"There's a blue Santana!!"

"Rushing into the fire zone, he is fast, drifting in an S shape!"

"A turn. Disappeared again, is that you?"

provincial team.

The pilot of the firefighting helicopter frantically confirmed through the intercom.

at the same time.

Marvel at the driving skills of Santana drivers below!

Liu Xiaolong!

Some confused!!

blue santana

S drift??

At this time, the only one who can drive into the fire is Su Chen!

Who else??


his idol!!

Brother Chen!!

Liu Xiaolong held the walkie-talkie: "It's not us."

"It's just... what I can tell you is that the one driving the Santana is a very good driver!"

However, the excitement belongs to the excitement, Liu Xiaolong and other fire fighters in the new class.

Not completely out of danger yet!!



Liu Xiaolong and others, while retreating towards the mountain behind the flour mill, said to the intercom: "We are now withdrawing towards the hill behind the flour mill, and we expect to board in ten minutes.


"Ask for sprinkler support!! I'm still carrying an 8 year old girl, she is very poor!!"

"I don't want her to die!!"


The pilot of the firefighting plane: "Understood, ten minutes later."

"I'll sprinkle water on the mountain area behind the flour mill for rescue. Buying time for you."

"After you reach the back mountain, light the fire! Find a safe place!!"

"The current fire is too big, it is difficult for us to find you, but good luck to you!!"

The driver's tone was extremely serious.

Disaster present.

Good luck to all!!

10 minutes later.

Liu Xiaolong and others followed the road that still hadn't caught fire.

Climb the mountain!


In the bushes and forests below the mountain, the fire was raging.

Yellow smoke all over the sky!!

They have just climbed the back mountain, and they can be seen on the hillside.

right in front of them!!

The monstrous fire is like a purgatory of thousands of degrees!!

Already head on, sweeping along with them!!

faster and faster!!

The sky is full of yellow smoke, making the visible range here.

Less than 100 meters.


Firefighter Liu Xiaolong, standing on the slope, looked at the surroundings engulfed in yellow smoke, and everything was like a purgatory on earth.

That kind of scene, no one has personally experienced it.

Simply unimaginable.

next moment!

Liu Xiaolong yelled directly: "Everyone stop, build a fire station here!!"

"Quick!! It's too late!!"

at the same time!!

Liu Xiaolong took out the walkie-talkie and shouted frantically: "This is the West District Rescue Team. Class!!"

"I am Liu Xiaolong, the squad leader!! We are now trapped on the east slope of the mountain behind the flour mill!"

"Needs air support, needs air drops!!"

at this time!!

Among the five, En Junjie, the youngest fire fighter.

Suddenly a sound was heard!!

It's a helicopter, the sound of propellers fanning!!

Jiang Junjie was full of excitement and excitement!!

"Brother Liu, listen, it's the sound of a helicopter!!"

Yellow smoke all over the sky!

You can't see anything, you can only hear the sound of planes flying by.

At this moment, Liu Xiaolong picked up the walkie-talkie and yelled frantically: "We need to throw water!!"

"Jump into the water!!"


Because the entire flour mill was on the mountain behind, the fire was too big and the smoke was heavy.

Several planes dropped water, but they were thrown in the wrong position!!

with all of them...


Liu Xiaolong's voice came through the intercom.

It was passed to the Xicheng District Rescue Team, and it was in the ears of every team member.

at this time.

The wildfires in the entire Dongcheng District have been basically brought under control.

Only the area behind the flour mill remains...

outside the blockade.

In the safe area, the faces of the Xicheng Fire Brigade, who had just brought the fire under control, were pitch black due to the smoke and fire. There were more than 30 people in a panic.

A group of firefighters sat down to rest.

And fire chief Liu Kai.

At this moment, through the walkie-talkie, he also heard the current situation of his younger brother Liu Xiaolong.

Beside Liu Kai, there are more than a dozen firefighters from Xicheng District.

Everyone was extremely silent and did not speak!

Quietly listen to the voice on the intercom.

On the intercom, Liu Xiaolong continued: "We... can't see anything now."

"There is yellow smoke all around, and the fire is coming towards us from the bottom of the mountain and from the west!"

Provincial rescue team driver: "Are you on the east slope?"

"We sent three or two firefighting planes over there at the same time."

Liu Xiaolong: "I just heard the sound of the plane... probably missed it with us."

"The fire is getting bigger and bigger. We are temporarily building a fire prevention station. I will contact you later!"

After speaking, Liu Xiaolong turned off the walkie-talkie.

I will contact you later!!

These are the last words Liu Xiaolong said on the walkie-talkie!!

And outside.

The fire chief Liu Kai and other firefighters are listening to the walkie-talkie all the time!!

Totally desperate!!


When they heard that a group of rookie class members were trapped in the mountain behind the most intensely burning flour mill!!

All the people are ashamed!!

Under such circumstances, the firefighting aircraft could not determine their location at all.


The speed at which the fire spreads will also become faster and faster!!

at the same time.

Su Chen, driving a Santana.

It is galloping in the blockade area.

Currently, the entire Dongcheng District.

Because of wildfires.

There are already twelve areas that have become fire blockades.

And Su Chen is one of them.

It is also the most dangerous area behind the "Flour Mill"

This area is located in the south of Dongcheng District.

