The next day, the news is what happened last night.

Seeing the blurred picture on the monitor, Su Chen coughed.

"Wow! This guy is going too far." Chen Chuyan said with a grudge.

"Well! You ruined your own family, and ruined other people's families." Chen Churan echoed.

Su Chen was quietly eating breakfast at the side, without making any remarks.

The culprit was identified as the guy, who took full responsibility. The right and wrong of this kind of thing, if you delve into it, it should be interesting.

After breakfast, Chen Chuyan seemed to remember something important, came to Su Chen and Chen Churan, and said: "Sister, brother-in-law. There will be an international rally in a while

I heard it looks like a snow track. Brother-in-law, don't you intend to participate?"

"Not interested." Su Chen shook his head with a look of indifference.

"No, brother-in-law, don't you, a car god, participate in this kind of competition?" Chen Chuyan was puzzled and asked.

"Leave the opportunity to the young people, how can we let the young people lose too badly." Su Chen said lightly.

An expression that Lao Tzu is invincible in the world. 737

"Can you win with such confidence?" Chen Chuyan joked, "I remember that this year there was a particularly young star. His name is Wang Chenhao! He should be able to compare with you."

"Ah Choo!"

On Wang Chenhao's side, just as he was about to get in the car to practice, he sneezed and came out.

He rubbed his nose and said, "The weather seems to be getting colder."

"Yes, he is stronger than me." Su Chen said indifferently.

"Ah Choo!"

Wang Chenhao, who was about to step on the accelerator, sneezed again: "It's too cold, too cold. Forget it, I won't practice today."

"No, just admit it like this? Why don't you compare it?" Chen Chuyan continued unwillingly.

Isn't it girl, you are an undercover agent sent by him. Su Chen complained secretly, and then said: "I am a professional taxi driver, how can I compare with other professional racing drivers?"

After the words fell, Wang Chenhao sneezed again.

"Okay, I'm off to work." Su Chen kissed Chen Churan, pursed his lips in satisfaction, and walked outside.

Looking at the back of Su Chen going away, Chen Chuyan said to his sister unwillingly: "Sister, why don't you let your brother-in-law participate! Okay."

The coquettish tone gave Chen Churan goosebumps.

"He just doesn't want to, why force him?" Chen Churan said lightly.

For Chen Churan, as long as Su Chen is doing well, that's all. She will not force Su Chen to do things she doesn't like.

As soon as Su Chen left the house, he received the order. Upon closer inspection, it was Wang Chenhao.

"Good guy, it's really endless." Su Chen was speechless, but still rushed over.

The free money, it must be taken.

When he arrived at the location, Wang Chenhao got into the car and said, "The track for the rally is on the snowy mountain on the right side of Bincheng, take me there for a drive."


Su Chen frowned, with question marks in his heart. He's just a taxi driver.

"Little friend, I'm just a taxi driver. I can't go to that kind of place."

"If you don't go, I will give you 10,000 bad reviews!" Wang Chenhao threatened.

"Okay! You're a brat!" Su Chen shrugged and drove towards the snow-capped mountains on the right.

Regarding the snow mountain track, (baab) Su Ya knew a little bit about it.

The naturally formed natural track, if you are not careful on it, you will be absolutely smashed to pieces. The friction requirements for the car are also very high. The Devil's Track deserves it!

After an hour of slow work, Su Chen finally arrived at the foot of the snow-capped mountain and said, "Here we are, let's get off the bus!"

"Go for a ride!" Wang Chenhao said.

"Okay, but you have to pay extra!" Su Chen said.

Wang Chenhao took out 10,000 yuan from his pocket, threw it to Su Chen, and said, "Enough is enough, let's go."

"Okay!" Su Chen took the money and went up the mountain without hesitation.

Wang Chenhao was speechless looking at the look of loving money like his life.

The location tracking fully displays the terrain of the snow mountain.

【Rider's compound eye vision】

【Driver's premonition】

With the blessing of skills, Su Chen controlled the speed almost perfectly.

Uphill speed, turning speed. Everything is just right.

The so-called layman watches the excitement, while the insider watches the way.

Wang Chenhao, an expert, was already so surprised that he couldn't be more surprised.

"Is this the first time for you to come to this track?" Wang Chenhao asked.

"Otherwise." Seeing Wang Chenhao's surprised expression, Su Chen smiled.

The first time? Grasp it so well? Is this still human?

In Wang Chenhao's eyes, Su Chen's every operation is almost perfect, without any pickiness.

He couldn't even believe his eyes. Everything is so unreal.

"Why do I feel like you're lying to me?" Wang Chenhao said with a look of shock.

…………” Su Chen didn’t

I can't tell him that I am a systematic person. I'm going to hang up. Su Chen thought to himself.

One lap, at the speed of sightseeing, takes four hours.

But the scenery here is really beautiful. White doesn't come in any other color.

"Can you be my coach?" After the end, Wang Chen Haowang asked.


Is this the legendary one, why don't you just join? Can't you have some backbone?

Su Chen complained secretly. .

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