As the magic door was opened, the last obstacle between Levin and the Scholar's Moonstone was also removed.

The two walked towards the corridor behind the gate.

As soon as they entered, Levin noticed the extraordinaryness of this place.

The underground palace and corridor in front should have been artificially excavated.

The surrounding walls were paved with artificial stone bricks and slabs, but this corridor was a natural road.

On both sides of the road were two natural stone walls.

The entire corridor was essentially a"rift valley" hidden in the mountain.

The rift valley was very long and deep.

The last section was even covered by accumulated water. It seemed to be part of an underground water vein.

The two walked all the way along the rift valley to the end.

Then Levin understood what it meant to"after mountains and rivers, you thought there was no way out, but when you turned around, you found another village."

In short,"It is very narrow at first, but then people can get through.""

"After walking hundreds of times, the view suddenly became clear.

However, what he saw was not a humanistic village with"flat land and neat houses", but a natural scenery full of vitality hidden in a cave.

"I never thought that such a beautiful place would be hidden deep in the ruins of"173"."

The moment she saw the cave, Tonks was attracted by the scenery here.

No, this place should not be called a cave, but a valley.

The moonlight shines on this pure land in the mountain along the huge crack at the top.

The river formed by groundwater flows in it. The riverside and even the mountain walls are covered with lush plants.

Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley, and various flowers are dotted among the herbs and shrubs. Ivy and other vines are all over the rock walls, but the most eye-catching is the huge oak growing on a small earth slope in the center of the valley.

Under the shining silver moonlight, this ancient and huge tree stretches out its branches, birds hover in the treetops, and moths fly around the roots.

It looks extremely harmonious and peaceful.

"The ecosystem hidden deep in the cave is interesting."

Levin observed the surroundings and nodded repeatedly.

"No wonder the ancients chose this place to store the Wise Moonstone. This is indeed the best proof of the vitality of nature."

"Do you know who built this place?" Tonks asked curiously.

"Of course," Levin nodded,"the history here may be older than you think."

"The first people to discover this valley and build these relics should be the ancestors of this land, the ancient Celts."

Whether it is the style of the reliefs in the ruins or this paradise in the mountains, all the evidence proves this point. In the ancient Celtic era, wizards were not called wizards.

People at that time believed in what should be called"Druidism".

This group of people can be regarded as the ancestors of wizards.

Many traditions of the Muggle and wizarding world in the Yin Kingdom today are inherited from that era.

A typical example is the 13 months of the year in the Celtic calendar and the trees corresponding to each month.

Ollivander is still selecting wand wood according to this tradition, and choosing the owner for the wand accordingly.

The original meaning of the word Druid is"someone familiar with oak trees." Or it can be translated as"oak sages".

They worship and respect nature, and oak, unsurprisingly, is theirs. Holy tree.

That's why there is an oak tree in this valley.

This relic should be a holy place for the ancient Celtic Druids to practice and gather.

This oak tree is the core of this holy place, and the Scholar's Moonstone is the treasure worshipped by the Druids.

After admiring the scenery here, Levin walked up to the oak tree.

In a huge tree hole on the trunk, a crystal blue-green ball emitted a faint blue light.

This is the common goal of the poachers and Levin: the Scholar's Moonstone.

Levin grabbed the Scholar's Moonstone in his hand and felt a wonderful power.

This power is warm and peaceful, and has a strange connection with the bright moon in the sky and the surrounding nature.

If it can be guided out, it seems to produce many incredible effects.

"It is indeed worthy of being the treasure of the Druids."

Under Tonks's gaze, Levin put it into his own pocket.

After completing all this, Levin asked the female Auror beside him:"Sister Tonks, you won't tell the secret here, right?"

"Of course not, since you call me Sister Tonks, I must keep your secret."

Tonks shook her head.

"I will then tell the Ministry of Magic that I found these poachers in the woods outside Irondale and by some chance I wiped them out."

"As for why they came here, I have no idea"

"Thank you so much, Sister Tonks." Levin said with satisfaction. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Tonks shook her head:"Actually, I should be the one who is grateful. It was you who rescued me from prison, and it was mostly your credit to solve the problem of these poachers. I was just helping you."

"Don't say that. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to defeat Pico Curtis alone."Levin retorted."Besides, you cast the Oblivion Charm on them for me, and concealed my existence and the secret of Scholar Moonstone. You did so many things for me without telling the Ministry of Magic, and I remember all of them."

"But you are the main contributor, that's for sure." Tonks continued,"Ordinarily, you should at least get a second-class Order of Merlin this time... but now all the credit is mine... I owe you that."

"Don't say that," Levin waved his hand,"We are not related."

"You're right, we're friends." Tonks also showed a warm smile.

She paused, then continued,"Regarding your desire to hide yourself, I actually think you're right. As a first-year student at Hogwarts, it's not a problem to perform well in your studies, but your self-created magic, especially your participation in the killing of dark wizards, is better concealed. It won't be a problem to reveal it in a few years... You may have noticed that some people are more sensitive to such things.……"

"It's okay, Tonks, I understand... it's easy to be associated with the You-Know-Who when he was young.........."Levin heard the other party's hidden meaning and was very grateful for her concern."Don't worry, Tonks, I will be cautious."

After helping Tonks deal with the captives and evidence, the two said goodbye in Irondale.

Levin returned to the Leaky Cauldron via the Floo powder, while Tonks returned to the Ministry of Magic to request support to complete the finishing work.

Lying on the bed in the single room of the Leaky Cauldron, the comfortable bed gradually relaxed Levin's tense nerves. He began to summarize his gains from this mission:

First of all, there are two trophies. The griffin beak is the main material of the [Eternal Eagle's Majesty Elixir]. Now it has been obtained.

As long as the other medicinal materials are obtained, the [Eternal Eagle's Majesty Elixir] can be made.

It seems that I have to go to the Forbidden Forest again in the second half of the semester. I clearly agreed to try not to cause trouble.

It can only be said that plans cannot keep up with changes.

The second trophy is the Scholar's Moonstone.

This treasure is indeed very mysterious and precious, but he doesn't know what he can do with it in a short time.

But it is better than falling into the hands of poachers.

The second is the monetary gain.

He had only earned 700 Galleons from selling second-hand items before, and he had prepared it in his spare time for half a semester.

He got nearly 1,000 Galleons from the poachers in one night.

With the remaining 700 Galleons, his assets have now reached 1.5 to 1,500 Galleons.

This is already a considerable asset.

Tonks said that the salary of an Auror is only 140 Galleons per month. As an apprentice Auror, her salary is slightly lower, only 100 Galleons.

This is a high salary for dangerous professions.

Most Ministry of Magic employees only have a monthly salary of 100 Galleons.

Levin's money is almost equivalent to the annual income of the Weasley family.

Although in Gringotts, Muggle wizards can exchange money at an exchange rate of 5 pounds to 1 Galleon, this exchange rate is only a benefit provided to Muggle wizards.

In fact, the purchasing power gap between pounds and Galleons is 20:1.

1,500 Galleons is almost 30,000 pounds, or 300,000 RMB.

That was 300,000 in the 1990s, which could buy three houses in the fourth ring of Beijing.

With such a large sum of money in hand, he will surely be able to live a much more comfortable life in the magic world in the future.

With this thought in mind, Levin gradually fell asleep. The picture shows the Ruins Valley, taken from the remains of Hogwarts.

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