Near the flour mill, there are not only a large number of residential areas, but also chemical factories and paint factories!!

Once the fire presses in, break through the line of defense!

The consequences could be disastrous..

At present, in the area of ​​the flour mill, the Xicheng District Fire Brigade has gathered to support it, led by captain Liu Kai.

at the same time...

The Provincial Fire Department is also the main support force for quick support.

All gathered in the flour mill area where Su Chen is located!

10 minutes later.

Su Chen drove the Santana to an area of ​​the blockade.

【Rider compound eye vision!!】

Through compound eye vision, Su Chen can observe the surrounding situation at the same time!

Look for clues about missing firefighters.

"Help me~!!"

"anyone there??"

at this time.


A voice calling for help came, Su Chen immediately turned the steering wheel after hearing it.

One step on the gas pedal!!

[Ultrasonic positioning and hearing of drivers!!]

Now in front of Su Chen, there is also a puff of yellow smoke!!

But through his own ultrasonic hearing, Su Chen can accurately find the location through the voice of distress!!

Ahead, two thousand meters!

a woman!

The fallen road sign hit the leg!!

at present.

She was falling near a bush by the side of the road. Even with all her strength, she still couldn't move the street sign on her leg and the pile of cement pillars on it!!

I can only desperately ask for help here!!

The woman is dressed in an OL, with a superb face. On the road beside her, there is a microphone that has been smashed!!

Her identity: Provincial TV station, emergency reporter, Xu Xinyan!

Provincial TV station, popular host!

Weibo fans broke one million!

Just ten minutes ago!!

She followed the photography of the program group and came to the scene of the wildfire to report on the spot.

did not think of....

The wildfire is spreading too fast!!

In the blink of an eye, they have already arrived at the foot of the mountain, the area they are in!!

In the process of escaping!

Unfortunately, she was hit by a collapsing road sign, and the cameraman of the same company failed to rescue her after several rescue attempts.

0 Seeking flowers……………

Watching the approaching fire...!!


He even drove away by himself!!

left her alone!

sad reminder!!

boom boom boom~~

Just a minute later, the roar of the engine sounded.

A blue Santana.

Arrive at the scene!!

Among Xu Xinyan's confused expressions, Santana opened the door!!

Su Chen got off the car.

After seeing Su Chen, Xu Xinyan's beautiful eyes flashed a moment of shock!!

Immediately couldn't help but speak:

"You...you are...?"

As Xu Xinyan is a popular host in the province, she is always there for every emergency.

Naturally for the man in front of me!

No stranger!!

This man named Su Chen is known as the car god!

Assisted the Provincial Rescue Team several times!!

After seeing Su Chen, Xu Xinyan was extremely surprised and excited: "You are the car god Su Chen!"

"I've covered your news many times!!"

"I didn't expect you to come to the scene of the fire!"

Su Chen nodded: "Don't talk about it, I will try to save you.

Xu Xinyan was moved and nodded obediently!

God of the car, he really is a real man!

In this case, you can still drive into the fire scene to rescue!

Su Chen came to Xu Xinyan's side and began to remove the ruins, cement boards and stones.


Because there are so many!

It will take some time to move them all.

In the distance, the approaching speed of the fire is getting faster and faster!!


See this scene.

Xu Xinyan finally couldn't hold back and shouted: "Car God, let's go!"

"Leave me alone!"

Su Chen.

At this time, stopped.

Xu Xinyan thought that Su Chen had given up on saving her, but Xu Xinyan didn't say much.

When the fire comes, everyone is in danger.

Su Chen was able to come to the scene of the fire and was willing to save her under such circumstances, which has already moved her very much.


I saw Su Chen taking out a lighter from his pocket.

Directly set fire to nearby bushes!!

Seeing this scene, Xu Xinyan was instantly shocked!!

Xu Xinyan: "You... what are you doing??"

The fire in the distance has not burned yet.

Su Chen even set fire to the nearby bushes ahead of time.

What is this for?


Light the fire in advance so that she will die early and be reborn early??

Su Chen, seeing Xu Xinyan's flustered look, felt a little helpless: "You are still the host, so you don't have any professional knowledge?"

"Light the bushes here in advance, and meet the fire with fire. The outside fire will be separated here because there is no burning material.

Xu Xinyan blushed pretty, and whispered softly: "This is the first time I have come to the fire scene..."

Not for a while.

The bushes and haystacks near them were all burned.

Turned into scorched earth.

From the foot of the mountain, the fire spread over, because there was no burning material.

separated directly!

Bypass their area.

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers saw this scene!


The barrage is full!!

"Damn it...God...knows how to put out fire??"

"Knowing medical treatment, saving lives, various driving skills, and extinguishing fires... What else can a car god know?"

"Watching the live broadcast of the car god, a little survival knowledge every day!"


After 5 minutes, Su Chen removed all the ruins and rescued Xu Xinyan.

The two get in the car.

Xu Xinyan's leg has been fractured and needs emergency treatment.

Su Chen: "I will send you outside first, and then I will come in."

"Several firefighters are missing and I have to find them."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Xu Xinyan in the back seat. Seems to have suddenly remembered something, and suddenly said:

"Missing firefighter?"

"I saw a few firefighters before. They rushed to the mountain behind the flour mill... At that time, the fire was too big. I called them, but no one heard them!".

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