“I’ll go! That doesn’t matter to me? ”

Xia Yu, who was dragged out by the strange fish for hundreds of meters before breaking free, looked at the Meili slowly docked at the sea restaurant, he blinked his eyes with a confused look, and scolded angrily: “Uncle, what about the good partner?!” ”

“Well, forget it! At this distance, you will soon swim over! ”

Xia Yu put the lifebuoy on his body again, and then swam towards the sea restaurant!


Just after swimming far, the sea in front of him suddenly rose rapidly, followed by the strange fish from the bottom of the sea! Without waiting for Xia Yu to react, this strange fish rushed towards Xia Yu as fast as lightning!


Seeing that this strange fish not only did not leave, but attacked him again, Xia Yu’s violent temper instantly went up, and then he simply raised his fist to face the strange fish and smashed over!


An explosion sounded, and the strange fish that had just swooped in front of Xia Yu immediately flew out upside down and smashed heavily into the sea.

“Not bad!”

Seeing that he was in the sea not only not abandoned by the sea, but also able to use the fruit ability, Xia Yu nodded with great satisfaction!

However, Xia Yu still underestimated the sea of the pirate world too much.

As soon as he knocked the strange fish away, a strange fish immediately rushed straight from the bottom of the sea in his area at an amazing speed.

Seeing that this strange fish was about to bite Xia Yu, feeling the sudden aura fluctuations at the bottom of the sea, Xia Yu’s eyes suddenly woke up with a slight tightness, and then swam out as fast as lightning!

However, as soon as he swam two meters, the strange fish opened its blood basin and rushed out from the bottom of the sea, and then bit the lifebuoy on his body and dragged him out!

“I’m leaning on!!!”

Seeing that the lifebuoy on his body was bitten by the strange fish again, and he was dragged out again, Xia Yu couldn’t help but scolded: “What is the situation with these strange fish!” Are they not trying to attack me, but like this lifebuoy? ”

As soon as Xia Yu’s words fell, the strange fish that bit the lifebuoy dragged Xia Yu into the sea, and then unreasonably drove around at the bottom of the sea with full power!

After being dragged out hundreds of meters by this strange fish, Xia Yu completely exploded!

After directly releasing the ability to break apart fruits in the water to get rid of the lifebuoy, he immediately reunited his body, and then stepped silently and simply rushed towards this strange fish!

In the face of Xia Yu’s angry attack, even if this strange fish occupies an absolute advantage in the sea, it still can’t withstand Xia Yu’s bombarded attack, but in the blink of an eye, this strange fish was beaten by Xia Yu to a blur of flesh and blood, and it couldn’t die anymore!

After killing this strange fish, Xia Yu let out a long breath of turbid breath, and couldn’t help but scold: “Really treat me like a dry duck!” Depend on! ”


After getting this strange fish, Xia Yu’s eyes suddenly tightened, and then he quickly raised his head and looked around.

“What’s the situation with this Nima, hey!”

After quickly looking around, Xia Yu was dumbfounded on the spot! I saw that this sea area was filled with fog at some point, and he was at least a kilometer away from the sea restaurant because of these two strange fish.

Of course, if it was just this distance, he didn’t have to worry at all. But as the mist rose in this sea, he immediately lost his sense of direction, completely unaware of where the sea restaurant was!

Restaurant on the sea.

Nami, who was sitting by the window, looked a little restless, looking out the window from time to time.

Looking at it, she suddenly widened her beautiful eyes and said urgently: “It’s not good, it’s fogging outside!” ”

“When it fogs up, it fogs up!”

Solon and Usopp subconsciously replied, and then began to order.

“Xia Yu is still in the sea!” Seeing that Solon and Usopp actually reacted like this, Nami exploded on the spot, raised her fist and slammed Solon’s head, scolding angrily: “Aren’t you two worried about your partner at all?” ”

Solon, who was beaten by Nami’s brain, also widened his eyes in an instant, and said angrily: “You woman…”


Without waiting for Solon to finish speaking, a golden retriever dressed in a suit with a cigarette in his mouth ran to Nami and stood straight, and then bowed slightly and said, “This beautiful lady…”


Without waiting for the golden retriever to finish speaking, Nami simply knocked him to the ground, and then shouted at Solon and Usopp: “What are you two still stunned about, hurry up and follow me to find Xia Yu!” ”

“Well… It’s terrible! ”

Usopp, who was frightened by Nami’s impression of the dominatrix, dared to hesitate a little, and ran out after Nami!

The golden retriever, who was beaten to the ground by Nami, had red hearts in his eyes, looking at the figure of Nami who was angry and almost dragged Solon out of the sea restaurant, and said stupidly: “It’s just too …”

“Yamaji !!!!”

Once again, the golden retriever who had not finished speaking was interrupted by a cold voice, following the prestige, after seeing the figure at the door of the restaurant kitchen, the golden retriever quickly rolled over and stood up, swept away the image of the idiot just now, and slowly walked over after taking a very cold puff of cigarette!

Standing in the doorway of the kitchen is a strange old man with a chef’s hat on his head, a beard tied into a braid, and a prosthetic leg guessed with one foot!

Redfoot Jep, owner of this restaurant on the sea!

Standing beside Jepp, it was Luffy, the unjust head! Because of the fact that the sea restaurant was blown out of a hole, now he has become a waiter in this restaurant!

And the one who was just knocked to the ground by Nami and was still guilty of idiocy is naturally the sous chef of this sea restaurant, Yamaji!


Xia Yu, who lost his sense of direction because of the sudden fog on the sea, was swimming in the sea very Buddhistly, and he had already changed two directions!

But the more he changed, the more he felt that he was farther away from the sea restaurant!

In desperation, he chose a direction very Buddhistly, and regardless of whether this direction can reach the sea restaurant, anyway, it is right to swim forward!

Time passed quietly, Xia Yu didn’t know how long had passed, he who had been swimming at sea simply gave up, and the whole lying on the lifebuoy followed the flow!

“Uncle, I don’t believe those guys don’t come to me!”

Xia Yu, who was lying on the lifebuoy, looked around, and saw that the mist on the sea gradually disappeared, and hope immediately lit up in his eyes!



As the fog on the sea completely disappeared, a strange boat immediately entered Xia Yu’s line of sight!

The speed of the boat was very fast, and as soon as Xia Yu caught the figure of the boat, the boat became clear in his line of sight!

I make up!

Looking at the boat coming straight to the sea where he was, Xia Yuquen’s eyes widened uncontrollably, and his face was full of surprise: “No, did this cargo appear so soon?” How long have I been floating at sea?! ”

Appeared in Xia Yu’s line of sight, and came straight to the sea where he was, was a small boat that resembled a coffin, on the deck of the boat, a man with a pair of eyes as sharp as an eagle’s eyes sat on all sides, behind this man, a cross knife invisibly filled with a suffocating aura!

Who else could it be?

The coffin-like boat, the big knife with a cross handle, and the eagle-like sharp eyes, such a dress is naturally the world’s first sword lord who first appeared in the sea restaurant in the original anime to teach Crick to be a man, His Majesty the Seven Warriors Sea Jorakel Mihawk, a cold and sharp brother!!!!


And then there’s !!! Ask for flowers, ask for scored votes, ask for tips!!!!

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