But it’s not a dead end yet!

Xia Yu glanced at the jar in his hand, now he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Xia Yu opened the mouth of the jar, and directly pulled the octopus out of it, this octopus just came out, directly expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time numerous tentacles began to swing around, “Snap…”

This guy’s tentacles were directly glued around the hull, it seemed that it was not the first time that such a thing had been done, and it directly formed an instinct, and when it caught the Merlin, the Merlin’s falling speed suddenly decreased.

Then he slowly walked down the ticket below.

“Wow! Xia Yu is really powerful!!!! ”

Choiba ran around the deck.

As for the others, they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, Nami quickly ran over and kicked Xia Yu and said, “You guy must have done it on purpose, right? It was only at the last moment that he pulled out the octopus. ”

Xia Yu stretched out his hand and rubbed Nami’s hair, and then said, “After a while, we will separate, otherwise once we bump into the navy people, we will be in trouble, I will take Anilu back to the navy headquarters, and you will continue to move along the great route next.” ”

Nami nodded slightly, and then said, “But we’ll see each other again, right?” ”

“Of course!” Xia Yu nodded heavily, “Anyway, we will meet again soon.” ”

After all, you will have to deal with the Navy for a long time.

However, this journey back from the empty island was not as simple as they thought, just when they were floating in the air, a gust of wind suddenly hit, and then their original vertical descent trajectory was disrupted at this moment.

“Wow!! We’re flying south! Luffy exclaimed in surprise.

“Fly your big head! This is terrible! Nami looked at the pointer in her hand and her face became extremely ugly, the course of the Great Route is fixed, although you can choose which line to take in the middle, but one island in each route to the next island is basically locked.

It takes a while on one island to point the pointer to the next, so if they get to another place, they have to wait a week to come back!


The more serious thing is…

The devil knows where they’re going to fly!

“Can Xia Yu stop flying!” Nami ran over quickly.

Xia Yu shook his head lightly and said, “Now we are at least three thousand meters above the ground, if you forcibly let this octopus balloon end its flight, I am afraid that you will all die except me.” ”

Hearing Xia Yu say this, everyone couldn’t help but take a step back, no matter what kind of characters they were, they would feel fear when facing this kind of life and death crisis, right?

Oh no, Luffy still seemed to be very happy at this time, jumping up and down, “Oh roar! It’s really fantastic! Hurry up! Octopus! ”

“It’s all said that it’s not an octopus flying!” Nami shouted wordlessly.

On the contrary, Xia Yu felt that things had become more and more interesting, “As long as I don’t fly to some naval stronghold, isn’t it?” Nami, the great voyage sea is difficult for you, right? ”

Nami was directly stunned when she heard Xia Yu say this, she looked at the expression on Xia Yu’s face, and then slowly exhaled a breath and said, “Of course, as long as it is related to the sea breeze and ocean currents, I can easily grasp it!” The so-called great shipping route is naturally not a problem! ”

That’s right, even if Nami is usually timid, she is not very confident, but as long as it is related to this aspect, then she will immediately pick up confidence.

Veered off course? Went to an unknown place? It doesn’t matter!

Nami believes she can get everyone where they want to go!

Then, after about ten minutes, the corners of Nami’s mouth twitched, “Xia Yu, what did you just say?” ”

And Xia Yu looked at the situation below, and couldn’t help covering his eyes, what is this? Afraid of what comes?

That’s right, the island that appeared below everyone at this time was nothing else, it was…

Naval strongholds!

And a fairly large naval stronghold, one might even say a division!

“Lean! Wouldn’t be so lucky, right? Xia Yu muttered.

The name of a naval division had already flashed in his mind.

T5 Division.

The branch of the new world starts with G, and the one here starts with T, and the T5 division rules the sea area of almost one-sixth of the great shipping route, of course, one reason for this is because there are no too vicious pirates here, but it does not mean that there are no strong people here.

On the contrary, there are three lieutenant generals here!

Although their strength is not top-notch compared to the lieutenant generals who belong to the headquarters, the lieutenant generals are not what Luffy can handle now.

As for the navy below, he was completely stunned, and at this time, the head of the branch, Vice Admiral Huoyama, was happily tasting fresh cigars, and just when he was about to smoke a cigar and get a good night’s sleep, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open!

“It’s not good to burn the mountain!” A navy rushed in.

Huoyao Shan almost swallowed the cigar in his mouth directly, but instead of being angry, he said with a smile on his face, “What happened?” Why so nervous? ”

“Pirate ship! There’s a pirate ship in the air! The navy shouted incoherently, “There’s a pirate ship flying over!” ”

“What did you say?” The first time he burned the mountain, he thought that this navy was stupid, but the voice from outside made him understand that this matter was not really so simple.

He immediately stood up and said loudly, “Let’s go and see what’s going on outside!” ”

And when Dao Huo Burning Mountain came outside, he couldn’t help but open his mouth wide, and the cigars in his mouth fell to the ground, “It’s really flying!” ”

“What should we do now?” The navy next to them all looked at Burning Mountain, and today the other two vice admirals went to the headquarters to submit their reports, and now only this vice admiral named Burning Mountain is here.

“Ah, I don’t know how they fly above the sky, but now we don’t have time to marvel! Looking at the trend of their whereabouts, they are not able to fly all the time! Lads! Get ready to go! Surround and suppress the pirates! ”

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