I Broke Into The Track In A Taxi And Was Broadcast Live Nationwide!

Chapter 109 A Text Message For Help From Under The Snow! ! (Seek Full Order)

"All rescue helicopters on the scene, keep up with Su Chen!"

At this very moment....

In mid-air, an air pilot, through the walkie-talkie!

Spread the word to all nearby drivers!!

for a while.

In midair, there are four or five rescue helicopters!!

Follow Su Chen!!

at the same time.

Longguo, Yifang TV Station!!

【Emergency】Column team, host Zhang Qi.

Take a helicopter and come to the avalanche area.

Be the first to report on the spot!!

At this moment, the host Zhang Qi's expression was extremely serious.


Holding the microphone: "Friends in the audience!! We have now arrived at the scene of the avalanche, and we can see that after the first avalanche, the nearby houses and roads have all been blocked."


The host Zhang Qi's expression is extremely heavy!

Zhang Qi: "We got the news. This time the avalanche, all our colleagues in this TV station also lost contact. At the time of the incident, they were conducting a live broadcast of a program in Xishan

"At that time, when they discovered the snow disaster, they did not choose to run for their lives, but chose to spread the news to everyone nearby!"

"Now we can only pray. All those who lost contact due to the avalanche can be rescued safely!"

at this time...

Zhang Qi also suddenly found out.

Just in front of the helicopter he was riding in.

mid air!!

Several rescue helicopters of "Zero 60" are heading towards one direction, rushing quickly!!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qi was extremely excited: "It's a rescue helicopter!!"

"The rescue helicopter has arrived over Xishan."

"Right now, every minute and every second. It's prime time!!"

at the same time...

Zhang Qi, the host of the official TV station, also saw it.

Just ahead, below some rescue helicopters.

A blue Santana!!


And the helicopters in midair...

It turned out to be following behind that Santana!!


In the lead generally!!


It happened only for a few minutes, but at the moment.

With countless microblogs and major short video platforms being posted, the attention has exploded for a while!!

In front of the TV, there are countless viewers.

Also watching this avalanche!!

at this time!!

All viewers immediately noticed the blue Santana in the TV screen!

Recognized instantly!!


Su Chen's car!!

In an instant, all the audience.

Boiling instantly!!

"Yes... Rider!!"

"The car god is also on the scene?"

"I went to a few rescue helicopters, and they all followed behind the car god!!"

"It seems... is the car god leading the way?"


Countless spectators, engrossed!!


Avalanches are not the only ones watching live on TV!!

There are also many family members of missing persons who watch the live broadcast on their mobile phones!!


I don’t know how many times this has happened!!

The car god appeared, and finally saved one person after another!

Looking at the TV screen, Chen rushed to the forefront.

The hearts of all audience members are full of hope!!


Su Chen drove the Santana and galloped on the halfway up the west mountain.

Very fast!!

And in front of his eyes.

Through [driver thermal vision], you can see it.

Just a few hundred meters ahead!!

One after another, the figures pushed forward.

In Su Chen's thermal vision, those figures. All are red, representing temperature.

And at this moment...

Those figures are not static, but moving!!

That means...

They are alive!!

"Should be right up front.

Su Chen also frowned slightly at this moment, staring around.

Thinking inwardly: "It should be someone from the column team, who didn't have time to go down the mountain. The nearby area has collapsed, forming a snow cave.

And this time...

Just beside Su Chen, it is also accessible.

There are four or five cars, which have turned over!!

Those cars were wrapped in heavy snow. I can only vaguely see the outline!!


One of the rescue helicopter pilots also saw this scene.

Driver: "We saw a couple of cars skidding!!"

"It's all covered in snow!!"

"Send someone down to check now!!"


One of the rescue helicopters stopped, and a rescuer, passed the ladder.

Descend to the ground.

Then, the rescue team.

Quickly came to several vehicles that were slipping sideways, and used a shovel to shovel away the surrounding blood.

turn out...

After those cars rolled over, the doors opened wide.

And inside the car...

and no one!!

The seat belt inside the car showed signs of being forcibly pulled over again, and the car door also showed signs of being forcibly damaged.

And with blood!

Apparently, several cars rolled over afterwards.

People in the car, trying to save themselves!

The rescue team took out the walkie-talkie: "I checked, there is no one inside."

"The situation is very bad now. The initial suspicion is that the car overturned. After the people inside escaped, they fell into the snow cave!! You can see blood in the car!"

Pilot: "Understood, you go back to the helicopter first."

"Su Chen seems to have found something!"

at the same time!!

