I Broke Into The Track In A Taxi And Was Broadcast Live Nationwide!

Chapter 119 Moving House, But Still Meeting Acquaintances? (Seek Full Order)

Chapter 119 Moved, but still meet acquaintances? (Seeking full order)


As an imperial capital, since ancient times, there have been rich people and people with background. meeting place.


It is the core of the real Dragon Kingdom, and the small group of people at the top of this social pyramid enjoy a life that outsiders can't even imagine.

There has been a word circulating outside, crying in the city.

That is, everything you can imagine is not luxury.

It is said that Yancheng has an inch of land and an inch of gold.

To be precise...

Once inside the inner city.

Some of the top villa districts...


It's not just the level of every inch of land and gold!


And the Imperial Bay.

It is Yancheng, the most mysterious and high-end villa area.

none of them!

Counting the bay, private gardens, and less than twenty villas.

Occupies dozens of square kilometers.

The location is on the east side of Yancheng, near the sea.

This is the most prosperous area in Yancheng, and several Fortune 500 companies have their headquarters here.

Surrounding it are the major landmarks of the Dragon Kingdom.

In Yancheng, there is no sea.

Only the small area of ​​the inner city has a bay and a corner.

And this little bay.

It is occupied by the area of ​​the Imperial Bay Villas


"May 47th" Su Chen, driving on the streets of Yancheng.

Imperial Bay...

Su Chen doesn't know much, even...

In the media, there are not many reports on this place.

You can see the people who can live here.

Consciously or unintentionally, it is protected by the official of the Dragon Kingdom.

As a result, there are tens of thousands of media in Longguo, and there are only a few words for the reports here.

There are only a few rumors.

Big houses and luxury cars are pursued by men.

For here...

Su Chen also had some expectations.

After almost an hour.

Santana finally entered the area where the Imperial Capital Bay is located.

Around, quiet.

Green mountains and green waters, enter this area.

Even the decorations above the street lamps, the chairs on the side of the road. All have changed the decoration style, which is extremely exquisite.

On the walls on both sides, there are reliefs engraved with mysterious patterns, and even the signature of the master engraver, Nan.

These reliefs are all made by top masters at home and abroad.

Just snap out a piece and take it outside. The price is hundreds of thousands.

the door.

In the security room, there are several security guards standing guard.

Even the security room is built like an ancient attic, elegant and grand.

The entrance is divided into rows of gates. There is a glass corridor above, like a luxurious airport entrance.

Su Chen: "The security room is so grand..."

"What will it be like in here?"




Santana, walk to an entrance.

Security room. A man with a respectful attitude...

But there are absolutely no ordinary people who can come here.

This group of security guards is used to the bad tastes of the rich.

Maybe he drives a taxi, but his real identity is the boss worth hundreds of billions.

Maybe he is dressed all over the place, but his real identity is a doctor or scientist who has won the Nobel Prize and won countless honors for the country.


It didn't happen that Su Chen first entered the Bincheng villa area and was kicked out by the security guards.

Su Chen, open the car window.

Handed out a card.

That card is all black. Engraved gold text. All real gold.

It says 【Didu Bay-Su Chen】

few words.

At this time, a security guard passed the ID card that Su Chen handed over.

Swipe on the machine...

Information instantly appears on the display!!

【Mr. Su (Homeowner)】

[Bay Bay-No. 7, No. 7 Garden, No. 7 Underground Parking Lot. 】


See the text displayed on the screen...!

Security room.

Several security guards instantly stood up in surprise.

One by one, the attitude is transient!!

Very respectful!!

"You... hello, Mr. Su!!"


Gate, pile!

The security guard looked at Su Chen with an extremely respectful tone: "Mr. Su must be a newcomer, right?"

"If you have any requirements, please call us at any time. We are a security company. We have contracts with several top domestic banks, automobile companies, and helicopter companies. The managers of major companies are always online at any time, and can guarantee that any of your needs will be completed in the first time. Require."

"At the same time, there are domestic golf course VIPs, several major private club VIPs, private party VIPs, horse racing casino VIPs, etc., all of which have prepared places for you. If necessary, I can send them to you at any time."

Su Chen.

Nodded and smiled.


drive in!!

And those security guards looked at Su Chen's Santana, shocked!

"He... turned out to be the buyer of Villa No. 7?"

"Villa No. 7. It is the most expensive villa with the best location. It is located in the center. It comes with a private garden, the world's top gardening masters, weekly finishing...in the villa

There are famous paintings by Picasso and Da Vinci.

A security guard, with a trembling voice: "The only thing I know is that a few days ago, the behind-the-scenes boss of the world's top 500 companies and the top five companies applied for the purchase of Villa No. 7 for the sixth time. It was just rejected. ..”

