When the news that a troll was hiding in Hogwarts spread, the hall suddenly became chaotic.

Dumbledore had to make his wand explode several times above his head to make everyone quiet down.

""Prefect," the Hogwarts headmaster said in a low voice,"take the students of your college to the dormitory immediately!"

On the Ravenclaw side, the head girl Penelope Clearwater immediately stood up and announced loudly:"Ravenclaw students, follow me."

Steve immediately grabbed a piece of pumpkin pie and followed obediently.

When the team was about to start moving, he suddenly thought of Levin who went to the toilet. He looked around and saw that the other party had not come back yet, so he immediately found the head girl:"Oh no! Miss Clearwater, Levin just went to the toilet, he must not have heard the warning about the troll!"

Penelope was also horrified when he heard this, and hurriedly sent someone to find the professor.

At this time, Levin had already entered the underground classroom.

As soon as he came out of the corridor and turned in a direction, a foul smell entered his nostrils: it was a mixture of stinky socks and a public toilet that no one had ever cleaned.

Then, he heard a low murmur and the sound of huge feet dragging on the ground.

Levin looked up and saw a huge monster slowly approaching: this giant monster was twelve feet tall, with dull skin, as gray as granite, and a huge and stupid body like a pile of huge gravel, with a small head like a cocoa bean on top.

Its short legs were as thick as tree stumps, and underneath were flat, rough and calloused feet.

The smell emanating from it was disgusting, and the hands were It was holding a thick wooden stick in its hand, and because its arms were very long, the stick was dragging on the ground.

At this time, the troll was stopping by a door, peeking inside.

Levin saw at a glance that the sign on the door read - Women's Toilet.

If nothing unexpected happens, Hermione will stay inside.

Levin did not stop at all, strode forward, and got into the toilet before the troll.

The troll did not notice the little wizard who was in stealth mode, but just snorted in confusion when Levin passed in front of him.

Walking into the toilet, Levin saw Miss Granger huddled in the corner at a glance.

Don't blame her for being so unbearable. At this moment, she is not the witch in the future who will lead two"useless men" to confront the Death Eaters head-on. She is just an 11-year-old girl.

Levin walked up, covered her mouth directly, and then said in the ear of the terrified girl:

"It's me."

At this point, the nervous Hermione was relieved a little, and she whispered in a trembling voice,"Is it... is it you? Levin, you came to save me."

"It's me," Levin grabbed her hand comfortingly and asked,"How are you now? Can you stand up?"

"I can... just a little weak." Hermione grabbed Levin's arm and stood up with great difficulty.

"So, can you cast a spell?" Levin continued,"You learned [Invisibility] last week, now is the time to practice, give it a try." Hermione nodded, pulled out the wand from her pocket with shaking hands, and pointed at herself:


The magic swept through her body.

In Levin's eyes, the girl instantly became completely transparent.

But before the girl could be happy, the invisibility effect began to disappear, first her feet, then her body...

Less than a second later, Hermione appeared in front of Levin again.

"Sorry," the little witch cried,"I was too nervous to maintain the magic."

"I still haven't practiced enough. Remember to practice more when you get back."

Levin sighed and pointed his wand at the other party.


Hermione became transparent again, and there were no more accidents.

And Levin reappeared in his true form.

The 2nd-ring [Invisibility] has a shortcoming, that is, you cannot actively cast spells or make other drastic actions during the duration, otherwise the invisible state will be cancelled.

This shortcoming was not compensated until the 4th-ring [Advanced Invisibility].

The sound of continuous chanting in the women's restroom made the troll completely discover that there were people hiding inside.

It began to lower its head and tried to get in.

Seeing that the situation became urgent, Hermione hurriedly said:"You left the invisibility to me, what are you going to do!"

"Don't worry," Levin said calmly,"I have magic to protect myself, the troll can't hurt me, you hide aside first, and I'll take the opportunity to run away when I fight the troll."

Levin asked her to go out because he thought she was in the way, but in Hermione's eyes, it became Levin's sacrifice to attract the troll's attention and give her a chance to escape.

