As for Xia Yu, it was naturally a nonsense.

In short, Anilu was directly described as a devil who did nothing evil, and he used the Straw Hats’ greed for money to hook up with the Straw Hats.

If it weren’t for Xia Yu and the Sandians joining forces to defeat Luffy and them, I’m afraid that by now the empty island would have completely become the world of this Anilu and the Straw Hats.

Later, he also followed the Straw Hat group down the empty island to capture the Straw Hat gang, but he did not expect the twists and turns behind.

When he said this, Huo Yaoshan couldn’t help but take a deep breath, he looked at Xia Yu, he now had to admit that although Xia Yu was just a lieutenant, but this boldness, this strength, even among the colonels, few people could do it.

When Xia Yu said that the person who was caught was Anilu, he was even more surprised.

“This man is the master on that empty island?” Fire Burning Mountain was taken aback, the navy did not have a deep understanding of the empty island, it could only be said that it knew a scale and a half claw, even if there was any intelligence, it would generally be stored as a seal.

And now the owner of the empty island is actually here, which makes him not surprised.

“In fact, it is just because he used his thunder fruit to wreak havoc on the empty island before, so as to control the empty island by force, according to the information I learned from the residents of the empty island, this Anilu controlled the empty island for only a few years, but it has turned the empty island into a personal kingdom for his exclusivity, I have to say that this guy is really … Alas…” Xia Yu sighed, revealing a look of distress.

And the Fire Burning Mountain’s senses for Xia Yu have once again been raised a notch, and the sense of justice of the Burning Mountain is extremely strong, and he appreciates Xia Yu, a young man who is willing to fight against power for ordinary people!

After Xia Yu blew nonsense again, Burning Mountain asked with some reluctance, “So what are you going to do next?” Just go and join Zefa-sensei? ”

“No, I thought about it for a while, the most important thing now is to press this Anilu back to the headquarters is the most important thing, although this guy has not committed any particularly serious crimes in Qinghai, but his heart is too bad, and he has the power of ordinary people in Chaohu, if he is really allowed to do this, I am afraid that it will be no less harmful than any sea thief.”

As soon as Xia Yu’s words fell, Burning Mountain nodded his head in deep belief and said, “This is indeed the case, so let’s do this, how about I give you a ship for you to return to the headquarters?” ”

“Then thank Lieutenant General Burning Mountain!” Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief at the moment, if he stayed here for too long and couldn’t make sure when he would show his horse’s feet, it would not be good.

Xia Yu immediately rested in the branch for one night, and when the next day, Huoyao Mountain arranged a boat for Xia Yu, so that Xia Yu could return directly to the headquarters with Anilu.

Of course, there are also ten crew members on board, one to sail the ship, and the other to prevent people on the road from trying to rob people.

Even if there is indeed no one in the Navy who dares to provoke easily, there are not a few guys who are bold and fat.

What’s more, this Anilu represents countless secrets in the empty island, and there will definitely be people who will be red-eyed.

However, the worry of burning the mountain was superfluous, and Xia Yu’s journey to the headquarters only walked a short distance before he bumped into an acquaintance.

The pirate guerrillas did not know why they ran into this sea area.

This pirate guerrilla directly stopped the ship on Xia Yu’s side, and then saw Ain jump straight onto the boat.

“Which branch are you from, why is there only one ship wandering outside?”

Well, it is estimated that Zefa suspected that some pirates had stolen the ship, right?

When Xia Yu thought so, he had already taken the lead and walked out, “Aien, long time no see.” ”

As soon as Xia Yu said this, the expression on Ain’s face, which was still cold and frosty, suddenly changed, and then he exclaimed, “Xia Yu! You…… How did you end up here? ”

“Why can’t I be here?” Xia Yu had a smile on the corner of his mouth and walked over, didn’t I just come down from the empty island?

“You… You really went to the empty island, wow! After Ain saw Xia Yu, he was extremely excited, and the incident that day was still hung in his heart, after all, that day Xia Yu followed the straw hat and the group disappeared directly, and he was always uncertain about life and death in the back, originally he also said to Zefa, ‘If Xia Yu comes back, he must punish him well’, but now when he really saw Xia Yu, he no longer had half a bit of anger, but asked nervously, “You’re not injured, right?” Straw hat boy, did the gang do anything to you…”

“Hahahaha, don’t worry.” Xia Yu rubbed Ain’s hair, and then said with a relaxed face, “I did follow the Straw Hat and the gang to the empty island, but they still want to hurt me a little tender, but although they didn’t hurt me, but this time they still didn’t capture them after all, this time let them go, and it will still be a big disaster in the future.” ”

“Oh, you are cautious again, by the way, the teacher is also worried about you, you hurry up and return to the team!” Ain’s face was excited, in short, he didn’t care that Xia Yu didn’t catch the straw hat kid.

“Okay, but I’m going to bring someone with me.” In less than a moment, Xia Yu was already carrying Ani on the road to Zefa’s boat.

“Xia Yu!” Zefa couldn’t help but light up when he saw Xia Yu, although he didn’t know what happened to Xia Yu, but this jealous young man was deeply loved by him, and then Zefa glanced at Anilu, who was being carried by Xia Yu, and couldn’t help but ask, “Who is this person?” ”

“Lord of the empty island, a man who is called a god by the inhabitants of the empty island.”

As soon as Xia Yu’s words fell, Zefa almost stared out his eyes directly, “What? Did you really go to the empty island? But why did you arrest him back! ”

“Because he is also a member of the Straw Hats, or he just became a member of the Straw Hats, and I arrested him.” Next, Xia Yu said the set of rhetoric he thought again, as for what Anilu wanted to say, he couldn’t care, but he knew very well that it was impossible for Zefa not to believe in himself and believe in Anilu this guy.

When Zefa and Ain heard what happened to Xia Yu all the way, both of them were a little confused, they didn’t expect that after Xia Yu went to the empty island, he actually turned the empty island upside down in just two or three days.

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