And now Smogg has been able to hold on to it is quite rare.

As for the later about Xia Yu’s improved moves for the six styles, the cloud step fused by the moon step and the shave, the cloud turning hand fused by the paper painting and the finger gun, and the bombardment kick that fused the iron block and the lan foot, Xia Yu really did not expect Smog to learn.

But this kid actually got it all started in just fifteen days.

That’s right, it’s beginner, that is, barely able to use, but in terms of proficiency, I can’t bear to look at it directly.

Even when this guy was using the practice cloud flipping hand, he directly fractured his arm.

In short, after three weeks, this guy has basically been reborn.

And this rebirth, on the one hand, I have to say that this kid is indeed a genius with very good qualifications, on the other hand, he is really ruthless enough for himself.

I am afraid that I have already given up on ordinary people.

Now Xia Yu is going to continue to let him learn how to fight further, with his current level, it is still a little too early to use Xia Yu’s tricks, and Xia Yu can be regarded as having discovered it.

The advanced moves fused by these six styles that he studied are powerful, but the load on the body is really not ordinarily small, such as Smogg basically using it a few times when he practiced, and the body reached the limit.

That is, after Xia Yu fused a large number of templates, his physical fitness was a monster, and he was able to use it so easily.

So now for Smogg’s way of continuing to fight, all Xia Yu could think of was to teach him how to use swordsmanship.

After all, this guy usually turns into smoke, and then materializes to give people a punch, or give a knife.

It’s just a criticism.

So next, Xia Yu directly refined Hawkeye’s swordsmanship and taught Dusty and Smog to train these two people, hoping to allow Smog to at least have a high-quality fighting style.

“Phew, I know, I’ll work hard to cultivate.” Smogg sighed, then turned away, looked at Dusty with a serious look and said, “Then I’m coming.” ”

A smile appeared on Dusty’s face, and then said, “Good! ”

The job that Xia Yu found for her was really right.

Dusty is confused about everything else, but she is very obsessed with swordsmanship, Xia Yu said that Dusty will stop when she is tired, then basically as long as she is stained with this kind of thing, Dusty will not be tired…

The two people on this side continued to practice, but Xia Yu frowned and looked in the direction of the east.

At this time, a boat was heading towards it.

The ship had the navy logo on it, and the other party was facing straight towards it, then there was no doubt that he had come to find himself.

Xia Yu didn’t want others to see what he taught Smogg, so he flew directly into the air and flew towards the ship, and when Xia Yu came to the position of Fang Shimi in front of the ship, he stopped and asked, “Are you here to find me?” ”

“Natsu… Major General Xia Yu! At this time, a person quickly ran out of the cab, and when he saw Xia Yu, he couldn’t help but get excited, “Great!” Finally found you! ”

“Huh? What happened? Why so nervous? Xia Yu looked the other party up and down, the rank should be the appearance of the school level, and he had no impression of it at all, what is the matter with this guy looking for himself?

“That… There are urgent tasks! The other party hurriedly said, he also knew that now was not the time to introduce himself, he directly wanted to tell all the information, but he didn’t want Xia Yu to shake his head and said, “I’m still in the time of cultivation, normally speaking, there shouldn’t be a task sent to me, right?” ”

“Very important task!” The man hurriedly said, “It’s the Demon Slaying Order!” ”

“What did you say?” Xia Yu’s face showed a hint of surprise, and then he thought that this time seemed to be almost the time for Luffy and them to make trouble on Justice Island!

In other words, because of his appearance, he is going to participate in the slaughter order against Justice Island?

However, there are so many people in this department, Xia Yu knows even if he closes his eyes, there must be a shadow of the Warring States behind this.

Hmph, Xia Yu raised his chin and said, “Okay, then the other lieutenant generals are ready now?” ”

The man nodded and said, “This time it was you, Lieutenant General of Burning Mountain, and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider who went together, and now the two of you are already waiting in the headquarters. ”

“Got it.” Xia Yu nodded and said, “Then an hour later, I took people to the headquarters to join the two of them. ”

Next, Xia Yu returned directly to the island and stopped Dusty and Smogg, who were practicing against each other, “Okay, now there is a task, let’s suspend cultivation, we are leaving.” ”

Hearing Xia Yu say this, Smog was also stunned, “There is a task?” What task? ”

“Devil Slaying Order.”

“What?” Smog opened his mouth, and then asked with a serious face, “Whose demon slaying order is it aimed at?” ”

I have to say that Smogg is also an outlier in the Navy, and his first reaction when he hears the Demon Slaughter Order now is whether the Navy is going to use the Demon Slaughter Order to do something shady again.

But he didn’t want Xia Yu to say directly, “This time the demon slaughter order is aimed at Justice Island. ”

“What!? Justice Island? Smogg’s eyes widened and he was completely stunned, “Wait! Isn’t Justice Island our own territory? Why…”

“It’s very simple, because there are pirates making trouble on Justice Island now, although I personally don’t think there is a need to directly launch the Demon Slaughter Order, but you should also know, right? Those who possess the Golden Phone Worm have the obligation and power to discern whether or not to launch a demon slaughter order. Xia Yu shrugged his shoulders, “Anyway, what is going on in this matter is meaningless to you and me, the task is a task, go.” Don’t rub it in, now the Burning Mountain and the Ghost Spider are still waiting for us. ”

Smog hesitated for a moment, then nodded, directly packed up the knives and followed Xia Yu to the ship, and then the three of them sailed directly towards the headquarters.

Smog felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, anyway, this time the demon slaughter order was too abrupt.

More than twenty minutes later, Xia Yu and they returned to the headquarters, and Tina was already waiting for Xia Yu here.

“Lieutenant General Xia Yu, I have gathered my men.” Tina walked up and said directly.

And beside Tina, there was a face that Xia Yu was very familiar with, “Ain? “_

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