Pirate World.

Xia Yu, who was rowing with Luffy, had no expression on his face, but he was panicked in his heart!

Because according to the plot in the anime, this cargo will encounter a current vortex after going to sea, and then he will follow the flow in his own barrel, and finally be fished on board by a passenger ship chef, and then the plot of Fat Arrita appears.

Although these are small characters, Luffy can clean up one punch, but he can’t be careless about it. After all, it was an anime plot, and now that he has come to this world and become Luffy’s first partner, he will have fun if something happens!

Glancing at the two wine barrels placed at the stern of the boat, Xia Yu’s brows furrowed even more fiercely! If the whirlpool really appeared at this time, then he could only nest in the barrel and resign himself to fate!

Although he had received nearly 600,000 tips when he started the live broadcast before, this was far from enough to redeem Luffy’s model template. Luffy’s character template can’t be exchanged, he’s a weak chicken now! If you don’t pay attention, you may finish playing.


Just when Xia Yu was secretly entangled, the boat under him suddenly accelerated, almost causing him to fall on the spot!

“Luffy, that’s it! Don’t speed up! ”

After grabbing the hull of the boat and sitting firmly, Xia Yu immediately shouted at Luffy, “Now that the sky has darkened, we don’t need to be in such a hurry!” ”

“I’m not rowing!” Luffy blinked, then looked behind Xia Yu with wide eyes with an exaggerated expression, and stammered, “Well… What a big whirlpool!!! ”

As soon as Luffy’s words fell, Xia Yu looked back reflexively!

At this look, he almost jumped up in a hurry. I saw that a huge whirlpool appeared on the sea not far behind him, and the reason why their boat suddenly accelerated was because it had completely entered the vicinity of this whirlpool, and was rapidly approaching the whirlpool with the current!

“Lying groove, this Nima is really afraid of what’s coming!”

Looking at the whirlpool that appeared in front of him, Xia Yu suddenly woke up, and while quickly picking up the oars, he shouted at Luffy, “What are you still stunned about!” Get out of here! ”

“Ahaha, it’s too late!”

Luffy stood up with a heartless smile and said excitedly: “Such an adventure, it’s too exciting!” ”


Seeing that Luffy was the same as in the anime, every time he encountered this kind of thing, he laughed heartlessly and lungs, and Xia Yu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, directly turned around and unscrewed a wine barrel and jumped in, and shouted at Luffy, “Don’t be stunned, quickly help me cover the lid ah bastard!” ”

“Haha, interesting!”

Seeing that Xia Yu jumped into the wine barrel and hidden, Luffy did not hesitate, swooped into another wine barrel, and then released his fruit ability to help Xia Yu close the lid…

As soon as he closed the lid of the wine barrel he was in, the boat was instantly engulfed by the whirlpool, and then the wine barrel of the two people was also involved and disappeared!


I don’t know how long it took, Xia Yu, who was curled up in a barrel, slowly woke up in a coma.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a sandy beach, and not far behind him, the barrel that had saved his life had been washed apart.

Seeing this, Xia Yu suddenly sobered up, and then quickly rolled over and sat up.

“Not dead?”

“Could it be that I also have a protagonist aura?”


Suddenly, a series of deafening roars came out without warning, and immediately afterwards, Xia Yu felt that this beach trembled!

“What’s the situation?”

Xia Yu, who was startled by this sudden roar, quickly turned around and followed the prestige!

At this look, he suddenly looked at the town that appeared in front of his line of sight with wide eyes in disbelief.

In the city, an incomparably huge statue fell for unknown reasons, and the rising smoke spread wildly.

“Town? Fallen statues? ”

“!!!! This is… Shells Town? ”

“Could it be that what just fell is the statue of Colonel Monka at the naval base in Shellstown! It was Luffy’s stupid goose that caused the statue to fall? ”

Thinking of this, Xia Yu’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Then, without any hesitation, he decisively started the live broadcast!

For his own live broadcast function, Xia Yu is already familiar with it. As long as he turns on the live broadcast, he will appear under the invisible live broadcast camera, and the system will zoom out or close the camera according to his situation, and even live broadcast 360 degrees without dead ends!

Xia Yu just started the live broadcast and appeared in front of the camera, and some viewers who were online and followed his live broadcast room poured in at the first time!

“Wow, anchor, you can be considered a live broadcast!”

“Anchor, are you shipwrecked? How to stand alone by the sea? ”

“Ahahaha, I just went to relive the pirate anime yesterday, and the anchor probably encountered a whirlpool like Luffy, and then jumped into the barrel to avoid a disaster!”

“Yes, you guys.” Seeing that he had just started the live broadcast, the barrage in the live broadcast room was brushed out, and Xia Yu said with some surprise: “I can actually guess what I went through!” However, you guessed the beginning, but not the end! Although I also just woke up, I can be sure that I must have been washed to the town of Shells! ”

“Of course, don’t pay too much attention to these details. Because after I found out that Luffy and I had been scattered, he had also come to Shells Town and was now working on Monkana! ”

“Although you have all seen what happened in Shells Town through the anime, I am still ready to rush over and have a live broadcast for everyone! If I get something new, I’ll open another raffle! ”

After that, Xia Yu stopped watching the barrage in the live broadcast room, turned around and ran towards Shells Town!


Tigerfish headquarters building, Chen Xuan’s office.

The secretary rushed to Chen Xuan excitedly, and said a little nervously: “President Chen, Xia Yu has started a live broadcast again!” ”

Chen Xuan nodded, and then silently logged in to the new vest LLLLLLLL that he had personally built after the previous meeting was approved. This is what he suddenly thought of at the end of the meeting, this 8L number, once a legendary Shenhao in an online game, recharged 100 million in the online game twenty years ago, and won a city by himself!

Although this 8L Shenhao was gradually forgotten later, Chen Xuan believed that using the Shenhao number in this ancient online game to send Xia Yu to the throne of the year was far better than building a new Shenhao!

After logging in to his account, Chen Xuan took a deep breath, then simply stood up and said, “Let’s start!” ”


The secretary did not hesitate, simply sat in Chen Xuan’s position, and spun a series of crazy tips!

With the name 8L appearing in the major live broadcast rooms of the platform, with the crazy tips of 8L in Xia Yu’s live broadcast room, the popularity of Xia Yu’s live broadcast room skyrocketed at an amazing speed!

Soon the tips from the live broadcast room of other big anchors on the Tigerfish platform also appeared, and the annual ranking drama began!


Today’s second chapter, and here to come! Ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for tips!

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