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506 Jiren fighting head-on

506 Jiren fighting head-on


Son Goku roared, and he also knew that his attack timing was the best at this time.

He also knows...

I just caught Jiren's trance moment and attacked, so now I can keep suppressing it.

If Jiren can react from this suppressed state, then he can fight back on himself quickly!

after all……

From the Ki Blast confrontation just now, Son Goku also definitely felt...

Jiren's strength is not in his new state.


Just as Son Goku was trying his best to take the lead from this attack, Jiren's movement and dodge suddenly stopped, and then, a powerful fist was aimed at Son Goku's fist!

777 The fists of the two of them just collided in the void!

"How did this guy change his strategy?"

Seeing that what he wanted happened so easily, his eyes widened slightly. After all, he had always been the first to take the lead, and Jiren must be aware of his intentions.

How could you let yourself get it so easily?

Could it be... what other tactics does he have?

Thinking of this, the flow of breath in his body couldn't help but a little faster.


It is not such a person with no combat experience, he must know what it means to be given the first move in this state.


Just as Son Goku was thinking, Jiren roared!

This roar also seemed to sound the horn of Jiren's counterattack!


Son Goku was also stunned, and without waiting for him to think about it, the power of Jiren's fist suddenly increased!

"What's the matter? 99

Feeling the sudden burst of such a powerful force from the fists in front of him, Son Goku not only clenched his teeth, but the muscles in his left arm tightened a little bit more, and the terrifying force rippled on the fists he and Jiren collided with. open!

Then, where their fists collided, there were some visible fluctuations in the space!


They were all twisted by the physical collision between them!

"Jiren started fighting back?"

Seeing that (cffj) Jiren, who had been dodging all the time, chose Son Goku for a head-to-head confrontation, Vegeta said with wide eyes and some doubts.

"But... isn't he trying to avoid the old grandson who is in the limelight? Why did he suddenly choose to fight the old grandson head on?"

Piccolo's face was also full of doubts, and at this time, their battle-hardened warriors were also a little confused about Jiren's behavior.

At this time, Jiren's behavior, like a child who didn't see the situation, seemed very casual.

If you want to fight, you fight, if you want to avoid, you dodge, and you don't have the experience of fighting before.

"This guy...probably gained confidence and felt he could take on the sharp-edged Goku!

Kulin watched as the two of them started a new round of battle, and swallowed and expressed his guess.

It now looks like...

There was no Son Goku overpowering Jiren as they had envisioned.

Even Son Goku's first attack on Jiren, while Jiren was in a trance.

As if the current Jiren can ignore the state of both sides to fight.

And now, he is also attacking in the sharp-edged Son Goku!

It doesn't matter that the current Son Goku is stronger than before!.

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