In order to avoid collisions with marine life, Su Chen still drives the nuclear submarine in the storage space.

Under the circumstances that all factors were favorable, even though the distance was far away, they still rushed to K's headquarters very quickly.

A huge silver castle appeared on the bottom of the sea, which may not be seen clearly in the dark and dark deep sea.

But in the storage space, it can be seen clearly.

The silver iron sheet withstood the huge pressure of the seabed without any trace of deformation.

"What is this metal? It can withstand the pressure of the deep sea?"

Su Chen was also slightly puzzled, the system did not answer Su Chen's question, but instead urged, "The host please enter the interior quickly!"


If it weren't for the location tracking that showed a three-dimensional map of the silver castle, Su Chen really couldn't get in.

According to the three-dimensional diagram, the internal pressure of this castle is lower than the external one, but there are a lot of gaps around it, the pressure is higher than the external one, and then, the pressure on both sides is actually the same.

And there's a doorway that's always 720 open, leading to something like an underwater parking lot

The pressure of this 'parking lot' is the same as the internal pressure, and there are many nuclear submarines inside.

There is a passage above the 'parking lot', which is a ladder, which can just be climbed up.

"Such a project is built underwater?"

Su Chen exclaimed in his heart that this thing is man-made.

Organization K can actually compete with nature, "No wonder if you dare to face the whole world head-on, there really is something for you.

Su Chen entered the interior, climbed up layer by layer according to the instructions of the three-dimensional map, and finally reached the top floor.

A simple console with a huge screen.

There is a progress bar on the screen, and it has reached 49%.

Behind the screen is the glass cage where the beast is held, and K who is receiving electrotherapy.

Su Chen's first reaction was to block the current (baba) transmission.

Looking around, I only saw a thick iron sheet, "This iron sheet is a non-conductor."

When Su Chen saw the iron piece, the system immediately gave an analysis.

Since it is a non-conductor, Su Chen ruthlessly flew the iron piece flat, and just at 50%, it stopped on top of K's head, successfully blocking the further transmission of the current.

The current suddenly stopped passing, and K flew upside down and hit the wall.

After a long period of electric shock, even after absorbing 10% of the power of the beast, it is still very weak.

The body was still convulsing, and Su Chen's scalp felt slightly numb when he looked at it.

Now K has no resistance, Su Chen walked over step by step, and said aggrievedly: "Brother, can't you just stop torturing me as a taxi driver? It's easy for me! I saved the world and no one gave me money. This thing It’s all voluntary labor.”

Hearing this, K's lips also began to twitch, as if he was muttering something.

Su Chen looked around and could roughly guess: "You want money, I'll give you money! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

However, although Su Chen is very interested in money, he is more interested in the devil K. Being able to kill a demon with one's own hands is considered a merit. Maybe the next time I go out, I will find some money.

A dagger appeared in his hand, he raised the knife and dropped it, belching fart.

Then Su Chen turned around and re-examined those mythical beasts that only existed in mythology.

Is it an animal?" Su Chen asked while looking for the button to open the glass cover.

"That's right." When Su Chen was looking for the button, several people turned into humans.

As for the energy that was introduced into the ground, several people must have recovered it.

"Here!" Su Chen groped for a long time and finally found it. He slapped it hard, and the glass cover opened.

Looking back, it was a person who came out! Su Chen was stunned.

"Don't be surprised, boy, this world is very different from the world you used to be."

Several people were wearing Hanfu, exuding a sense of immortality from top to bottom.

The four introduced themselves one after another: the man in red, Hong Aotian. The woman in gold, Feng Ningyue. The man in black, Xueqi. The woman in white, Bai Zhiruo.

"Thank you brother for saving the four of us." Hong Aotian bowed and smiled.

"it's okay no problem!"

Save? I have the ability to save you? How about playing? The four great beasts have jumped out!

"It's better to drive a taxi!" Su Chen sighed.

Every day, I run around leisurely. It's easier than being a hero.

"This place? Do you want to destroy it?" Xue Qi looked at the four of them and asked.

"What?" Su Chen hurriedly stopped and said, "Don't! If the lethal weapons here explode, then this world will be ruined." The nuclear bomb detonated in the sea at the center of the world. Is the water in this world still drinkable?

"Weapons of destruction? This is not a big problem." Feng Ningyue said with his heavenly voice: "You can rest assured about this, we will deal with it."

"Send this little guy out, Zhiruo." Xue Qi smiled, glanced at Su Chen, and said.

"No, no, I can go out by myself." Su Chen hurried into the storage space.

Seeing the disappearing Su Chen, several people smiled slightly, and then made a move here.

Su Chen, who was peeping, was blinded by the five-color light. After the light disappeared, the castle on the bottom of the sea also disappeared. As for those four people, I don't know where they went. .

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