I! Broly, Join The Chat Group

77 Cultivators must not stay, summon Shenron

What's more, for Broly, tens of thousands of points are not a concern at all. Compared with his own combat strength, tens of thousands of points are sprinkled with water.

There is a certain amount of luck in this reward. If it wasn't for the big shot of Broly, let alone the points, I'm afraid that even my life would be involved. Therefore, when giving out red envelopes, Kushina was not at all distressed.

Finally, to add to the fun, Brunhilde and King also spend a lot of money. Bring the atmosphere to the climax.

Blood Red Pepper: "@Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly, can this cultivator stay? After all, it's so strong!~"

Taking advantage of everyone's efforts to grab the red envelopes, Kushina hurriedly asked Broly what was the best thing about him at this time.

Seeing that there was something serious, everyone was also attracted, the rain of red envelopes stopped, and everyone quietly waited for Broly's reply.

The strength of the cultivator was seen by everyone through the live broadcast, not only Yukina Uzumaki, but others were also quite curious. Even the weakest king wants to ask Broly for another seed to save his life at a critical moment.

There is a cultivator as a bodyguard, and even if he encounters an S-rank monster in the future, he can pretend to be in a hurry.

Legendary Super Saiyan: "No, this evil monster must not stay. 35

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Broly immediately guessed their thoughts. Without thinking, hurriedly interrupted them to continue their speculation.

The legendary Super Saiyan: "Cultivation of human nature is too evil, even if the controller has been implanted, it is still not guaranteed to be able to control it anytime, anywhere!

Legendary Super Saiyan: "Once a monster with more than 1,000 combat strengths is out of control, it is definitely a killer that cannot be underestimated!"

You must know that when the cultivators first appeared, even the Earth Z squad was helpless, not to mention the group friends who only had a few points, dozens of combat power values, that is, Yamcha in the Dragon Ball world, They were also forcibly blown up one by one.

The solution sprayed on the head of the cultivator is even more corrosive than the strongest aqua regia. Fortunately, this little monster didn't use this move in the battle just now. Otherwise, if they accidentally splashed onto Uncle Long, Brunhilde and the others, I'm afraid a few people would definitely not be better off.

Therefore, it is good to use this evil thing as a combat tool once to cultivate people. If it stays, it is tantamount to raising a poisonous snake by your side, and raising a tiger will end up in trouble!

Faced with the question of Yukina, Broly rejected her directly. Not only that, Broly used the tragic scene of Wallon's corpse as a metaphor, and explained to all the friends in detail the evil nature of cultivating people, taking this opportunity to dispel everyone's unrealistic thoughts!

The legendary Super Saiyan: "Let's practice hard, one day you will be a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than the cultivators!"

In order not to hurt the self-esteem of the group members' cultivation, Broly also comforted them very intimately.

The Thousand-faced Witch Absinthe: "No wonder this monster is so ferocious, this kind of evil thing is still under the advice of the big brother Broly, and it must not be kept!"


At the same time, in the live broadcast room, a loud noise attracted everyone's attention.

It turned out that Yukina directly pressed the self-destruction button and destroyed the cultivator without blinking. After listening to Broly's words, how could Jiu Xingna dare to stay as a cultivator for one more second.

With the character of this little monster, if he breaks free from control, he will be the one who will be unlucky in the next second...

Thinking of this, can Uzumaki Kushina blow up decisively?

Finally, with the end of the mission, the group friends continued to chat, Brunhilde, Yukina Uzumaki and King turned off the live broadcast, left the world where Uncle Long was, and left separately.

However, in the chat group, there are still enthusiastic discussions about the tens of thousands of points just now. Especially for the traverser of Wallon, and the swallowing system to which it belongs. All are involved in the controversy.

I'm not the school flower: "You said, since there are traversers in Uncle Long's world, will there be traversers in other worlds?"

Wangwang Shattered Bingbing: "It's really hard to say."

The Thousand-faced Witch Absinthe: "If everyone can traverse, wouldn't the traversers be a bad street..."

