After getting the miscellaneous fish of the Evil Dragon Pirates, Xia Yu pulled the live camera up, so that the audience in the live broadcast room could see the battle between Luffy, Sanji and Solon as much as possible, and then walked to the throne of Aaron in the Evil Dragon Park and sat down!


As soon as Xia Yu sat down, a shocking explosion came from above his head. Immediately afterwards, Luffy fell from the sky and smashed heavily in front of him.

“Luffy !!!”

Seeing that Luffy was actually beaten down, Nami quickly ran over, ready to help Luffy!

However, before she ran in front of Luffy, Luffy was pulled out of the pit by Xia Yu, and then simply threw it neatly into the air!

“Come on, Luffy!”

After throwing Luffy out, Xia Yu patted it and shouted, “Don’t put water!” Directly use your strongest attack to take out that guy! By the way, if you can’t take his nose, focus on attacking his nose first, and it’s better to break his nose! ”


Nami, who had just run over, saw that Xia Yu actually twisted Luffy up and threw it out, and she couldn’t help but widen her beautiful eyes for a while, and she didn’t know what to say for a while!

Although trust between partners is the most important, Xia Yu’s trust is too much!

Bang bang!

Just as Nami was stunned in place and didn’t know what to say, a series of shocking blows immediately came from behind her. Immediately after that, Yamaji’s angry shouts resounded throughout the park!

Without waiting for Nami to react, a figure immediately flew over her head and slammed into the wall behind Xia Yu! With a series of shocking explosions, the wall suddenly collapsed into ruins. In the ruins, Croobi, who fought with Yamaji, lay there without moving!


Looking back at Croobi lying in the ruins with his eyes wide open, Xia Yu was a little surprised: “Did you get it done so quickly?” Sanji you are amazing! ”


As soon as Xia Yu finished speaking, Sanji, who had been fighting with Croobi, could no longer support it, and fell straight down in response, almost collapsing!

However, after hearing Xia Yu’s voice, he immediately rolled over from the ground and sat up, scolding angrily: “Xia Yu, why don’t you go to the battle!” ”


Xia Yu blinked, then pointed to the pirates in one place, and said with a smile: “If I didn’t help you clean up these trash fish, you would have won so dashingly?” ”

“Three Knife Flow !!!!”

Suddenly, Solon’s voice also suddenly came from the other side of the Evil Dragon Park. Immediately after that, an extremely violent sword qi shockwave burst out.


In the impact of the furious sword qi, a miserable scream followed. A figure was thrown high from the sudden impact of sword qi, and then cut an arc in the air and smashed heavily into the swimming pool in front of Xia Yu!

“Yes, Solon can do it too!”

Glancing at the figure falling into the swimming pool, Xia Yu narrowed his eyes and said to Sanji, who turned over and sat up: “Next, wait for Luffy to defeat the evil dragon, and then hold a banquet to celebrate!” ”

As Xia Yu’s voice fell, Usopp, who was chased out by the Wen fishman before, also dragged back with an injury and walked into the Evil Dragon Park.

Compared to Xia Yu, a guy with light clouds and breeze, Nami was shocked by the strength of Sanji and Solon one after another!

Although she had long known that Solon was a powerful swordsman, she did not expect that with Xia Yu, Solon and Sanji coming here, the battle here would become a one-sided situation, even if Solon and Sanji were injured to varying degrees, but the evil dragon pirate group that once brought endless fear to Kocosia Village, now only Along is still struggling to support!

At this moment, she completely understood Xia Yu’s words to believe her partner, and also understood why Xia Yu never put this evil dragon pirate group in her eyes from beginning to end, because they were really strong!

There is salvation!

Cocosia Village is saved!

Looking at Usopp, who slowly walked into the park, and Solon, who walked to Yamaji with a knife and sat down, tears welled up in Nami’s eyes again! For so many years, although she has been fighting against the Evil Dragon Pirates, she has never had any hope!

But now, the glimmer of hope has appeared!

As long as Luffy defeats Aaron, the village of Kocosia will be free from the sea of suffering, and she will no longer have to be a surveyor for these damn fishmen!

Luffy’s battle continues, but under Xia Yu’s infection, Nami is no longer worried. She believes that Luffy will definitely be able to defeat Along, and she believes that Xia Yu will definitely not sit idly by at the last moment!


Ryukuni, Special Investigation Section.

The picture of Xia Yu’s live broadcast room was transferred to the curtain of the office of the investigation department.

At the round table in the office, more than a dozen staff members of the Investigation Section all watched intently at the figure of Xia Yu and his party that appeared in the live broadcast screen!

When they saw Xia Yu simply chop those strange-looking fish-man pirates to the ground by chopping melons and cutting vegetables, and saw Yamaji Solon defeating his opponents one after another and returning to Xia Yu’s side, everyone focused on the battle between Luffy and Along!

Suddenly, the closed office door was pushed open. Immediately afterwards, a group of five or six men with solemn faces walked into the office, and the first middle-aged man dressed in a Zhongshan suit went directly to the top of the desk and sat down.

“Headquarters Chief!”

As soon as the middle-aged man sat down, everyone present immediately withdrew their gaze and stood up neatly.

After putting down a document in his hand, the middle-aged man immediately raised his head and asked, “What about Chief Li Yi Li?” ”

“Section Chief Li is now in a meeting with several scientists!”

“Hmm.” The middle-aged man nodded and said, “Then leave him alone!” I’m here now for just two things! ”

“The first thing is Xia Yu’s identity, have you investigated it?”

“Looking back, the words of the chief are still under investigation!” One of the members of the investigation department closest to the middle-aged man took a step forward and continued: “Because we only know his appearance and name, and there is no database such as DNA, it is difficult to investigate!” Best of all, his name may not be his real name! ”

“We must speed up the investigation to find out where he is, what relatives, friends, classmates, colleagues and so on!” The middle-aged man motioned for everyone to sit down, and then said: “Now all the countries that know about Xia Yu’s crossing incident, such as the Neon Country and the Star-Spangled Country, have already sent a large number of spies into the country!” If they investigated Xia Yu’s relatives and friends and used this to blackmail Xia Yu, it would be a big trouble! Although Xia Yu is not in this world now, we have the obligation to protect his family and friends! ”

“Second thing!”

The middle-aged man paused slightly, then unfolded the document in front of him, and continued: “This document is a research report on the bottle of wine from the pirate world provided by Tigerfish!” The report shows that although the raw materials produced are not much different from our world, the genetic makeup is different. The next thing we have to do is wait for Xia Yu to open the live lottery next time, and then grab the prize he sent! ”

“Now the scientific investigation team is also watching Xia Yu’s live broadcast, and it is not difficult to see through the battle pictures that appear in Xia Yu’s live broadcast! The value of force in that world is higher than in our world! With such a strong force value, it must be indispensable for strong physical support! And the most basic point that makes them strong physical fitness is food! In other words, even if Xia Yu just treats a loaf or a fish as a prize when he opens a live lottery next time, it is very valuable for research! ”

“In addition, the next thing you have to do is to conduct a comprehensive analysis and understanding of the world where Xia Yu lives, understand their culture, understand their abilities, understand their world structure and everything! Of course, the focus is still on the weird abilities of that world, especially the Devil Fruit! ”


Tonight at twelve o’clock, that is, zero on the nineteenth, no matter how good or bad the results are, ten is definitely indispensable!

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