"I just heard that...the boss paid a higher price. He didn't even buy it...It is said that part of the boss's funds is abroad."

"This person...what is his identity? Could it be an academician who has contributed countless honors to the country??"

Another security guard couldn't help guessing: "At present, there is an academician living in the community..."

"Forget it, we've guessed too much and talked too much about people of this status. Not good!!"

Having said that...

All the security guards were still shocked!!

Especially when they saw Su Chen driving a taxi...

More confused!!



Su Chen, who doesn't know his identity, has caused countless people to speculate wildly..

Driving on the private garden road.

The entire villa area occupies a very large area.

There are dozens of square kilometers...

After almost ten minutes.

Su Chen just left a private garden and entered the villa area, on the coastal road.

While watching the scenery.

On the way to my residence...

And at this moment.

On the side of the road, within a villa.

A young girl.

He was holding a cardboard box and walking down from the second floor.

Inside the carton...

It is a pile of documents, drawings.

The suitcase is huge.

The girl is petite and looks a little powerless.

When I walk, I feel a little trembling...


The girl was dressed in a white gauze dress, and her appearance was unrivaled. Although she was tightly wrapped, she could vaguely see the perfect arc in her every move.

The girl wears round-frame glasses, which are more mature.

her name is...

Ye Qingxue!!

Scientist of Longguo, academician of Kaiwu.

The youngest academician!!

Not just domestically.

She once went to impoverished areas abroad and brought water to the children there!!

Countless people have been saved!

Ye Qingxue originally carried a bunch of discarded blueprints. 0 planned to send them to the courtyard, but these blueprints were all discarded, but.

Even so, some of the design, construction, and construction of the inside is taken outside. It's all top secret.

Individuals do not have the right to destroy.

It needs to be sent to the courtyard, and after a unified study by all the big bosses in the courtyard, it is being destroyed or processed separately.


Unfortunately, Ye Qingxue's car was repaired because of some problems.

Ye Qingxue: "I can only call the security guards. Let them carry it to the door, and then let the people in the courtyard come and pick it up..."

Just when Ye Qingxue was about to make a phone call.

Suddenly she sees...

A taxi appeared in front of her!!

Ye Qingxue: "Huh?"

"In the community, have you let in a taxi?"

Right now I can't control that much anymore, Ye Qingxue hastily stretched out her hand and waved it viciously!!



"Please stop!!"

inside the car....

Su Chen heard someone calling him, and the voice was still familiar.

Immediately, stop.

Open the windows.

Immediately, meeting Ye Qinggong's four eyes,

Ye Qingxue:

Su Chen:

Su Chen.

Of course I know Ye Qingxue!!

When I drove overseas by myself, she was the one who saved me!!

did not think of...

Moving house, unexpectedly met acquaintances??

After a few seconds...

Ye Qingxue finally realized it.

In the beautiful eyes, a look of joy appeared in an instant: "Morning?"

"It's you? Why are you here?"

If Ye Qingxue remembers correctly, Su Chen's hometown should be in Bencheng.

A few days ago, Ye Qingxue was looking for Su Chen to play LOL.


Su Chen has not been online these days. Every time she waited until very late and sent Su Chen a WeChat message, but there was no response

And this morning, I saw the news that Su Chen won the Dragon Kingdom Medal.

Ye Qingxue was also happy for Su Chen, and sent Su Chen another WeChat message.


Still no response~~

Su Chen: "I'm here.... I bought a new house. I'll come and have a look."

1.5 Su Chen chose to tell the truth.

Ye Qingxue was very surprised!

To know....

The houses here are very expensive, and money, status, and background are also included. Indispensable...!!

This is the residence she applied for from her college. Once here, it is quiet and no one disturbs, so it is convenient for research and appointment.

Another convenience is that the security conditions here are good, a little safer, a little more hidden....

It can be said that she can stay here. It was entirely because of the temporary residence that the top academy in Longguo applied for her.

Ye Qingxue has been here for about a year, and all she has seen are the top tycoons, or big financial families, or people with mysterious backgrounds.


In the outside world, if you move your feet, you will get three strands!!

Ye Qingxue was puzzled!!

What is Su Chen's identity?

Can you actually buy a house here?


Su Chen drives, creating overseas war-torn areas alone!!

And then...

God-level car skills, fighting against the top killers in the beautiful country alone, even relying on car skills.

Dodge the opponent's sniper!!

In the end... Knock over the killer of the beautiful country directly and arrest him!


This is a...very mysterious man!!

At this time, Ye Qingxue found out.

To Su Chen....

Almost completely do not understand ah ~ ~.

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