“It’s delicious~~~”

Luffy, who swallowed the braised fish, looked at Xia Yu endlessly, his eyes were even more exaggerated with starlight, and asked excitedly: “Meat meat, I still want it!” ”

Luffy, who has been completely captured by delicacy, now he doesn’t even think about the origin of Xia Yu and this thatched hut that appeared in the remote area on the edge of the windmill village, and now he only has meat in his eyes! After seeing that Xia Yu had no reaction, he kept shouting while pounding the wooden table in front of him: “Meat!” Meat! Meat! ”

Looking at the stupid goose who completely regarded this place as his own home and was not familiar with it, black lines gradually appeared on Xia Yu’s forehead. The audience in the live broadcast room saw Luffy’s reaction, and the barrage exploded again.

“Even if this is a sitcom, this Luffy’s actor’s acting skills are really explosive! It was a perfect performance of Luffy’s foodie nature! ”

“Didn’t I just say that? If this is a sitcom, I will live broadcast and eat. The anchor Jebi has crossed into the world of One Piece! Luffy who appeared in the live broadcast room is also a real Luffy! ”

“The cow is approved! The anchor live broadcasts through One Piece, earning millions a month! ”

“So here’s the problem! If the anchor really crosses into the One Piece world, is his golden finger the live broadcast system? Wow, it feels great! ”

“Yes, yes, the anchor quickly said, whether you got a live broadcast system, can you answer the specific functions online!” Is it like in the novel, to earn points through live broadcasting, and then exchange for various powerful abilities and props? ”

“666, the cliff upstairs is a fan of novels!”

“Regardless of whether the anchor really crossed over, or a sitcom, just Luffy’s acting skills should be rewarded!”

All kinds of barrages flashed out densely in the live broadcast room, accompanied by many flashes of gifts! Although they are all free gifts, the atmosphere of the live broadcast room has been completely driven! This is an absolutely unimaginable picture for a streamer who has just livestreamed!

Xia Yu did not speak.

Looking at the barrage that kept flashing in front of him, he suddenly remembered that the system prompt he got was that as long as he turned on the live broadcast to get tips, he could convert these tips into tip points, and then use the tip points to exchange for various powerful abilities and props!

If you want to get tips from the audience in the live broadcast room, you must create a live broadcast effect.

Although many viewers in the anchor room now almost believe that he has crossed after seeing Luffy, they are not completely convinced! After all, crossing this kind of thing is too mysterious for the audience in the live broadcast room, and it is not enough to make them completely believe that Luffy appears in the picture of the live broadcast room!

Therefore, if he wants to survive in this pirate world where the strong are respected, he must create a live broadcast effect as soon as possible to drive the enthusiasm of the audience in the live broadcast room, and then let them willingly pay for it, and then fully arm himself with tipping points, so that he can live longer and longer in this pirate-infested world!

They have to pay for it.

Although there are a lot of free gifts in the live broadcast room now, he has not been prompted by the system at all, which means that free gifts cannot get tip points!

After some thought, Xia Yu secretly sorted out his mood, then raised his head slightly, looked at Luffy who kept shouting ‘meat’ with a calm face, and asked with a smile: “Luffy, we are friends now, right!” ”

“Yes, yes, yes!”

Luffy nodded again and again, and said with a dull expression, “We are friends now.” Meat! Meat! I’m going to eat meat! ”

“No meat!”

Xia Yu waved his hand and said helplessly: “I’m ready to leave this place, so what you just ate is the last food here!” ”


Luffy was stunned and asked, “What do you mean?” ”

“Go to sea!”

An imperceptible arc flashed at the corner of Xia Yu’s mouth, and said lightly: “Be a pirate!” ”


Luffy’s eyes lit up instantly, and he said excitedly: “Does Xia Yu also want to become a pirate?” It’s great, I’m ready to go out to sea and be a pirate! Or else, let’s go together! I’m going to be a captain, though! ”

Hey ~

Looking at Luffy, who became excited when he heard the word ‘pirate’, Xia Yu blinked, and a bold idea flashed in his mind!

Poor and white, he crossed here without the ability, so he could only create a live broadcast effect first. Now Luffy, the stupid goose with a pig’s foot halo added, he just used the protagonist aura of this product to stay for a while, and then took this opportunity to create a live broadcast effect to get reward points!

And the first step in creating a live broadcast effect is to leave this thatched hut that does not have a shop in front of the village and goes to the windmill village! As long as you walk into the windmill village and see the original characters such as the bar lady Marcino who appeared in the One Piece anime, the three views of the audience in the live broadcast room will definitely be refreshed again.

As long as he obtains a certain reward point in the windmill village to get a little ability to save his life, he can implement the second step and follow the ship to create a live broadcast effect!

As for the captain is not the captain, he is not interested, let Luffy go out in the limelight or something, after all, people have the aura of the protagonist! Most importantly, he knows the plot, and when his strength is not strong enough, he can use the good plot to avoid danger perfectly!


I’m so panicked, brothers, collect… emmm, what the hell is a double digit!

Well, I have to admit, I thought of this idea last night and started writing it on an impromptu basis, so the update was a bit slow. However, although the collection is small, the brothers in the book review area give me a lot of motivation, and the speed will slowly increase ha! And that’s next!

Let’s talk about the key points of this book, I believe the brothers have seen from the introduction, this is a live stream with the ship. Many brothers may think that following the ship is following the original plot, what is there to see? Feel relieved! This is definitely a live stream with the ship that the brothers have not seen, and the main style is light daily text, and occasionally the blood explodes!

Well, thank you to the brother ‘qq_**’ who was the first tip in this book!

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