. Looking at the figure of the peach rabbit leaving directly, Xia Yu easily clapped his hands, with a helpless look, just now he really did not make a heavy hand, if he just placed a heavy hand, with the attitude of the peach rabbit, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured all of a sudden.

But the people around didn’t think so, and they all started talking about whether Xia Yu just wanted to deliberately take advantage of the peach rabbit.

In the end, after discussing for a long time, they didn’t dare to really come up to find Xia Yu’s trouble.

After all, they also understood one thing, no matter what Xia Yu thought about Peach Rabbit, but it was certain that Xia Yu was definitely not something they could provoke.

Of course, such a scene also fell into the eyes of many people, and the Warring States, who was chatting with Karp in the office, saw the news transmitted below, and then fell into thought, and then exhaled and said, “Hmph, although I waited for Zefa to come to me to ask for an explanation, but the old one did not come, but the small one has already begun.” ”

“How?” Karp took the report, and his face also moved slightly, “Although it has been determined that this Xia Yu’s strength is definitely the level of a lieutenant general, but he can defeat Peach Rabbit in an instant, this level… I’m afraid I may not be able to do it even if I change it. ”

Sengoku glanced at Karp, then nodded, and said, “It seems that for Xia Yu, it is better to observe it well.” ”

The green pheasant who had been secretly observing Robin also received this information from his subordinates at this time, he glanced at it, and Gu Bo’s face also showed a little surprise, surprised that this Xia Yu’s strength was so strong, and soon he crumpled this lump of paper directly, because the straw hat group had appeared in front of him.

Today he is going to make a deal with Robin here.

The yellow ape did not look at the paper on his desk at all, but lazily lay on the sofa and slept his own nap.

As for the rare smile on the corner of Chi Inu’s mouth, he waved his hand, signaling the navy who submitted the intelligence to retreat on his own, and then sighed, “Xia Yu, this kid is very good, he never shows mercy to pirates, I like it very much, do you want to bring him from the hands of Peach Rabbit?” ”

Xia Yu did not know that he had been favored by many people at this time, so he returned to the dormitory to take a shower and lay directly on the bed and began to look at the so-called duties of the major general.

It stands to reason that he now has the power to mobilize four hundred direct navies, ten naval warships, and ten direct subordinates below the rank of general.

These subordinates are completely their own personal soldiers, if they are placed on other people’s bodies, they will already have their own hardcore personal soldiers when they are promoted from the rank of low-level officers.

Even if it is a mud leg and is recruited, there should be a lot of subordinates before that.

But now Xia Yu has no availability at all…

Well, Dusty counts as one, so what about the rest?

Xia Yu scratched his head, this is really a troublesome thing, can’t he be the commander of the light pole after becoming a lieutenant general?

Well, there is no way to solve this problem just thinking about it, let’s look below, followed by a series of benefits, which makes Xia Yu can’t help but sigh a little, why so many people want to join the navy.

Although in the animation, the navy rush is like cannon fodder, but this benefit is really not covered.

But after reading the welfare, the following is the responsibility, yes, the navy is not only welfare, but more importantly is the responsibility behind the problem, for example, as a rear admiral, in addition to the usual tasks, but also obey various orders, and in some individual times to participate in special tasks.

For example, for tasks like the Devil Slaying Order, basically you have no room to refuse.

Or in other words, if you become a pirate, you can betray your companions and take refuge with others, but when you become a navy, there is not even room for your betrayal.

Just when Xia Yu was bored watching this kind of thing to pass the time, a knock sounded on the door.


“Yes, it’s me.” Dusty shouted outside, “That… Xia Yu, the logistics department sent you the uniform. ”

So fast?

Xia Yu soon received twenty sets of uniforms including coats and inner linings, and there was no clear standard for the navy in terms of uniforms, basically the basic naval side was to wear uniforms directly, and they could match how they wanted outside the uniform.

After reaching the general level, the lieutenant generally still wears uniforms honestly, and the school level up is to wear the uniform with the word justice on the back as a cloak, and then the words on the body are basically based on suits or dresses.

There are no requirements for the clothes on the body, but the outer coats generally have ten sets per month, after all, this kind of thing, often fights are easy to break.

If you exceed your share, then you can only buy it at your own expense.

Xia Yu pulled out a set from the inside and wore it on his body and gestured, not bad, the size is just right, as for what to wear inside? Xia Yu couldn’t help but fall into deep thought, in fact, each admiral’s dressing style and color were basically according to his own style.

Xia Yu looked at some of the dresses sent with the uniform, these things can also be selected at will.

Basically, it was to see Xia Yu’s own preferences, Xia Yu looked at it, still didn’t feel very liked, and finally decided to follow his usual dressing habits.

When it came to the next day, Xia Yu went out directly in a navy coat, and about the location of the peach rabbit office, he also asked several times before finally finding it, but when he came to the door of the peach rabbit office, he heard a man’s voice inside.

“Sister Peach Rabbit, you see recently opened a pretty good takoyaki shop over there in Chambord! Shall we go eat together? It was opened by a fishman who looked like an octopus, which was fun! As soon as Xia Yu heard this voice, he knew that this was a tea porpoise and wanted to make a peach rabbit.

“No, I still have things to do.” Peach Rabbit rejected the other party very directly.

“Sister Peach Rabbit, you’re like this again, don’t I still know how much work you have? You don’t have anything to do lately, so let’s go shopping in the Chambord Islands! We can take a romantic bubble car together! ”

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