Blood Red Pepper: "Let me see, it's exaggerated to have a chat group like ours, it would be unbelievable if traversers walked all over the place, right? Broly!

Just being beaten up by a transmigrator, Kushina is of course unwilling to believe that there are other transmigrators in this world. If everyone is a transmigrator and everyone has golden fingers, then she is too desperate. After working hard and training hard, no one has simply put on a high combat power value...

Legendary Super Saiyan: "Uh, yes, I agree, there are so many transmigrators!"

The topic suddenly changed, and Broly was also surprised. As a traveler, this was his biggest secret. Since someone refuted, of course Broly had to interrupt.

I thought that the Myriad Realms chat group was already an extremely incredible existence. Unexpectedly, there is still the existence of transmigrators. It's just that everyone who has experienced strong winds and waves is not surprised in the end.

The chat group is still in full swing, and the topic has gradually turned into a discussion of cultivation experience. During this period, Broly occasionally bubbled up to answer questions for the group, and then focused his attention on the Dragon Ball radar again.


Just after replying to a group message, the radar in his hand suddenly issued a rapid alarm. It seems that there is a Dragon Ball left near where Broly is at right now!

On the radar screen, a red dot on the left front of Broly kept flashing. The new radar provided by Bulma marked the location of the Dragon Ball very accurately.


In the sky, a green light and shadow galloped past, crossing a long trail.

Unconsciously, Broly came to the top of a piece of Wang Yang, and the radar showed that Dragon Ball was directly below.


The sound of falling into the water sounded, and without hesitation, Broly put away the radar and jumped directly into the sea.

Although he has not yet mastered the method of breathing in the water, this does not hinder Broly's speed.

In the sea, Broly is like a tuna, diving quickly to the bottom of the sea, and the speed is no slower than flying in the air. And, within a short time, Broly mastered the art of water breathing on her own.

This simple and low-level method, for Broly's perverted talent, can be taught without a teacher.

After crossing the kilometer trench, the alarm on the radar sounded again, and Dragon Ball was right in front of him.

Continuing to dive, Broly did not encounter a fish monster along the way. It must be because of the breath that he inadvertently exudes.

Because it is far away from the ground, there is no sunlight here, and the sea water is pitch black. It can be said that you can't see your fingers. Not only that, but the temperature is constantly dropping. For every meter you dive, the temperature may drop by ten degrees.

Fortunately, Broly's body is very good, and the low temperature of dozens of degrees below zero can only make the body feel cool. At the palm of the hand, a white-green energy ball condensed, and the lighting problem was also solved.

Finally, directly in front of Broly, a yellow fist-sized bead was exposed under the light of the energy ball.

The Dragon Ball is firmly stuck in the coral stone. It was one of the seven Dragon Balls Broly was looking for. And it's a five-star bead.

No wonder no one has made a wish for Shenron in recent years. It is estimated that this place has reached the deepest part of the seabed. Nearly 10,000 meters of sea water, the strong pressure alone may be able to kill a large number of warriors. With a combat strength of less than 100, even if you know that Dragon Ball is here, it is impossible to dive to this depth!

The extreme south of the earth, the extremely cold place on the surface!

Here is the world of ice and snow, looking up, it is all monotonous white. Ice filled the entire space. The cold air rises, and even the sun is so cold.

The biting cold wind howled, and the low temperature made people suffocate. Taking a breath, the internal organs seemed to freeze. Just being in it makes people feel numb from the cold.

This is the coldest place on earth, and the most mercenary human beings do not want to live here for a long time. At the same time, this is also the place where a Dragon Ball is scattered.

A green figure was flying low in the sky. With a radar in hand, I keep looking for something!

"Huh? Radar shows it's near here?

"Why did it suddenly disappear?"

At the moment, Broly is in the center of the earth's south pole, and it also has the coldest climate. Even the most cold-tolerant penguins and polar bears are reluctant to stay in this land.

Of course, for Broly, as long as it doesn't stray from the Universe, it can go anywhere on Earth.

As the temperature got lower and lower, Broly's body surface actually condensed into a thick layer of white frost. It can be seen that the temperature here may have already reached minus 200 degrees, close to absolute zero!

