Inside the taxi.

The girl looked helpless.

Tears welled up in her dark eyes.


This is her name.

Wanfu was not trained as a guide dog to begin with.

It was a stray dog ​​picked up by the family on the street.

In the past, Xiao Rou was a girl like an ordinary person.

Gentle character, the age of a flower.

And the most striking thing is her pair of bright eyes.

At that time, she was full of flawless and beautiful visions for the future of life.

But an unexpected fire changed everything.

Although Xiaorou managed to survive the fire.

However, her eyes will never see.

Since then, Xiaorou has changed.

Silent, like to be in a daze.

Lost hope in life, like a walking dead.

At that time, Xiao Rou thought about committing suicide.

If it wasn't for her parents to find out in time.

Maybe, tragedy happened.

For ordinary people, light is within reach.

But only those who have lost it understand its preciousness.

until, then...

Parents picked up a puppy from the street.

Appears to be abandoned by the owner.

When I picked it up, it was covered in scars from everywhere.

Parents gave it a bath.

It was offered to Xiaorou's side like a gift.

But at that time, Xiao Rou seemed to be at the bottom of the abyss.

No one else can get into her heart at all.

She abandoned herself alone.

She seemed to be sitting in a dark corner of her heart.

Put your hands on your knees.

His eyes stared numbly at everything that was empty.

At this time... in the dark.

A warm touch crossed Xiaorou's palm.

Xiao Rou stretched out her hand.

Touched a fluffy little head.

At that time, Xiao Rou smiled.

Smile very happily.

That was the first time she smiled since she was blind.

Like hope for life.


If Wanfu can no longer appear by Xiaorou's side now.


She will become that walking dead girl again.

Su Chen remained silent, driving quickly on the road.

New viewers are constantly pouring into the live broadcast room.

They saw the atmosphere in the car was silent.

They asked what happened.

Enthusiastic water friends immediately answered their questions.

When she realized that it was the poor blind girl in front of her who lost her dog.

Everyone was worried about her.

"Guide dogs are as important to a blind person as life, I hope Su Chen can help this poor boy find a dog~||!"

"It stands to reason that once a guide dog is equipped with a guide saddle, it is rare to get lost!"

"Listen to me! I just saw that Su Chen seems to have called the police, and now Su Chen is driving out of town [I suspect that the girl's dog must have been taken by a dog thief! Now I'm on my way to find it! "

"Ah! No!! But people are more rampant nowadays. A guard dog from my second aunt's house was drugged and stolen!"

"Damn it, dogs are so loyal to humans, and there are still people doing such illegal activities, it's really not human!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were filled with righteous indignation at this behavior.

Su Chen didn't have time to watch the barrage.

At this moment, he is driving with all his strength to the address Yu Ningxue sent him.

The horizon, the sun is setting.

20 minutes later.

Su Chen drove to the vicinity of the address.

What caught the eye was a temporary wooden workshop.

Su Chen got out of the car.

He comforted the girl in the car.

Then go inside the workshop.

Push open the concealed door.

The scene inside made Su Chen angry too.

I saw the yard behind the iron gate.

The iron cages are like stacking blocks.

Several dying dogs were imprisoned inside.

Their bodies are full of bruises that can be seen to the bone.

And most have lost some organs.

It can be seen that these dogs have all been cruelly abused.

In the courtyard house.

Smoke was coming from the chimney, and there were people inside.

Su Chen's eyes were cold.

At this time, a woman came out from inside.

When she saw Su Chen, she immediately yelled:

"Who are you? Dare to break into other people's homes and seek death!"

Su Chen recognized in an instant that the person in front of him was the woman pretending to be lying on the ground in the surveillance camera.

Su Chen sneered: "If you do this kind of thing, can you still be called a human being!"

The woman's complexion changed, and she shouted into the house: "Dalong, come out quickly, someone is looking for trouble!"

Following the woman's shout, another muscular man came out of the room.

It's one of those in the video.

The big man looked ferocious, with his upper body bare, holding a knife in one hand and a skinned dog's head in the other.

As soon as he came out he yelled, "Are you looking for trouble, boy!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and flashed the butcher knife in his hand.

Su Chen's face was frosty: "Where is the golden retriever caught by you this morning?"

Hearing this, the woman's expression changed, but she immediately said: "There is no dog here. If you are looking for a dog, get out, get out, or you won't be able to eat!"

Su Chen's gaze was like an arrow. This woman dared to lie in front of him. It seemed that they would not tell the truth unless they were taught a lesson.

【God level fighting technique】


In an instant, Su Chen's figure rushed towards the second district like a whirlwind.

The woman jumped up and shouted: "Good boy, dare to fight, Dalong, kill him!"

But as soon as the words fell, she saw an unforgettable scene in her life.

Su Chen flashed behind the big man.

Raising his hand, the big man who weighed more than a hundred catties was immediately knocked into the air like a chick.

Then, Su Chen looked at her with indifferent eyes, and with a glance, the woman's eyes instantly became soft and helpless.

Is that human being!

Su Chen asked coldly: "I'll ask again, where is the golden retriever that you stole!"

The woman could no longer be arrogant anymore, and said in a trembling voice, "I was dragged out and sold by Erlong!"


Su Chen's voice was cold: "Where did you sell it?"

The woman's throat (of Zhao's) twitched nervously, and she said in a trembling voice: "Different from ordinary dogs, dogs of that breed are very valuable in the market, so we have already found a buyer in advance, and when we catch them, we will Let Erlong drive it to the buyer!"

Su Chen frowned slightly, stepped forward and asked, "What's the license plate number, and how long have you been there?"

The woman was so frightened by Su Chen's momentum that she fell to the ground and replied in a crying voice:

"It's a van with the license plate number...A...."

"Yes.. about an hour!"

Su Chen let out a breath, took out his mobile phone and called Yu Ningxue.

Tell her about the situation at the scene.

Let her send someone over.

Then he went back to the car.

Xiaorou heard the sound beside her and knew that Feng was back.

Immediately anxiously asked: "How is Wanfu?"

Su Chen shook her head, realizing again that she couldn't see.

I said a word of apology silently in my heart, and then said: "Not here anymore, but I already have a clue!".

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