"We got Potter! We got Potter!"

When the Sorting Hat announced Harry's house, cheers from the Gryffindor table resounded throughout the entire hall.

The little lions rushed to shake Harry's hand and were proud of it.

Ron was the second to last to be sorted, and he was also sorted into Gryffindor.

His brothers were particularly happy for this and clapped wildly, which eased his blue face.

Levin looked at the next long table, and both Harry and Ron looked at him with regret.

Levin thought it was okay.

The only thing he needed to consider was Dumbledore's thoughts.

In Levin's view, this greatest white wizard was good at everything, but he paid too much attention to the opposition between good and evil, so that he would do many things that were not in line with the identity of the headmaster, such as his attitude towards dark magic, the setting up of the restricted book area in the library, his obvious favoritism towards Harry, and the arrangement of great adventures for Harry year after year.

In Levin's eyes, Dumbledore was worthy of being the greatest white wizard, but he was not... A qualified principal.

Unfortunately, people are always under the eaves.

As long as Levin is in Hogwarts, he will inevitably be interfered with by Dumbledore.

But there are ways to avoid this.

Levin knows very well that what Dumbledore cares most about is the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort.

He will not tolerate anyone affecting the advancement of the prophecy.

Although he accidentally came into contact with Harry in elementary school, as long as he maintains normal communication with Harry in school and does not contact him too much,

Dumbledore will probably not think that he will have an impact on the prophecy.

Then he will naturally not interfere with him too much.

After all, when he came to Hogwarts and came to the wizarding world, Levin planned to live his own life instead of being arranged as a follower of the protagonist.

Levin did not plan to keep a low profile in school.

Hogwarts is a school after all, and teachers always like to give the green light to top students, don't they?

"Do you know Harry Potter over there?" A boy's voice suddenly sounded beside me.


Levin did not explain too much, slowly retracted his gaze and turned to look over.

The owner of the voice was a brown-haired boy, his eyes had been attracted by the food on the table, staring at a plate of mixed fish soup.

"Are you hungry?"

The little wizard always likes to save face and doesn't want to be seen as a greedy cat. This naked greedy behavior is indeed a bit strange.

"Yes, I forgot to bring my pocket money, so I didn’t have anything to eat on the train." The boy swallowed again.

"My name is Levin Green, nice to meet you.

"My name is Stephen Kornford."

Levin recalled that this name did exist in the original book, but apart from the name, he had no role in the original book.

But such a passerby NPC now appeared in front of him.

For a moment, Levin's understanding of this world deepened a lot.

【You will feel yourself becoming more integrated into this world, but the impact of your arrival on this world will gradually become apparent, because the anomalies caused by you will gradually be revealed.】

"My arrival has an impact on the world? What impact? Why didn't I notice it?"

Just when Levin was puzzled, Albus Dumbledore stood up.

Now it was the headmaster's speech time.

If it were in his previous life, Levin would have to eat something to fill his stomach.

But at Hogwarts, this was not necessary.

Dumbledore looked at the students with a smile on his face, stretched out his arms to them, and said loudly:

"Welcome everyone to Hogwarts to start a new school year!"

"Before the banquet begins, I want to say a few words. They are: idiot! crybaby! scumbag! screw!"Thank you, everyone!"

This strange blessing made everyone confused, but Levin had heard of some guesses.

The so-called fools refer to Ravenclaw.

The wizards of this college are usually the smartest and think that students from other colleges are all fools and fools; crybaby: the word crybaby is also usually used to refer to"fat".

Unfriendly children use this word to insult and despise their peers who are fatter and have poor physical fitness.

Most of the Gryffindor students think they are brave and think that students from other colleges are not as brave as them; residue: this word also refers to the scraps of cloth, and the area is small and can no longer be used to make useful items.

Slytherin students are advocates of pure blood and value integrity and unity.

In the eyes of Slytherins, students from other colleges are not pure wizards, but useless scraps.