In front of an iceberg, Broly clapped the radar that seemed to be somewhat unstable in his hand, and exclaimed involuntarily: "How can there be such an extremely cold place on earth! 35

•••••••*#*・・ …

It is estimated that it was because of the severe cold that the radar, a precision instrument manufactured by Bulma, failed.

Having confirmed the approximate location, Broly put the radar away. Immediately, he punched the iceberg in front of him.


Suddenly, a huge sound resounded throughout the Antarctic, scaring the few creatures that thought it was the end of the world, and they all jumped into the sea.

The density of the iceberg in front of you is quite large, completely different from ordinary ice. The extreme cold makes these ices emit a faint azure blue. The density is high and the strength is naturally high. Such a huge iceberg, I am afraid that it will be difficult to blow up with military weapons.

However, for Broly, it's just a fistfight.

For Broly's attack power, it would be an insult to him to use any ordnance or even armor.

The iceberg exploded. It turned into countless ice cubes, and the ice crystals fell from the sky, like a freezing rain!

Underneath, when the ice cube was about to hit him, Broly released his breath again to shake it all away, and even evaporated into water vapor and floated away.

As everyone knows, just because of Broly's trivial move, the sea level, which is tens of thousands of miles away, has risen by several meters.

The iceberg dissipated, and a lifelike ice sculpture appeared in front of us, oh no, it was a frozen polar bear!

Together with the ice cubes, he grabbed dozens of tons of polar bears with one hand, and cut it with a knife with his left. As the intestines and other internal organs in the stomach tilted, a Dragon Ball also rolled out.


With such a huge iceberg and being swallowed by a polar bear, it is no wonder that the radar cannot detect the exact location of Dragon Ball.

On the same day, Broly's figure reappeared on the other side of the world.

In stark contrast to Antarctica, the climate here is quite hot, and you can feel the hot air even before you get close.

The air is dry without the slightest humidity, and the vegetation is dry without the slightest moisture. Even the ground was emitting layers of heat. The space was warped by the scorching heat.

At first glance, let alone flying birds, I am afraid that even the most heat-resistant lizards in the desert cannot be seen. Within a hundred miles, except for the insects and ants underneath, no creatures are full of desolation.

The Dragon Balls are scattered, it's really a place, and none of them can be reached by normal people...


On the edge of a crater, Broly stood above and looked down.

With Broly as the center, this area is full of volcanic mountains, the sky is blackened by the ejected magma, and the ground is tens of meters of volcanic rocks.

Coincidentally, Dragon Ball is in this volcano, and in an active volcano at the foot of Broly.

Inside the volcano, hot magma bubbled up like boiling water. If you throw a whale in it, it will probably be steamed directly in less than three minutes.

The next moment, Broly's body was wrapped in breath, and he jumped directly into this active volcano.

Not long after, when Broly appeared again, there was already a yellow Dragon Ball in his hand.

However, because of the intervention of external forces, this volcano has finally reached the edge of eruption. The hot magma burst out of the restraint of the mountain, like a beast coming out of its cage, pouring out to its heart's content.

However, this has nothing to do with Broly, because at this moment, Broly has already come to an empty Gobi Desert thousands of miles away.

It was the three that I found in the morning, and in less than half a day, Broly traveled around the world and collected the seven Dragon Balls very easily.

Among them, four star beads were brought from Son Goku. Because the four-star beads are the relics of Grandpa Son Goku, they have been kept with him. After use, Broly also needs to return it intact.

Seven Dragon Balls were randomly scattered on the ground, Broly's face was calm, and he was mentally prepared. Without hesitation, he opened his arms to the seven Dragon Balls on the ground, slowly closed his eyes, and uttered the spell to summon Shenron very sincerely.

"Come out, Shenron!"

Because Broly collects the Dragon Ball on Earth, the Dragon Ball here is a product made by the gods, so it can be summoned only in the language of Earth.

Like Namek Shenron Polanga, Namek's language is needed, and to summon the Super Shenron in the universe, God's language is needed. Because the manufacturer is different, the required language is also different.

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