Although Xia Yu had seen Rogue Town in the anime, when he really stepped here, he found that the town that was known as the beginning and end was really big, about the size of the third- and fourth-tier cities he crossed the previous world!

The street is far more lively than the remote town of Shellstown. Of course, the most important point is that the security here is very good! Although there are many pirates in this town in disguise, few pirates dare to come out and cause trouble!

For no other reason, there is a naval colonel who is naturally a Devil Fruit ability sitting here. Since the captain sat in Rogue Town, any pirate who dared to appear on the street with swagger has almost become his prisoner!

Under the management of this capable and powerful naval colonel, the residents of Rogue Town are no longer as afraid of pirates as before, and wander the streets freely, very harmonious!

I have to say that such a scene is very rare in the pirate world. So it is not difficult to see that this naval colonel is indeed capable!

And this naval colonel is naturally Smogg, the smoke-bearing ability who is called the Kneeling King in the anime!

As far as loving the people is concerned, Smogg deserves the word justice! But in terms of strength, Xia Yu really can’t bear to look at it directly, especially the natural smoke fruit he possessed, which was completely damaged by him!

Of course, these are not important, Xia Yu just wants to have a good time in this town now. After all, live broadcasting with the ship is not all he has, it is difficult to cross a wave, of course, you have to travel well and feel the customs and customs of this world!

Unconsciously, Xia Yu came to a bustling street, looking at the bustling and extraordinary business explosion on both sides of the street, Xia Yu locked one of the Xianbei shops and walked over!

When watching anime before crossing, every time Xia Yu saw Kapu eating senbei with relish and squatting in the marshal’s office and Warring States Kandashan, Xia Yu couldn’t help but want to taste the difference between senbei in the pirate world. Now seeing the appearance of a fairy shell shop, Xia Yu certainly wants to fulfill this former wish.


Just when Xia Yu’s mind was all about accelerating towards the opposite shop on the Xianbei, a small body suddenly jumped over, and then collided with him in response!


Looking at the figure who stumbled back and fell after colliding with himself, Xia Yu blinked a little uncontrollably, incredulous: “I make it, do you want to be so clever!” ”

Crashed with Xia Yu and fell to the ground, it was the Navy Sergeant Daschi who first appeared in Rogue Town in the original book!

“I… My glasses!! ”

Dusty, who fell to the ground, could not see Xia Yu clearly because her glasses fell to the side, and squinted and looked around for her glasses while rolling over and sitting up.

Seeing this, the corner of Xia Yu’s mouth twitched. This plot is really special bloody, and it actually allowed him to meet this national treasure-level stupid woman with the title of knife idiot one step ahead of Solon!

Seeing that Dusty’s glasses were not far in front of her, but this four-eyed girl just couldn’t see it, Xia Yu shook her head and smiled, and then walked over to pick up the glasses and put them in Dasiqi’s hand.

“Thank you, thank you!”

After Dasiqi put on the glasses, he quickly got up and thanked Xia Yu.

“You’re welcome!”

Xia Yu looked at Dusty squarely. Not to mention, although this girl is dressed plainly, she looks particularly pleasing to the eye, far better than those demon pariahs who are dressed up fancy!

It’s just that this woman’s IQ is really…

She is simply a stupid woman of national treasure.

All right!

Stupid to the extreme, it is also a kind of beauty!

The audience in the live broadcast room saw that Xia Yu actually met Dasiqi, a knife idiot, one step ahead of Solon, and the barrage was once again overwhelmingly brushed out.

“I’ll do it, this can happen too! Boss Xia Yu should not have deliberately created a chance encounter! ”

“Is it possible? This is obviously impossible. Even if Boss Xia Yu has read the original book, he doesn’t know which street it is! As you have just seen, this Rogue town is really big! The first time you cross in, you will know exactly where Dusty will appear? ”

“So, it’s providence. Providence let Boss Xia Yu meet Dusty first, ahahaha! As the old saying goes, Boss Xia Yu please make sure to build a big crystal palace in the pirate world! Don’t let go of another sister paper!!! ”

“Then the question is, if Boss Xia Yu receives the paper of Sister Dasiqi, in what way? Is it possible to kidnap directly? ”

“Hahaha, this question comes to the point! Now Boss Xia Yu’s identity is a pirate, and Dusty is a navy! Wow, is a singing sadomasochistic love about to begin? ”

“you! Upstairs must be a sister paper! Because few men like to watch sadomasochistic things! So Boss Xia Yu simply ordered, directly shot a shot to sow a seed and leave! ”

“God has a special injection. Hey, your wife upstairs is doing her hair! ”

“Poof. Is the devil upstairs?! ”

Xia Yu did not go to see the barrage, and after looking around Dusty, he suddenly remembered his main purpose for coming to this town, but he did not see the sword store all the way.

“Can I ask you something?”

Xia Yu looked left and right, and then asked, “Do you know where there is a sword store?” ”

“You want to buy a knife?”

Dusty’s eyes lit up, and he said with some excitement: “Are you also a swordsman?” I was going to a knife shop to see my sabre! Let’s go, I’ll take you! ”

Xia Yu was also not polite and quickly followed.

“That’s right!”

Looking at Xia Yu, who was walking side by side with him, Dasiqi asked curiously, “Are you a swordsman?” ”

“That’s right!”

Xia Yu nodded and said, “I still have a bit of research on swordsmanship, so I want to buy two knives to continue my studies!” ”

“There are very few swordsmen like you now!”

“I’m like this… Swordsman? “Xia Yu can’t keep up with Dusty’s brain circuits, could it be that this woman knows me well?

“Yes. Now many powerful swordsmen have either become pirates or become pirate hunters! Dusty pouted indignantly and said fiercely: “The most important thing is that many famous knives in this world have been taken by them!” Just think about it! ”

“So, what does this have to do with me?” Xia Yu was even more dazed!


Dusty was stunned, then smiled and said, “Because as a swordsman, you have not become a pirate or pirate hunter!” Judging by the way you look, you shouldn’t be married yet! By the way, where are you from? Do you want to consider joining the Navy? Now there are very few powerful swordsmen in the Navy! Especially in the East China Sea, there are few who can fight! ”

“Hey, hey.”

Seeing that Dusty asked all kinds of questions like a cannon, and even asked him whether he was married or not, Xia Yu quickly stopped it and shook his head helplessly: “The first question, I am currently single!” Nor do you plan to get married! The second question, I am from the East Sea! As for the question of whether to join the Navy or not, can you decide? ”

“Of course!”

Hearing Xia Yu’s answer, Dusty became excited again: “I am the navy!” Although I am only a staff officer now, I believe that I will definitely become an excellent navy, because my dream is to arrest all those criminals who do all the evil and let the people live a good and stable life! ”

“Let the people live a good and secure life?! This is the first time I’ve heard of such a dream since I went to sea! ”

Xia Yu gave a thumbs up to Dasiqi without hesitation, and praised angrily: “Great! Very great dream! Come on!! ”


Today the ninth more! It’s a little unbearable, and the next 10th chapter will be later!

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