The person who made such a heartless and lungless scream, needless to say, must have been Luffy, this guy climbed up the vine full of injuries and then exclaimed with a look of surprise, “Whahahahaha!” Xia Yu, you are really powerful, fight with me! ”

“Ah, you can’t beat me.” Xia Yu’s reply was straightforward and didn’t have any feelings at all, but of course Luffy didn’t feel lost because of such a sentence, but continued to smile and say, “Don’t say that!” I’m also very strong! ”

Anilu next to him was upset, “Actually ignoring my existence…”

Anilu never minds if others resent him, or insult him, because he knows one thing very well, that is, the more others resent him, the more it proves that the other person cares about his existence!

That’s right, I Anilu just like to see you hate me but can’t help it!

But now the two people in front of them actually directly ignored their existence and chatted there!

Absolutely unforgivable!

Anilu lunged at Luffy, “Boy, just watch your companion die!” ”

Luffy only reacted at this time, there seemed to be a person here, “Wow! Xia Yu, look! This person is so big! ”

“Hey! Luffy! Be careful! “Xia Yu sweated furiously, he is indeed a little too careless, this Anilu is indeed not his opponent, and he can’t even hurt himself at all, but Luffy is different, if Luffy is suddenly pounced like this, not to mention how much damage he will suffer, but falling from such a height, even if Luffy has the ability of rubber fruit, I’m afraid he can’t eat and go!

In fact, at this moment, when Anilu was only one meter away from Luffy, Xia Yu jumped directly into the air, and then when Anilu looked over proudly, he grabbed the huge ark under him and said, yes, imagine a person jumping sharply on a moving boat, and then lifting the ship directly with his backhand and really throwing it out like that!

After Xia Yu did this, he also showed a little surprise, just now he actually fused ‘Moon Step’ and ‘Shaving’ into one in an instant, jumped out from the ark like a ghost, and then reflexively exerted power with the ability to borrow power in the air of Moon Step, and at the same time, the armed color domineering directly covered comprehensively, and even after capturing the ark, the ark was also strengthened by the armed color domineering!

Although it is said that the entire ark has not been fully strengthened, but covering one-third of its volume, such a means, I am afraid that the entire pirate world is no longer able to control it!

Xia Yu was surprised here, and Anilu over there was even more frightened, his head flew, the state of Thunder God can indeed greatly strengthen his physical strength and strength, but it will also make his agility drop significantly, facing the huge ark flying in front of him, he is actually unable to dodge!

“Boom !!!!”

What the hell is this!!!

There was a terrible howl at the intersection of Ani, and the whole person was directly smashed out by the ark, at this time, he simply did not have time to use any ability of his thunder fruit, and the effect of the armed color enhancement on it still did not disappear even if it left Xia Yu’s hand! And in this way, Anilu was frightened in the situation that he could not dodge, and could only hug the huge ark in front of him tightly, hoping that this ark could still allow him to escape, but he did not expect that this ark was not as solid as he imagined, and it made a fragmented sound directly in mid-air, but it completely lost the ability to fly, so that Anilu fell directly down.

And all this is only in a matter of seconds.

Xia Yu used the moon steps several times in the air in a row, and then landed next to Luffy and said, “Sure enough, this guy really can’t be underestimated.” ”

To be honest, Anilu’s last move was indeed not on the table, and it was such an action that almost killed Luffy here.

“Who is that person Xia Yu just now?” Luffy asked a little confused.

“Ah, he is Anilu, the god of the empty island.” Xia Yu shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

“God! Was that person actually a god just now?!!! That’s awesome!!! Luffy shouted loudly, and the corners of Xia Yu’s mouth twitched, and after looking Luffy up and down, he asked, “Luffy, you guys came directly?” ”

Luffy nodded and said, “Yes! It was Nami who said that there must be a lot of treasure where you go, so be sure to let us follow you. ”

Luffy said excitedly, with a smile on his face.

Is that really it?

Xia Yu sighed, since Luffy and they followed him directly, then there must be no time to learn about the information about the empty island…

Thinking of this, Xia Yu couldn’t help sighing, but it didn’t matter, this time his most important things had already been obtained, and Xia Yu directly opened the mall at this time.

Then I looked at the Anilu template lying in the mall!

After copying this thing, you will be able to obtain the Thunder Fruit among the Natural Devil Fruits!

However, to Xia Yu’s surprise, Anilu’s character template is not very expensive, and it only needs 400 million points to redeem!

Without a doubt, this is definitely a great value!

He immediately chose to directly exchange Anilu’s ability template, and then the system’s prompt sounded in his mind.

“Tip: The host spent 400 million tips to redeem the Anilu character template! Whether to extract the fusion right away! ”



“Tip: Anilu character template successfully redeemed and withdrawn! Resorts to the ability to choose to use a certain number of tipping points to get rid of dissatisfaction! ”


Xia Yu glanced at the tip points he had accumulated now, there were three billion reward points, these points made Xia Yu not care about this cost, and even said that he didn’t need to care about any consumption, the only thing he had to worry about was that there were not enough templates for him to exchange!

“You have successfully obtained all the positive attributes of Anilu, including the ability of the Natural Thunder Fruit! It also detects that Anilu’s character template has the Heart Net ability, and whether it is fused with the domineering power you already have. ”

Xia Yu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly, did he actually forget this thing? One of Anilu’s powerful abilities is the Heart Net!

You must know that seeing and hearing domineering is generally predictive of action, and after fusing with the thunder fruit, this ability can even reach the level of eavesdropping on the other party’s conversation within a certain range!

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