The host, Zhang Qi, was also in the helicopter and saw this scene.

at the moment...

The expression is very serious, holding the microphone, the wind.

Report from the scene: "We can see, halfway up the mountain. There are several cars overturned!!"

"The inside of the car is empty... Where did the people in it go? These cars should be the cars of our column group in Taiwan!!"

"If it fell into the snow cave, it would be dangerous. Now Xishan is not completely out of danger, and there is no way to conduct a large-scale search..."

"And...it's getting dark too!"

see this scene...

Host Zhang Qi, heart.

It is also slightly picked up!!

2 minutes later.

Su Chen, bypassing a collapsed pit in front, from another direction.

Came to an area!!

Through his thermal vision, it can be found.

Right in front of him under this snow field!!

There are a dozen figures in total!!


Su Chen waved his hand towards several rescue helicopters in the air!!

Then use hand gestures to indicate that there are people in the snow cave in front!!

Helicopter stops!!


Five helicopters, with a total of ten lifeguards, passed the ladder.

Wearing a backpack with various equipment.

Landing from a helicopter.

"Where is the person?"

A group of lifeguards walked anxiously towards Su Chen after landing on the ground!

"It's over there."

Su Chen pointed to an open space several hundred meters ahead, and at the same time reminded: "Don't go any further. That's not a road, but a snow cave!"

After an avalanche, some fragile mountains will collapse.

Form snow caves, and those snow caves.

It will be covered by heavy snow, on the surface.

It's no different from normal roads...


A little careless, step in.

It will fall in the air!!

Several rescue team members took a look.

Then, one of the rescuers.

Take out a few plastic pipes, and after splicing, it becomes a plastic pipe with a length of four or five meters. 0


The plastic pipe was directly stretched into the snowdrift in front.


The plastic tube extends directly into it for one meter!!

And that snowdrift was only half a meter thick.

Below, there is indeed a snow cave hidden!!

at the same time!!

right below!!

[National Sports] column group, a total of nearly 20 staff members, all trapped under the three-meter-high snow cave!!



Here, the phone has no signal!!

pitch black!!

Li Wei, the director of the program group, has a very embarrassing expression!!


All of them, the field car went down the mountain!!


The avalanche broke out suddenly, overturning several cars in the column group at the same time!!

Someone was injured!!

They just escaped from the car, and it turned out.

One foot collapsed!!

Together with the surrounding road, it collapsed together!!

Everyone, all fell into the snow cave!!



Everyone's face is extremely desperate, and the mobile phone has no signal.

There is no way to climb out of here yet!!

Could it be...

Is it just waiting to die??

Just at this time!!

The plastic pipe of the rescue team directly pierced through the snowdrift above it and stretched into the snow cave!!

Rescue team: "Is there anyone down here?"

"Is there anyone down there?"

hear that voice!!

The expression of everyone in the column team who was originally extremely desperate changed suddenly!!

Like a new life!!

Director Li Wei yelled frantically: "Someone!!"

"We are down there!! Everyone is alive, someone has a leg injury and needs emergency treatment!!"

"There are a total of nineteen people below!!"

Rescue team: "Okay, got it. Don't be nervous!"

"Waiting for help!!"

on site!

The people trapped below were identified and all survived.

Countless rescuers, excited!


At the same time, it is very shocking!!

Didn't expect this to happen!!

All instruments fail!!

Cell phone has no signal!!

Su Chen

They were able to find where these people were trapped!!

At this moment, a squad leader of the command team at the scene quickly formulated a rescue plan: first clear the snowdrift 0.0 in front.

"Then the helicopter lowered the rope. Considering that there are injured people below, a rescue team member went down the rope and carried the people inside one by one!"

"Fight for the fastest time and complete the rescue here!!"


In mid-air, the helicopter position slowly landed.

Come to the top of the snow cave, let a rope go down!!

in a minute!!

The rescue team successfully carried an injured person out of the snow cave and brought him to the helicopter!!

Then, other trapped people.

One after another, they were rescued!!

The entire column group, Tian five people!!

Successful escape!!

And on the other side!!

Su Chen has activated Santana and is heading to the next location!

Just at this time....

Drip Drip~~

Su Chen's cell phone rang slowly.

Here comes the text message!!

Open the text message and display the text message time, which is 15:22!

And at this moment...

The time is already 15:45!

That is... this text message.

Because the signal was not connected, it was delayed for 20 minutes before it was sent out!!

It was the hostess, Xu Xinyan, who sent the text message,


"help me.…"

This is a...

SOS message from under the snow!!.

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