This was Levin's first time using the Floo Network, and he didn't feel good.

After being engulfed by the flames, he seemed to be sucked into a huge socket, and his body seemed to be spinning rapidly... The whistling sound beside his ears was deafening... The short seconds seemed as long as several days. It was not until he felt the cold winter wind blowing that he realized that he had reached his destination.

Levin looked up and saw that he was in front of an open-air fireplace, surrounded by a small village.

The village was not big. There were about ten houses in a rough count.

Because it was located in the mountains, the whole village was actually built on a hillside, and the height of the houses was very obvious.

The most conspicuous thing in the village was the windmill at the highest point. Under the dim night sky, it looked like a little giant with a white hat.

It was Christmas Eve, and there was a fine snowflake floating in the sky. Whether it was the ground or the roof, it was all white. All the small houses were brightly lit, and everyone was celebrating Christmas at home. There were basically no people outside.

This was Levin's destination, the village of Irondale.

The Moonstone Garden he was looking for was at the foot of the mountain in front.

The boy tightened his thick robe, took out his magic wand, and applied a series of buffs to himself:

Bear's Tenacity, Ox's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Majesty, Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom, Mage's Armor, Frost Armor, Blurry, and Foot Grease.

He strengthened himself in all aspects before he stopped.

With the help of magic, Levin's physical fitness surpassed that of ordinary people in all aspects, and a little wind and snow could not stop him at all.

Walking along the road of Irondale, at his speed with the [Foot Grease], it took him more than 20 minutes to see the terrain similar to his memory.

After all, the game is a game and can only be used as a reference. In reality, both Irondale and this hill are much larger than in the game.

When he came to the familiar steep slope, Levin did not go forward, but came to the cliff on the left and cast a [Spider Climb] for himself.

This spell allows him to have the ability to crawl on the wall like a spider.

After confirming that there was no one else nearby, he climbed down the side of the mountain wall, and soon he could see an open space hidden in the mountain wall below.

There was a familiar stone formation on the open space, but at this time the stone formation was covered with a layer of white snow, and there was neither a moon beast nor any mysterious symbols.

Levin didn't care, because the real destination was not here.

He walked forward and soon saw a smooth mountain wall.

This made him frown.

If the game was correct, there was a huge underground palace hidden in the mountain in front of him, and deep in the underground palace was a treasure called"Scholar Moonstone".

Although he didn't know why [Legend Master] led him here, there was no doubt that if the griffin's beak could not be found outside, it must be hidden in this underground palace. But the place where the underground palace cave should have been entered is now a natural mountain wall.

Could it be that his memory was wrong?

Levin thought about it and simply closed his eyes.

Since he couldn't see it with his eyes, he would try to rely on his perception.

"【Psionic Reconnaissance】!"

The power of the mind turned into tentacles and spread forward, soon touching the mountain wall.

However, there, Levin's mental tentacles did not sense anything, and could even continue to move forward.

This shows that the so-called"mountain wall" is not what it seems.

The mountain wall is just an illusion.

"Is it an illusion magic?"

Levin frowned, noticing something was wrong.

He immediately chose to use [Detection Magic] carefully on the mountain wall.

Sure enough, he found clues.

In addition to the illusion magic, Levin also noticed traces of warning magic and [Muggle Repelling Spell].

Moreover, these magics were cast not long ago.

Obviously, there was someone inside.

"Anyone who sneaks here on Christmas Eve is either a dark wizard or a poacher, and definitely not a good person."

Levin immediately made a judgment.

It seems that it was right to add so many buffs to himself in advance.

For a moment, Levin began to think about whether he should leave.

After all, he has only been exposed to magic for less than half a year and is in a period of development. It is not the time to show off his strength and go head-to-head with others.

With his current means, it would be okay if he encountered one or two dark wizards.

If there were too many enemies, he would not be able to cope with them.

However, when he thought about the clues to the griffin's beak that he had finally obtained, and then lost them, he felt unwilling in his heart. What if the griffin's beak is also the target of these people?

What if the griffin's beak is on them?

If he escaped tonight, who knows when he would be able to find clues to the griffin's beak next time.

"How about going in and taking a look at the situation first, and then making a decision?"

"My [Invisibility] is much more effective than [Illusion Spell]. I can use [Invisibility] to go in and investigate. As long as I am careful, I should not be discovered by them."

"What if the people inside are not that strong, or if there is a chance to secretly take away the griffin's beak, wouldn't that be a profit?"

"Anyway, we are just exploring the way. If we really can't win, it won't be too late to move on, right?"

""It's too cowardly to scare yourself away without even seeing anyone."

After five minutes of careful consideration, Levin made a decision.

Go in!

So he cast [Invisibility] on himself, then carefully bypassed the warning magic and entered the underground palace.

Walking straight forward along the corridor, Levin found that the space inside was really not small.

This corridor alone went deep into the mountain for dozens of meters, and there was a different world inside.

At the end of the corridor was an open circular stone chamber, about 20 to 30 square meters.

Levin looked around the room. The surrounding walls were made of stone bricks and large stone slabs. The stone walls were covered with ancient Celtic-style reliefs and were surrounded by mosses. It had a very long history. Torches were lit on the walls for lighting. According to Levin's observation, this was not the Gubler fairy fire, that is, these were The last wave of people set it on fire.

There are four corridors around this stone chamber. One is the direction he came from, and the other three are on the left and right sides and directly opposite the entrance.

But the corridors on the right and opposite have collapsed over the years and cannot be entered. Only the corridor on the left is still open.

Levin walked forward and used his psychic power to test it. After confirming that there was no one behind the door, he slightly opened the door and continued forward.

In front of him was another long and deep corridor. Levin slowed down his steps and walked carefully to the end of the corridor. There was another stone door.

He came to the door and used psychic power to scout again. Unlike last time, he heard the sound of human conversation this time.

Levin heard a male voice saying,"Do you still have wine hidden? It's too boring to stay here to guard the door. Why not drink some?"

Then, a serious English response with Levin's unrecognizable accent:"Are you crazy? If the boss knows that we drink while guarding the door, he will kill us!"

"What's the big deal?" The first voice said confidently,"It's Christmas Eve, everyone is sitting by the warm fire, with their families, but we have to stay in this cold tomb with a bunch of scum. This treatment is too much, and we are not even allowed to have a drink?"

"Maybe... you are right."The man with the accent seemed to be convinced, and then there was a rustling sound behind the door, and soon there was the crisp sound of glass bottles hitting stones, and the sound of bubbles when the cork was pulled out.

It seemed that they got the wine.

Hearing this, Levin realized that his chance was coming.


Today's update [5/4], plus [4/12]

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