Levin and the others have returned to the lounge to enjoy the rest of the holiday, but the professors are still discussing this accident.

This troll"accidentally" escaped from Professor Quirrell's laboratory.

Although a first-year student dealt with it, Dumbledore would definitely not allow Quirrell to keep such a thing as a troll in Hogwarts - even if it is used as a teaching aid.

In the principal's office, Snape, with a gloomy face, is talking to Dumbledore.

""I don't understand why you allowed him to become the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts!" Snape said resentfully.

The position he had dreamed of for many years was now occupied by such a jerk. One can imagine how frustrated he felt.

If compared with the scene when he watched Lily marry James Potter, it was probably only 1% of that feeling.

Dumbledore remained noncommittal:"I have a compelling reason, Severus."

Faced with this calm old face, Snape was furious, yet helpless.

In fact, he was dissatisfied with Dumbledore.

The reason why he betrayed Voldemort and defected to the white wizard was because of Lily.

As a result, Lily was killed under Dumbledore's protection.

Even if this was due to an accident that Dumbledore could not have expected,

Snape still harbored resentment towards the white wizard.

If it were not for Lily's child, Harry Potter, he really didn't want to obey the orders of this old bee.

Seeing that Dumbledore was unwilling to express his opinion, Snape went a step further:"I just checked the corridor on the fourth floor. The door was opened, and the three-headed dog attacked the intruder."

"In addition, I insisted on the corpse of the troll. The burn marks on the dead troll were not simple. Some of the wounds were not caused by ordinary [Fire Making Spell]. You have to pay attention to the new student in Ravenclaw."

Dumbledore still just nodded,"I know, Severus, you have to give young wizards more trust."

Seeing that his words fell on deaf ears, Snape turned around and left.

When he was about to leave the headmaster's office, Dumbledore whispered,"Please help me pay more attention to Professor Quirrell."

"You already doubt him, but you still let him be a professor in the castle?!" Snape became even angrier.

"Severus, I have a compelling reason." Dumbledore said softly.

""Go to hell with your excuses!" Snape was so angry that he slammed the door and left.

In the following period of time, Levin almost became a star in Hogwarts.

Almost everyone who saw him would ask about how he defeated the troll.

Even his roommate Steve came to ask him:"Hey, Levin, I heard that you had a big fight with a troll that night! The toilet was blown to pieces, and the floor was covered with broken limbs. Is this true?"

Levin was stunned after hearing this.

Good man, are you sure you are not talking about Stalingrad, but the basement of Hogwarts?

When he asked Hermione, he found out that after returning to the common room that day, Ron couldn't contain his excitement and talked about books with the little lions in the common room for most of the night. It was so exciting.

In order to attract more attention, Ron"exaggerated" the facts a little, but who knew that word of mouth would spread and things would become like this.

Ron is indeed a big mouth who likes to show off.

Until a week later, Levin could still see him bragging about this to others in the auditorium during breakfast.

After entering November, the weather became very cold.

The mountains surrounding the school were gray and covered with ice and snow, and the lake was as cold and hard as quenched steel.

Every morning, there was frost on the ground, and the little wizards noticed that Hogwarts Rubeus Hagrid, the key keeper and gamekeeper of Hogwarts, was wearing thick fur and defrosting the broom on the Quidditch field.

The Quidditch season was about to begin.

During this period, Ravenclaw's captain Roger Davis was like a chicken with blood injected. Whenever he had time, he would catch Levin and others to train. Quidditch training increased from three times a week to five times.

But the professors at Hogwarts would not relax their studies because of the exciting Quidditch season.

Therefore, compared with other students, Levin was busier.

Quidditch training was naturally not to be left behind. In addition to completing the homework assigned by the professor, he had to go to the library to read and scan books, and also look for opportunities to go to the Room of Requirement to find valuable items for repair - his first vacation after coming to Hogwarts was coming.

"Harry Potter has been appointed as the main Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and he will play today."

On Saturday morning, Roger Davis ran breathlessly to the Ravenclaw common room and announced the news to everyone.

Although Ravenclaw will play against Hufflepuff in tomorrow's game, Ravenclaw's biggest rivals in the Quidditch Cup have always been Slytherin and Gryffindor, so Roger has been concerned about the situation of these two teams.

"He is only in the first grade, but he actually became the main player"

"Didn’t everyone say before that he was a substitute?"

"What’s the big deal? Don’t we also have a first-year main player?"

"Could it be because of his fame?"

"Of course not!"

Levin took the initiative to popularize science:

"Do you know the trophy display room on the fourth floor? The crystal glass cabinets inside display trophies, shields, medals and statues. Every Quidditch cup is placed there. I remember the last time I passed by there, I found a name on a trophy - James Potter"

"James Potter?" Cirilla was a little surprised."Another Potter, what is his relationship with Harry?……"

"They are father and son," Levin confirmed,"which means that Harry's father, as a seeker, once helped Gryffindor win the Quidditch Cup."

Levin's words caused an uproar.

Quidditch talent can be inherited, and this is not surprising. There are many Quidditch families in the wizarding world.

Seeing that the scene was a bit chaotic, Cirilla coughed dryly and said loudly:

"Are you afraid of a mere Potter? No matter who the opponent is, victory belongs to Ravenclaw!"

At this moment, her eyes were firm, revealing her desire for victory.

"That's right, tomorrow against Hufflepuff, victory will only be ours."Levin also echoed.

Thinking of Levin and Cirilla, the ace duo, the Eagles were a little relieved of their fear of Harry.

But after watching the afternoon game, the"Harry Threat Theory" became noisy again.

As the first game of the season, Slytherin played very dirty.

They didn't seem to be playing Quidditch at all, but more like playing rugby.

Throughout the game, they were committing malicious fouls, which made Gryffindor very uncomfortable. The score was always behind.

In the end, it was Harry Potter who saved the world. He caught the Golden Snitch first at the risk of losing control of his broom and ended the game in one fell swoop.

After the game, there was a little farce in which Snape was suspected of framing Potter.

But anyway, everyone has seen Harry Potter's ability.

Now Ravenclaw can only hope that their new players have the same ability as Harry.

The next morning, the weather was clear and cold.

The restaurant was filled with the tempting smell of grilled sausages, and everyone was looking forward to a wonderful Quidditch game.���


Answer the reader's question.

A reader asked why the protagonist wants to share his own magic.

Because these magics are simple and basic enough, and there is no big threat if they are shared.

Magic like invisibility, dancing lights, frost arrows, and fireball are just basic spells that are common in other worlds. The upper limit is just so-so, so what if others know about it?

If the protagonist really learns [Prayer],】、【Finger of Death】、【Meteor Burst】、【Time Stop】 Such advanced spells, of course, can't be taught to others casually.

In addition, the main plot of this novel is to build power, not to become stronger quietly.

The protagonist is an orphan and has no family. To build power, he naturally needs to find opportunities to win over talented people.

Even if you think outsiders are unreliable and want to have many children and more blessings, you still need the cooperation of the opposite sex. You can't let the protagonist split.

If you really can't stand love and think it's licking, you can just treat Hermione as a future subordinate.

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