After spending a few days on Xia Wei Island, several people returned.

That aircraft carrier was acquired by Su Chen.

I originally thought of destroying it directly, but such a small aircraft carrier is actually powered by a nuclear reactor. If the aircraft carrier is destroyed, the world's oceans will suffer.

Regarding the fact that the aircraft carrier is driven by a nuclear reactor, Su Chen still has lingering fears in retrospect.

On the other hand, K witnessed the whole process of Su Chen rescuing the two sisters.

"Invisible? Disappear?" K repeatedly watched the monitoring screen of the aircraft carrier, and muttered, "It seems that this kid has something incredible in his hand!"

dragon country.

Imperial Capital, Bay Residential Area.

The peaceful days made Su Chen feel a little uncomfortable.

When he was driving a taxi in recent days, there were no bad guys. Society seems to be calming down.

At noon, Su Chen decided to take a lunch break.

But just a few seconds after lying down, a group of masked people entered the bank. In his hand, it looks like a pistol.

"10 system, can it be soundproof!" Obviously, the lazy Su Chen didn't plan to care about it. I don't even have the heart to join in the fun.


The gunshots sounded, the system issued a mission, and the host has a new mission! Bring the robber who robbed the bank to justice! Reward! 【Invincible Medical Kit 1"

"Okay, then I'll exercise." Su Chen got out of the car and did preparatory exercises before using the storage space.

The storage space replicates everything outside.

Su Chen walked into the bank in the storage space, and lay down on the ground.

Close the storage space, and quietly entered the bank.

The police outside also arrived, shouting, "Listen, people inside! You are surrounded! Put down your weapons and surrender now, put down your weapons and surrender now!"

In the fixed plot in the TV series, the robbers will definitely not surrender.

"Quick! Put it on for me!"

There were five robbers in total, and two of them pointed guns at the head of the bank staff and asked them to put money into sacks.

Three others walked back and forth, staring at the hostages.

A robber came towards Su Chen, this was the perfect time to strike.

As long as he grabs the gun, Su Chen is confident that he can kill the robber.

Su Chen quickly went through the whole process in his mind, and the robbers got closer and closer until they came to Su Chen.

"Ah~ woo woo woo~"

The crying of the baby interrupted Su Chen's plan, and the robbers quickly asked the pregnant woman who was holding the baby and walked over.

The noise of the baby made the robber feel impatient, because Chen An couldn't cry well.

"Shut him up! Want to die!"

Annoyed by the crying of the baby, the robbers were ready to kill.

One of the robbers pointed his gun at the baby, obviously unable to hold back his irritability.

Don't hesitate any longer, if you are slow for a second, the baby will definitely die.

Get up, a few strides rushed towards the robber who was about to shoot.

One of the robbers reacted quickly and shot Su Chen continuously.

The dense bullets did not have time to dodge, but the robber's marksmanship was completely stroked, and all four shots only hit Su Chen's arm.

Enduring the pain, Su Chen kicked over the robber who was pointing the gun at the baby, and then the surrounding people joined in and stopped them instantly.

The gun that fell on the ground was picked up by Su Chen, and he shot with his right arm. The accuracy was slightly poor, and only one robber was killed.

Another was shot in the left shoulder, and the robbers removed the pull of a grenade before the second bullet passed through the head.

Regardless of the piercing pain, he rushed quickly and grabbed the grenade in the robber's hand.

It was not too late, but the shoulder holding the grenade was the shoulder hit by four bullets.

"Ah~!" The pain distorted Su Chen's expression, and he let out a heart-piercing roar.

The special police in the ventilation duct only appeared at this time.

"Su Chen!" Yu Ningxue was also among them, rushing to Su Chen's side in a few breaths, looking at the injury on Su Chen's right arm, she felt a chill in her heart, please help me!"

Yu Ningxue reached out to hold the grenade, but Su Chen gritted her teeth, "Don't! If you hold it, my arm will lose strength in an instant! I will die at that time!"

"Then what should I do!" Yu Ningxue was anxious and angry, "Why are you being so brave!"

"Wait until you police do it! The baby is already dead!" Su Chen growled.

The crowd has been evacuated. 803 Su Chen's right arm was bleeding continuously, and his face was a little pale at this moment.

If no treatment is given, Su Chen will surely die from blood loss.

"Build explosion-proof fortifications in the bank! Hurry up!" Knowing that his situation is not good, Su Chen urged, "I'm going to see the King of Hades if I'm too late!"

Yu Ningxue nodded, perhaps because of her irritability, she shouted into the walkie-talkie without any prefix, "Build explosion-proof fortifications at the bank! Otherwise, the car god will die!"

After the police outside received it, they hurriedly followed suit.

The speed is very fast, and the explosion-proof industrial weight was built in the bank in a few minutes.

"Ah~!" Su Chen staggered to his feet, the pain made him grit his teeth again and scream, "After I was thrown into the explosion-proof fortification, you threw me down!"

After the words fell, the grenade was thrown into the explosion-proof fortifications.

Yu Ningxue, who had been standing by Su Chen's side, also immediately pushed Su Chen down.


There was a loud bang, and the bank trembled slightly.

When Su Chen woke up again, he was in the hospital.

Standing by is Chen Churan. .

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