I Broke Into The Track In A Taxi And Was Broadcast Live Nationwide!

Chapter 125 Brother-In-Law... I Was Wrong! ! (Seek Full Order)

Chapter 125 Brother-in-law... I was wrong!!

"Too contemptuous of people"

"Too bullying!!"

At this very moment....

Lin Fei, driving that black Bugatti, was driving on the racing track.

The twenty-fifth lap position!!

When she learned that Su Chen was at this time. Just started the car!!

Instant response...!!

turn out to be...

Su Chen is to let them go halfway first, and then catch up!!


It's just so condescending!!

"Miss Fei...what do you mean?"

In the co-pilot position, Xia Caiyan also looked confused!!

Lin Fei.

In the beautiful eyes, a circle flashed.

After that, he nodded: "That taxi driver. He should let us go halfway first, and then he will catch up."


Xia Caiyan, I'm a little confused...

Let half the distance??

Could it be...

The taxi driver didn't know who was beside her.

Is it Lin Fei, who is known internationally as the Queen of Racing??



Lin Fei, however, became extremely serious.

He said lightly: "I want to see if he has the ability...!"

Lin Fei.

Hold the steering wheel tightly and accelerate for a while.

Then it's time to turn and brake.


A perfect cornering, once again opened some distance from the second place.

And behind.

Su Chen's Santana is just on the 10th month.


Chen Chuyan, with beautiful big eyes, stared at Su Chen in disbelief.

"Brother-in-law, are you kidding me?"

"Give half the distance, how can you win..."

Su Chen at the moment.

The expression is indifferent and calm.

No words.

But Chen Churan, who was behind the car, remained silent from the beginning to the end.


Know Su Chen's true strength!!

Only after experiencing a life-and-death race with Su Chen in person, will you know.

Su Chen's driving skills....

What a horror!!

That is, a person who can dominate the world's largest no-limit car race!

Su Chen: "Sit still."

next second...

Santana, start to accelerate.

Chen Chuyan, on the other hand, has always been skeptical.

I don't know if Su Chen can catch up after falling to the ground...

If you can't catch up, it will be a big embarrassment...

And in Su Chen's live broadcast room.

Countless spectators saw this scene.

It is also completely boiling!

The bullet screens are swiping one after another!!

Countless viewers are excited!!

"I'm touched... In my lifetime series, I finally saw the car god racing again!!"

"To tell the truth. I am very excited and complicated now! I watch the live broadcast of the car god on time every day, and wait!! But I know that when I see the car god racing again, all the waiting will be worth it."

"I'm crying!! My punk is back!!"

"Finally, the car god is racing again... It seems that he hasn't forgotten his old job."

"Car God Niubi!!"

Most of this group of spectators started when Su Chen broke into the track and took note of the pregnant woman. I started to follow Su Chen.

Among the audience, most of them are drivers!

Racing lovers!!


Seeing Su Chen racing again, how can we not be excited??

After a few seconds.

Su Chen's speed finally began to increase.





extremely fast!!

In just a few seconds, She quickly and directly suffered 300.

Outside the window, the night view of the city outside can be vaguely seen.

However, it also flashed by like an afterimage.


The co-pilot position, Chen Chuyan.

In a state of excitement!!

The speed is too fast!!

She has never been in such a fast car before!!


Chen Chuyan's pretty face was flushed with excitement: "Brother-in-law, you are so amazing!!"



Keep on soaring!



When it reached 370, Chen Chuyan's expression finally changed!!

Chen Chuyan.

After all, she is just a girl who is only eighteen or nineteen years old...

After the speed reaches 370, it has entered an absolute high speed.

The surrounding scenery....

It has been completely invisible, leaving only an afterimage.

The light outside becomes a ray of light. Go fast!!

And this time...

Chen Chuyan.

Discovery too!!

Ahead, there is a turning point!!

And Su Chen.

At this moment, there is no intention of slowing down...!

this moment!

Chen Chuyan's pretty face instantly turned pale.

Couldn't help screaming: "Brother-in-law...!"

"Slow down!!"

Su Chen ignored it.


The speed is getting faster and faster!!

faster and faster!!


Chen Chuyan was so frightened that he couldn't help screaming...

at the same time.

Heart pounding!!

Nervous to the extreme!!


Chen Chuyan's pretty little face, this time. also became a little flustered

she regrets!!!

She regrets it very much now, she should not force Su Chen to go racing!!

"Brother-in-law, I was wrong!!"

"I was wrong!! I shouldn't have asked you to race!!"

Chen Chuyan. Only then did I react...

Back then, I forcibly dragged Su Chen to race, Su Chen's faint smile!!

turn out to be...

There is a deep meaning in that smile!!

Su Chen.

Still no answer, just gripping the steering wheel.

Calm expression.

Even in this high-speed state, Su Chen can still control the taxi very smoothly.

If not look outside.

At this moment... Santana seemed to be standing still in place!!

And the corner in front of him is getting closer and closer.


50 meters!!

10 m!!

Su Chen, however, did not intend to slow down at all.

at the same time...

Chen Chuyan, who was on the sidelines, screamed in fright, and immediately covered his eyes...!


In an instant, Yinchen turned the steering wheel.

Foot on the brakes, at the same time.

Come on!!

An extreme drift, drawing an L shape on the spot!!

At the moment of drifting, the speed soared to the limit again.

perfect turn!!

No slowdown!!


The next moment, Santana!!

It’s just going forward quickly!!


The few supercars ahead.

inside the car.

The driver suddenly heard a roaring sound!!

And the sound of friction from drifting tires.

Every tire friction, drift distance.

They are all perfectly controlled, amazingly consistent!!

Inside a sports car, the driver: "Someone is chasing...!"

"Amazing driving skills. More than a dozen drifts in a row, all of which are amazingly consistent and precise!"

"Who the hell? Is it a professional instrument?"


Those supercars that are racing are here to see!!

Su Chen, driving a blue Santana.

From below, quickly chased over!!

Su Chen's location: 10 laps!!

15 laps!!

20 laps!!

In less than a few minutes, Su Chen came from behind.

Already soared to 20 laps directly!!



Speed ​​bar!!

Surrounded by supercar drivers, as well as the rich second generation or rich young lady in the car.

only to see...

Su Chen's Santana, in the darkness.

Like a gust of blue wind!!

Overtake them instantly!!


Constantly moving forward, Lin Fei, who had reached the 30th lap, chased after him!!

And ahead...!

The fast-moving Bugatti Black Dragon drifted through several corners in a row.

Already came to the 32nd lap.

at this time...

Lin Fei in the car. also heard...


The roar of an engine!!


Lin Fei glanced at the rearview mirror with her beautiful eyes.

just to see...

Su Chen, that blue Santana, turned out to be from the second basement in a short time.

chased after...

The closer it is to her car, the closer it is!!

This moment.


Totally stupid!!!

The beautiful eyes are all wide open.

Like hell!!

"It took us half of the distance... unexpectedly, in less than five minutes, we caught up???"

"This... is impossible???"

"Are you kidding???.

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