Seeing Zango’s reaction and Xia Yu’s dazed expression, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was instantly pulled to a new height!

“The anchor can really fool!”

“Give a thumbs up to the anchor’s acting skills, this live broadcast effect is even more barbaric! I have read a lot of fan fiction before, and I know that the protagonists in many novels travel through the past every second, but this is the first time that the anchor has seen such an operation! Cow Batch !!! ”

“Here it comes, and the black-bellied anchor is here again! He really wants to play the rhythm of the bad pirate world! First let Nami look confused, and now he is fooling Zango, will he fool Hundred Count Chloe next! ”

“That might be a bit of a suspense. Although the strength of Baiji Chloe is not comparable in the entire pirate world, his IQ is very high! If he followed Zangao to meet with Baiji Chloe, I am afraid that he would be kicked out by Baiji Chloe, and might even attack him! ”

“I don’t think so, Hundred Count Chloe is very confident in his plan!”

“Off?” Seeing that cold sweat broke out on Zangao’s forehead, Xia Yu blinked blankly, and then said: “I know, this is a secret operation, right!” ”

Saying that, Xia Yu put the conch away simply, “The live broadcast is off!” Gogogo! ”

Looking at the energetic Xia Yu, Zangao’s killing intent rose again in his heart. Although he didn’t want anything to happen before his Captain Chloe planned, Xia Yu already posed a threat to them!

He had to kill Xia Yu without knowing it.

“That… Xia Yu! ”

Zango no longer walked backwards, quickly followed Xia Yu and came to Xia Yu one step ahead, and quietly said, “Look at me!” ”

As soon as Xia Yu raised his head, he immediately raised his right hand, and a circular saw immediately fell from his palm and shook in front of Xia Yu’s eyes!

Without waiting for Xia Yu to react, he simply shouted, “1, 2, Zangao!” ”


As Zangao’s voice fell, Xia Yu, who was energetic and energetic a moment ago, suddenly fell to the ground and fell asleep!

Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room instantly fried the pan!

“It’s over, the anchor can’t steal the chicken and lose the rice!”

“I’m going, Xia Yu is great, this is be… Hypnotized? Zango’s hypnotism is a bit bullish, hey! ”

While the audience in the live broadcast room was inexplicably nervous when they saw Xia Yu being hypnotized and fell to the ground, Zan Gao came to Xia Yu with a gloomy face, and said with killing intent: “No matter what your origin is, it has now affected Captain Chloe’s plan, so you must die!” ”

Saying that, he used the circular saw in his hand as a weapon, and slashed down at Xia Yu as fast as lightning!

“If you choose to shoot!”

Zangao, who was about to kill Xia Yu to avoid the calamity, just made a move, Xia Yu, who was still sleeping a moment ago, suddenly stood up with a carp, and after dodging Zangao’s attack, Xia Yu raised his head slightly, swept away the cynicism just now, and said word by word: “Are you ready to die?” ”

“You… You weren’t hypnotized? ”

Seeing that Xia Yu actually woke up, he even dodged his own attack, and Zangao’s eyes tightened sharply.

Of course, Xia Yu was not hypnotized by him, as early as when he suddenly ran in front of Xia Yu, Xia Yu had already noticed, and the moment he put down the circular saw, Xia Yu was ready to prevent being hypnotized!

The reason why he fell was nothing more than to see if Zangao simply hypnotized him away, or wanted to kill him after hypnotizing him! Obviously, Zango made the stupidest choice!

In the face of Zangao’s murderous intent, if Xia Yu is cynical again, won’t he become a Virgin in a sense?

Therefore, since Zango chooses to kill him, then he must kill Zango!

“This is the end of the game!”

Looking at Zangao who took a step back and went out to look at him like a great enemy, Xia Yu rushed up to Zangao without any mud and water!

Seeing that Xia Yu suddenly rushed towards him, Zangao was just about to fight back, but his pupils contracted by the scene in front of him.

Because although Xia Yu’s body rushed up, his fist flew out in the opposite direction! The moment he reacted, Xia Yu’s fists suddenly retracted, carrying extremely domineering qi wave fluctuations and hitting him the chest, and the next second he flew uncontrollably high and rushed straight to the sky!


Looking up at the sky, Xia Yu shook his head very boredly, and said helplessly: “A good game plan has been destroyed like this, how to play next?” ”

“666, it’s hammered! The anchor is mostly a copy of Luffy’s rubber fruit ability! That move just now is the same as when Luffy used the Rubber Fruit ability to fight! ”

“Ahahaha, the anchor not only copied Luffy’s rubber fruit ability, but also liked to beat people flying just as much as Luffy! Poor Zangao, just flew away, then wouldn’t the next hundred Chloe’s plan be aborted? ”

“So, this live broadcast system of the anchor has the function of copying the ability of others? I just don’t know if the anchor can have other fruit abilities after copying the rubber fruit ability! Personally, I don’t like rubber fruits very much~”

“Upstairs relaxed, the anchor is a traverser, and the system is high-playing, how can he be trapped in the ability of rubber fruit!” I bet on a tea egg, and the streamer will definitely be able to replicate more abilities in the future! ”

“It’s a little bad fun, brothers!” After beating Zangao into the air, Xia Yu frowned and faced the audience in the live broadcast room, and said seriously: “My plan is to blend in with the Black Cat Pirate Group, and then not change the plot that may occur next, when the Black Cat Pirate Group receives Chloe’s order to go to Xiluobu Village to carry out burning and looting!” But now this plan is not working, so the brothers want to participate in it, how should we play? ”

“There you have it!”

Suddenly, Xia Yu’s eyes lit up and said, “I continue to pretend to be a member of the Black Cat Pirate Group to meet Chloe, just say… Let’s just say that Zango suddenly pulled thin? ”

“Poof… Anchor don’t make trouble! Chloe doesn’t know you and will definitely be suspicious! ”

“This is interesting, believe it or not, let’s go play first!” Also, the anchor must be careful with Chloe, that product is also a big yin pen. ”

“Decided! Just play! Xia Yu didn’t look at the barrage, and simply made a decision, “Go to see Chloe instead of Zango, if he believes it, we will pick up the previous plan.” If he is suspicious, he will just kill it! ”


Next, there are also begging for flowers and asking for score votes ahhhhhh

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