I Broke Into The Track In A Taxi And Was Broadcast Live Nationwide!

140. Many Acts Of Unrighteousness Will Result In Self-Death! !

Cassia Mountain.

In the dark night.

From time to time, there was the sound of tires rubbing against the ground.

Su Chen drove the Santana proficiently, and the Cassia Mountain with many curves was driven by him like walking on the ground.

He doesn't even need to activate special skills.

Relying on his own driving skills alone is enough to quickly complete this embarrassing road.

Every time he controls the steering wheel.

every angle adjustment.

Every tiny movement is extremely perfect and precise.

Like a precision instrument.

And that Jiang Chao who was driving a Ferrari.

At this moment, he has been left far behind.

You can't even see the taillights at all.

On the other hand, Chen Chuyan screamed from the co-pilot from time to time. The drifting around the curve and the fast speed made her adrenaline soar.

She looked at Su Chen who was concentrating on driving at this time.

That kind of self-confidence to control everything is so charming.

When people are emotionally excited, they are most likely to do things that even they don't expect.

Seeing Chen Chuyan leave his seat suddenly, he kissed Su Chen's side face suddenly.

Su Chen was driving the car intently, only to feel the side of his face suddenly wet.

He glanced at Chen Chuyan speechlessly.

And Chen Chuyan returned to his original position with a shy face.

Looking out the window like nothing happened.

10 minutes later.

The blue Santana driven by Su Chen.

After paddling a perfect drift.

Came to the finish line.

The group of rich second generations stared blankly at the approaching taxi.

Some even rubbed their eyes.

I'm afraid I'm wrong.

How could Santana beat Ferrari!

One of the rich second generations said blankly: "Impossible, it is impossible to set the date!"

"Jiang Shao's car is a top Ferrari supercar! Even his car has been specially modified!"

"How could it be possible to lose to a taxi!"

Just for a moment when they were stunned.

The blue taxi drives across the finish line.

But the scene was quiet.

Including Liu Yumeng.

She felt that the world had taught her a deep lesson.

Doesn't this kind of miracle only appear in movies?

But at this moment, it really happened in front of my eyes.

Su Chen pulled the car to the side and stopped slowly.

Chen Chuyan got out of the car and hugged Liu Yumeng with joy.

"Haha, we won!"

Only then did Liu Yumeng react.

He took her hand and said, "Where's Jiang Chao!"

Chen Chuyan waved his hand indifferently: "It should be in the back, and Hui is in charge of him!"

Liu Yumeng sighed suddenly: "Hey! Yanyan, you are fine! But what about your friend!"

"Jiang Chao's father is a famous big shot, maybe he won't touch you, but your friend offended him this time, how will he gain a foothold in this city in the future!"

When Chen Chuyan heard her words, not only did he not have any worries, but he smiled and said:

"Mengmeng, do you know who he is!"

When Liu Yumeng heard his words, she was a little stunned: "Who is it!"

Chen Chuyan leaned close to her ear and whispered softly: "He is...the God of Riders!"

On the contrary, Liu Yumeng looked disbelieving: "No way! Rider, how do you know Rider!"

"You don't have to worry about it!" Chen Chuyan smiled mysteriously.

And just when the two of them were whispering.

Jiang Chao drove the Ferrari to the finish line.

He stopped slowly, got out of the car, and looked at Su Chen with a complicated expression.

Chen Chuyan raised his middle finger at him, and said with a smile: "Jiang Chao, you lost, do you accept it or not!"

"Hmph!" Jiang Chao ignored Chen Chuyan's sarcasm, but turned to Su Chen and said, "God of the car, I have been admiring you for a long time!"

Su Chen rubbed his nose and didn't say anything.

"But don't be complacent, you just drive fast [it's nothing!"

"But I can say this, even if you drive a taxi for the rest of your life, you still can't earn the money I pay for a tire!"

Jiang Chaoyue said more confidently: "So you are a loser in society, you never know who controls the world!"

Su Chen looked at him with a foolish look on his face.

But he didn't bother to say anything to him.

On the contrary, Chen Chuyan was a little unhappy.

He retorted: "Su Chen is a person who has won the Dragon Kingdom Medal. Can you achieve anything? You are just a rich second generation who is just waiting to die. What qualifications do you have to talk about here!"

Jiang Chao's face turned red and then pale, and he said bitterly: "So what, I don't believe you will fall in love with a taxi driver, what happiness can he give you!"

Chen Chuyan blushed pretty, but for some reason, he didn't refute this sentence.

The usual eloquence was completely useless at this time.

He hesitated and said a good word.

Liu Yumeng retorted instead: "What are you proud of, maybe the car god has more money than you! Why are you so proud!"

Jiang Chao laughed and said: "Tomorrow I will ask my dad's company to buy your taxi company. I don't believe you can still jump around then!"

Chen Chuyan said red-eyed: "You are despicable, Jiang Chao, if you can't win, just play tricks, you are still not a man!"

Jiang Chao didn't care, and laughed loudly: "This world is like this, only rich people can control this world!"

"If you don't have money, you deserve to be trampled under your feet."

Su Chen said at this time: "Really?"

Seeing his confident look, Jiang Chao couldn't help but take two steps back.

"So what! What else can you do! You just drive faster, what are you doing!"

Su Chen said indifferently: "If I guess 013 correctly, your father is a shareholder of the five-star Gia Lai Hotel Group!"

When Jiang Chao heard this, he looked at Su Chen in horror, "How do you know!"


Su Chen grinned, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The phone connects.

On the other end of the phone was a stock manager. It was the first time he received a call from a big shot, and he seemed a little flustered!

"You. You are Mr. Su!"

Su Chen hummed lightly, and then replied: "Today, I will remove Jiang's name from the group!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Seeing this, Jiang Chao laughed and said, "Aren't you stupid! Who do you think you are if you want my Jiang family to be expelled!"

Su Chen has no words, he is not interested in saying a word to the dead.

After a while, Quan Chao's cell phone rang suddenly.

He picked up his phone and saw it was his father.

Jiang Chao answered the phone with some trepidation, only to see that within a moment,

Jiang Chao looked at Su Chen with a look of horror, and the phone in his hand slipped and fell to the ground involuntarily.

He knelt down with trembling legs, and then moved to Su Chen step by step: "Car God, I was wrong, please let our Jiang family go!"

Su Chen kicked him away, and said coldly: "If you do many injustices, you will be autistic, so you should do it yourself!"

After speaking, he drove away with Chen Chuyan and Liu Yumeng.

But Jiang Chao sat down on the ground with a dead expression on his face!

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