Even Levin's confident voice became tragic in her ears.

"No...I won't leave you alone." The little witch cried and took out her wand again.

"……What are you doing? Don't waste my magic." Levin said helplessly,"Your magic can't hurt it."

Then, Levin took the initiative to demonstrate:


A red light emerged from the tip of the wand and hit the troll's shoulder accurately, but nothing happened.

The troll blinked stupidly and turned its ugly big nose to Levin.

Ordinary wizard spells could not hurt the troll at all.

Originally Levin wanted to demonstrate this to Hermione, but who would have thought that the little witch had the wrong idea from the beginning, and this time she was even more misunderstood:

Even if the troll cannot be hurt, you have to stay to attract attention. Are you such a great person?

Don't worry, I won't let you down!

"I... I know, I will find the professors to support you as soon as possible, you... you must hold on!"Hermione said, trembling and hiding in the compartment beside. At this moment, the troll finally realized that the little guy in front of him had just attacked him.

So he raised the stick in his hand, roared, and approached Levin.

"【Frost Armor】"

Levin did not attack immediately, but put on a layer of defense for himself.

This is also the routine of arcane mages in battle - first protect yourself, then seek control, and finally kill the enemy.

Suddenly, Levin was surrounded by invisible armor, and

Hermione in the compartment felt a chill.

"He's using his own magic again." She thought:"He always has a lot of his own magic."

The troll felt the chill more than the little witch.

——The closer it got to the little thing in front of it, the slower it moved due to the cold.

This was the slowing effect caused by the [Frost Armor] that increased defense.

Levin certainly would not waste this opportunity. He raised his wand again and tapped the giant in front of him.

One after another, blue rays shot from the top of the wand at the giant.

It was a 0-level spell [Freezing Ray].

Although the damage of this magic was not high, it was just a 0-level trick that did not require much preparation before it could be cast, making it suitable for use in emergencies.

Several rays all hit the same place - the shoulder of the giant's arm holding the stick.

Suddenly, a thin layer of frost appeared on the giant's right shoulder, which became thicker and thicker under the continuous attacks, and finally froze into a piece.

The giant came to Levin recklessly, twisted his waist, shook his shoulders, and swung his arms. All his muscles and magic power were combined to exert all his strength. In one go, he was ready to crush the little thing into a meat paste with one stick.

���The imagined scene did not happen.

The silly troll was stunned for several seconds, and then he realized that in his set of movements, he actually only did the part of twisting his waist, and all the subsequent movements failed.

Because his shoulders were frozen, in the eyes of Levin and Hermione, the troll just ran in front of them, bent down awkwardly to them, and the arm holding the wooden stick was still raised high on his shoulder.

The funny look almost made Hermione laugh out loud.

However, the calm Levin did not do so. He seized the opportunity and had already brewed the second spell:

"【[Ice Arrow - Ice Blade]

When casting the ice arrow, Levin spent energy to reshape the magic.

The originally sharp ice arrow was turned into a sharp ice blade and shot towards the frozen shoulder of the giant monster.

Although the giant monster has strong magic resistance, it has no resistance to cold damage, and its rough and flexible skin has become very fragile under the effect of [Freezing Ray].

The ice blade hit the giant monster's arm and broke it at the shoulder, as if it was cut by a sharp knife.

But under the effect of freezing, it didn't even feel the pain.

""Great, Levin, you're awesome." Hermione praised.

Levin was also very satisfied with this, this was the outcome of the battle he imagined.

Without his arms and weapons, the troll's combat power was immediately lost by half.

Next, with only a few small spells, he could easily subdue the big guy, and today's spell experiment was declared a success. Just when Hermione was excited and Levin was about to take advantage of the victory, the troll picked up his arm and put the broken end on the wound on his shoulder.

Then, something incredible happened to the two of them.

As soon as the flesh and blood at the troll's wound came into contact, it immediately grew wildly. The granulation that rose and fell was horrifying.

In less than two seconds, the troll's broken arm was intactly connected.

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