by Americans.

Similar to Puerto Rico, there is Saipan, the island closest to Yanguo.

A small island that was also unwilling to become independent and voted to become an overseas territory of the United States through a referendum.

Yanguo is such a modern city, and no resources have been found on the island. Even if there are, Chen Yang does not intend to investigate for the time being, because it is not yet time.

For such a small island with no benefits at all, the so-called colonial behavior is no different from taking over.

Looking around the world, where wars occur today, they are either caused by resources, or by issues left over from history such as territorial disputes and geopolitics.

Yan Guo does not have any of these problems.

Of course, with the development of the Yan Kingdom, there will definitely be some problems in the later period, and there will definitely be troubles caused by the country overtly or covertly, but everything will be within a certain range.

As long as Chen Yang doesn’t mess around too much, there will basically be no big problems, and small problems won’t be a problem.

After closing the backend, Chen Yang did not process these tourist visas.

Although he released the tourist visa, he planned to delay it for a few days.

Wait until these workers are in place before processing.

The reason why tourist visas are issued simultaneously is because they are worried that officials from various countries and some investors may occupy work visas in order to come to Yan country.

Chen Yang opened a document, typed on the keyboard and wrote down a few keywords.。

“Tax laws, prices, insurance. ”

Of the several things he announced today, the most talked about was the luxury cruise ship, and the most discussed was recruitment. However, the investment

promotion that many investors are looking forward to was not mentioned. It is not that it was not mentioned

, but that the tax law has not been implemented. .

He has reserved a lot of shops in Yancheng, intending to prepare them for people who want to come to Yancheng to do business and open stores. There are not many shops, and he

mainly plans to use a few as models to promote them.

But if there are not more, the corresponding tax laws It also needs to be determined.

For those who choose to operate independently in the early stage, Chen Yang plans to provide corresponding tax benefits in the first year.

And migrant workers recruited from abroad will be exempted from personal income tax in the first year.

After one year, they should pay taxes When paying taxes, whether you are an external employee or a citizen of Yan State, the tax rate is the same.

Chen Yang called up the personal income tax rates of various countries and planned to refer to them.

While referring to the tax rates of various countries, he made plans for Yan State… No, it is for Yan City. Tax rate.

He temporarily plans to use Yancheng as a pilot first. Although Yanguo is currently limited to this city, it will be more convenient to change the tax law in the future if it is limited to one city.

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