Twist: Hufflepuff students have nothing to do with the previous three types. They are not smart or brave, and there are also a large number of half-blood Muggle-born little wizards, but they can always twist everyone together."

According to this idea, the intention of this good headmaster is to remind students from different colleges to avoid prejudice and unite.

But he himself did not do this at all.

From this perspective, it was fortunate that Levin was not sorted into Slytherin.

Then, Levin found that Stephen beside him suddenly widened his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the long table that was originally empty was filled with delicious food, so much so that Levin could almost recite a passage: there were roast beef, roast chicken, honey chicken legs, honey pork ribs, pork chops, lamb chops, steaks, sausages, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, fried chips, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes with ketchup, Yorkshire pudding, pea sprouts, carrots, broth, pumpkin juice, orange juice, pumpkin pie, pork pie, apple pie and... mint candy?

The large amount of delicious food immediately livened up the atmosphere. Everyone was toasting and very happy.

Stephen almost immediately started eating like crazy, and

Levin was naturally no less. It was pitiful to say that this was the most sumptuous meal he had eaten since he traveled through time.

Halfway through the meal, Stephen suddenly leaned over:���Levin, why are you using two wands to eat?"

The other little eagles around him also looked at him.

Levin:"This is not a wand, it's chopsticks. As a Chinese, it's reasonable for me to eat with chopsticks. If you don't believe me, go ask that senior." Levin pointed in the direction of a beautiful Asian senior, Zhang Qiu.

The girl nodded:"So you are also Chinese... Levin is right, my mother also taught me to use chopsticks to eat when I was at home."

The dinner lasted about half an hour.

Just as Levin was holding his stomach with satisfaction, the leftovers on the table disappeared, and then there was dessert!!

Puddings of various flavors, ice cream, apple pie, syrup pie, chocolate cake, fried jam donuts, wine-soaked jam pudding, strawberry, jelly, rice pudding...

Levin and Stephen wailed at the same time.

These two foodies had just filled their stomachs and did not expect that there would be another wave of desserts.

As a result, they saw that every dessert was so tempting, but they could not eat anything else.

During the dessert time, there was a little trouble on the Gryffindor table again.

Gryffindor's ghost"Nearly Headless Nick" suddenly crawled out from the table, and the bloody scene scared the little lions so much that they almost vomited on the spot.

Finally, the dessert time was over, and

Dumbledore began to make his final statement:

"Now that everyone has had enough to eat and drink, I want to say a few more words to everyone. At the beginning of the semester, I would like to give you a few points of attention.……"

"First-year students, please note that the woods on campus are not allowed to be entered. Some of our old classmates should also remember this."

When saying this, Dumbledore glanced at the Weasley brothers.

"Also, Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to remind everyone not to perform magic in the corridors during class breaks."

"The review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. Students who are interested in joining the college team should contact Mrs. Hooch"

"Finally, I must tell you that anyone who does not want to encounter an accident or a painful death, please do not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor."

Levin's face was dark after hearing this.

If there is any way to make everyone want to do something, the best way is to prohibit it.

This old bee is completely deliberate.

If you don't want people to go, just seal the corridor.

"Now, before we go to bed, let's sing the school song together!"

Dumbledore said loudly, and the expressions of all the teachers and most of the old students seemed to be more stiff.

Dumbledore flicked his wand lightly, and a long golden ribbon flew out of the wand, twisting and winding like a snake above the high dining table to form lines of text.

"Everyone chooses a tune they like."Dumbledore said,"Ready, sing!"


The Weasley twins were indeed the troublemakers that Dumbledore had to pay special attention to.

Everyone's tune was already in a mess, and they successfully distracted everyone with the tune of the funeral march.

Everyone finally finished singing the school song and lined up to leave the auditorium under the leadership of the class leader.

At this moment, Levin saw a face in the crowd, a face that should not be here.

Gray hair, green eyes, a high forehead, neat brows, and a heroic beauty.

The only thing to worry about was that she was missing a scar on her eye.

In astonishment, Levin couldn't help but call out the other person's name:



Pictured: Cirilla

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