“But that thing can’t be shown to others casually!” Dusty did not forget Ain’s instructions.

After all, it’s not a good thing for this kind of thing to spread out indiscriminately.

But where would Xia Yu easily let Dusty go, and immediately said, “Don’t worry, let’s do it secretly and don’t let others know.” ”

“Xia Yu! You…” Ain ran over from the corner next to him at this time, and then suddenly saw Xia Yu holding down Dusty seemed to be about to do something strange, and then thinking of the conversation she vaguely heard just now, her face couldn’t help but turn red all of a sudden, “Ah! The weather is so nice today, you guys are slowly talking about me going to the sun! ”

Looking at Ain who ran away directly with a puff of smoke, the corners of Xia Yu’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch twice, yes, this is considered to be a misunderstanding, but this does not prevent him from continuing to take information from Dusty’s body, “If you show me the Six Styles, then I won’t blame the previous things.” ”

“What… What! Isn’t it just a protein supplement! I’ll pay you that! Dusty exclaimed nervously.

But he didn’t want Xia Yu to turn straight and said, “For example, you get up at night and secretly touch my saber and my right hand.” ”

“I…” Dusty nearly choked on her own saliva, and then cried out in surprise, “You… You…… You…… How do you know?!!! ”

“Not only do I know, but I look at it carefully every time.” During the time that Xia Yu and Dusty were partnered, An also thoroughly understood how crazy this woman was about swordsmanship.

She not only touched Xia Yu’s sword because of his superb swordsmanship, but even became interested in Xia Yu’s hand holding the sword.

To be honest, at the beginning, Xia Yu thought that the other party was some kind of perverted maniac, what if he became extremely interested in his hand and slashed it, but after a few nights, Xia Yu determined that this woman had not evolved to that extent, or that she was not crazy to that extent. But that’s scary enough, okay!

“I… I…” Dusty really couldn’t find any reason at this moment, she stepped back step by step, in fact, she had never done this kind of thing before, but Xia Yu was too strong, that kind of strength made her involuntarily want to touch Xia Yu’s sword, and even Xia Yu’s right hand, and finally she could only hang her head and say, “That is, I can’t touch it again in the future?” ”

“Hey! Is the point here? Xia Yu almost vomited blood, he thought that Dasiqi would promise not to touch it again, why did he look remorseful that he didn’t have to touch it in the future?

“Okay, okay, so be it, as long as you tell me how Ain taught you the Six Styles, then you can touch it casually in the future.”

“Really!” Dusty immediately became excited, and then said, “Come with me, go to my room!” ”

Dusty on this side looked excited, and the Sengoku in the naval headquarters was in a difficult situation as he watched the many documents sent by Zefa with the herald bird.

“Report a large number of pirates gathering place, kill eleven sea pirates with a bounty of more than 50 million, including the Pirate Alliance Speth, track the Straw Hat group to the empty island, and arrest the empty island powerhouse Anilu who colluded with the Straw Hats…”

Sengoku asked with an annoyed look, “What is this?” You tell me this is a task done by someone who has just become a navy? ”

Karp next to him also had a bit of surprise on his face, and if these credits were to be added up, they could basically directly allow a major general to be directly promoted to lieutenant general or even have the capital to nominate a general.

It is even said that taking out each piece of credit here alone is enough for a colonel officer to directly rise to the next level!

But now these things are actually concentrated on one person, and in such a short period of time, this person has done so much credit.

This made Karp even have to wonder if that guy Zefa wanted to deliberately hold Xia Yu.

“If these things are not sent by Zefa, I’m afraid I really have to wonder if the other party is cheating.” Warring States sighed and then said, “This Xia Yu really has some means, combat power, and mind are all top level, originally I thought of letting him mix with Zefa for a period of time, let him be promoted to be a school officer, and then temper well, but now it seems that it can’t work.” ”

Karp nodded and said, “That’s right, if this continues, I’m afraid Xia Yu will fall into the eyes of the five old stars, right?” After all, he is not a well-rooted navy, and he is likely to be directly drawn over by the five old stars, and it will be a troublesome matter at that time. ”

Sengoku fell silent again, and then tapped his finger on the table, and after about a few minutes, he said, “According to Zefa’s meaning, he wants us to give him this rank.” ”

Sengoku pointed his finger at the pattern on the report, and his face showed a bit of helplessness.

“It’s really a lion’s mouth.” Sengoku sighed.

But Karp did not speak, but stood there quietly, the relationship between the three of them was excellent, but after such a long time, even the good relationship would become tasteful.

Not only is the Warring States more and more old Cheng not knowing what is going on in his heart, Zefa also keeps doing things that make the Warring States embarrassed by his qualifications, and the result is that the two go further and further away like this.

That is, because he has no desire or desire, this can be a good relationship with two people.

“You decided to give?” Karp raised his eyebrows.

“Face must be given to Zefa, but I can’t let the five old stars know that Zefa and I are still on the side, alas, so be it.” Sengoku pulled over a blank piece of paper, quickly wrote a letter, put it in the envelope, and then he grabbed the phone worm on the table and said, “Personnel department?” Send someone to the marshal’s office. ”

Four days later, the pirate guerrilla group returned to the naval headquarters, and as soon as they got off the ship, Xia Yu could feel that the surrounding navy seemed to deliberately avoid their group.

This is also a matter of no way, after all, the pirate guerrilla does not belong to the normal establishment, and even to say, this is completely Zefa’s face here, such an alternative, in the name of ‘teaching class’ as the establishment of the armed forces outside the establishment can move everywhere, and even equipped with the most cutting-edge equipment.

But this situation still means that Zefa’s popularity and seniority are there, and when Zefa can’t do it, such an organization will naturally come to an end.

And just when everyone deliberately avoided both sides, several navies quickly ran towards this side.

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