Xia Yu didn’t have any bad tastes, he simply wanted to try the hypnosis that he had spent millions of tips to redeem from the Zangao character template, that’s all!

After seeing Nami being hypnotized in an instant, and dancing obediently, Xia Yu felt that these millions of tips were not too bad, and this hypnosis was really very good.

In this way, Luffy Solon Usopp and the three embarked on their adventure on the island of rare beasts, while Xia Yu and Nami had fun on the deck of the Melly.

Of course, Xia Yu did not hypnotize Nami all the time, and after Nami danced a fairly good dance, Xia Yu immediately lifted her hypnosis, and then chatted with Nami, who did not know that she had just been hypnotized.

Xia Yu told Nami many interesting stories, including some innocuous things in the pirate world, and many interesting things before he crossed that would not arouse Nami’s suspicion!

Nami is obviously very interested in the story told by Xia Yu, after all, her dream is to draw a map of the whole world! And the fact that Xia Yu was once a traveler has been ingrained in her mind, so as long as it is Xia Yu’s story, she listens to it with relish, and gradually, she feels that Xia Yu is not so terrible!

Not only did she not feel terrible, Xia Yu’s words and deeds actually made her feel inexplicably comfortable.

At first, she couldn’t tell what that comfort was, but in the end, she finally understood what that comfort was!


Yes, it’s security!

It’s a sense of security that she’s never felt in all these years!

Time passes quietly.

Before I knew it, it was late afternoon.

“Xia Yu, since you have already been to so many places, why did you suddenly become a pirate!”

After listening to a story that Xia Yu made up out of thin air, Nami suddenly asked curiously: “If you can travel so many places alone, Xia Yu should be very strong!” ”

“In the East China Sea, it should be considered strong!” Xia Yu shrugged slightly and said, “But on the Great Voyage, we are still far behind!” ”

“Far from it?”

Nami blinked, and said with a serious face: “However, how do I feel that Xia Yu doesn’t take the Great Voyage seriously at all!” ”

“Is it? ~”

Xia Yu was stunned and said in amazement: “How can you see that I don’t take the Great Voyage seriously?” It’s a sea called the Pirate’s Grave, and I feel terrifying just thinking about it now! If it weren’t for the fact that I wanted to see the scenery of Lovedru, I wouldn’t have gone to the Great Voyage! ”

Seeing Xia Yu’s scared expression, Nami suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, and said angrily: “Where are you scared?” By the way, Ralph Drew? What is that place? ”

“A place that all pirates want to go, and the end of Luffy’s stupid goose’s trip!” Xia Yu narrowed his eyes, also with a hint of expectation, and said lightly: “As long as we can reach that place, Luffy will realize his dream of becoming a new generation of One Piece, and Nami can also draw a map of the world as she wishes!” ”

“What about Xia Yu… Eh wait! ”

Nami, who didn’t pay attention at first, when Xia Yu mentioned her dream, she opened her eyes again, looked at Xia Yu in disbelief, and was surprised: “You… How do you even know my dreams?! ”


Xia Yu tilted his head to look at Nami, who looked surprised, and said with a serious face: “Come, dance.” I’ll tell you how you know after jumping!! If you’re not good at dancing, sing a song to listen to it! ”


“Xia Yu !!!”

Just then, Luffy, Solon, and Usopp’s adventure to Rare Beast Island is finally over! Luffy, who quickly rushed out of the woods of the island, greeted Xia Yu and Nami on the deck from a distance!

Without waiting for Xia Yu and Nami to react, he directly threw out his arm and grabbed the deck of the Melly and bounced over!

“Haha, this place is so interesting!”

Luffy, who came to the deck, grabbed the plate beside Xia Yu, and while drying out the remaining food on the plate like a windswept cloud, he said excitedly: “Next, let’s start a new adventure!” Hee ~~~~~”

When Solon and Usopp also boarded the ship, Luffy immediately tore open his throat and shouted, “Melly, go!” ”

“What are you in a hurry, Luffy!!!”

As soon as Luffy’s words fell, Nami immediately stood up and swept away the stupid look when she was with Xia Yu just now, and yelled at Luffy like a dominatrix: “What time is it now!” Stay here tonight and head out tomorrow morning! ”

“No,” Luffy blinked his eyes aggrievedly and kept shouting, “Let’s go, I’m going to go now!” Xia Yu, you tell Nami, let’s go now! ”

“You’re the captain, you have the final say!”

Looking at Luffy’s impatient look, Xia Yu did not sweep his interest, and simply said, “Set sail!” Let’s go!! ”

Seeing that Xia Yu actually followed Luffy Hu, Nami suddenly had a black line, sure enough, there was no normal person on this ship!

In desperation, Nami didn’t bother to say anything, although there would be many accidents during night sailing, she was still relatively confident in her navigational skills!

Under her arrangement, Solon and Usopp naturally became the workforce!

As the two of them raised their sails, the Melly slowly sailed away from Rare Beast Island and gradually accelerated away!


Tigerfish live streaming platform.

Xia Yu’s live broadcast room!

Although Xia Yu has not started a live broadcast for two days, there have always been people squatting in his live broadcast room, and in addition to real water friends, there are many official tigerfish and special investigation department staff in Xia Yu’s live broadcast room!

Of course, among the water friends, there are also many people from other countries!

Whether they were members of the Special Investigation Section of the Dragon Kingdom or personnel from other countries, their purpose was to tell their superiors everything they saw as quickly as possible when Xia Yu turned on the live broadcast again!

Although the Dragon Kingdom side has been vigorously blocking all foreign IPs from entering Xia Yu’s live broadcast room, they simply cannot do everything, let alone stop domestic IPs. In this way, as long as it is a foreign person in China, they can enter Xia Yu’s live broadcast room. In this way, they would not be able to completely block Xia Yu’s crossing and opening the live broadcast!

It is precisely because of this that many countries are now paying close attention to Xia Yu’s live broadcast room, whether it is the world’s first power Star-Spangled Country, or the world’s second largest economy Neon Country, or the disintegrated polar bear country has learned about Xia Yu’s crossing, and has given an indisputable fact, that is, Xia Yu’s crossing is beyond doubt!

Crossing has become a reality, and connecting two worlds across dimensions for live broadcasting, which is undoubtedly a major earthquake for all countries in the world that have the most advanced technology in the world today! All their previous ideas have been subjected to the strongest impact ever, and the pattern of this world may even change because of Xia Yu’s crossing!

Therefore, even if the Dragon Kingdom is already vigorously blockaded, it still can’t stop this sudden undercurrent!

The world situation has been vast after Xia Yu’s live broadcast was confirmed, and whoever maintains a wait-and-see attitude at this time may be eliminated in this wave of quietly arriving undercurrents!


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