In addition to her future and status, Tonks also received two other rewards this time.

The Order of Merlin would not be awarded until some time later, but the prize money had already been distributed to her.

Tonks felt that she had enjoyed so many honors and was unworthy of them, so she wanted to give all the gold galleons to Levin.

Levin always believed that more money was better, so he did not refuse her kindness, but he did not accept all of it, leaving half to Tonks.

So his total assets now reached 1,800 galleons.

Levin had a very happy time during the rest of the holiday. The Tonks couple were both very nice people, and they loved their daughter's benefactor very much.

In addition, Levin himself had a pleasing appearance, a mature personality, and the blessing of psychic powers... perhaps they also had sympathy for his life experience.

In short, Levin was treated almost as their own child. This excessive enthusiasm even made Levin a little uncomfortable.

In the past few days, in addition to chatting and reading at Tonks's house, Levin also went shopping in Diagon Alley with Tonks. After that, Levin took Tonks around the Muggle world in London and bought a lot of Christmas gifts.

In the wizarding world, it is a custom for relatives and friends to give each other Christmas gifts, and Levin naturally followed the local customs.

He himself received many Christmas gifts.

Professor Flitwick gave him a personal spell experience, which was his earnest expectation for his students as a professor.

Several of his friends in Ravenclaw, Stephen, Kevin and others, also sent gifts, which were basically snacks from the wizarding world.

Hermione gave him a Conway Stewart handmade fountain pen.

After learning that Levin's automatic fountain pen could automatically copy because it came from [copying] and was not a magical item, Miss Granger had been thinking about changing him to a better pen.

Along with the gift, there was also an apology letter.

The letter carefully described the whole story and his apology for not persuading her properly.

"Little girl, I am not angry with you."

After reading the letter, Levin couldn't help laughing. He really felt that the little girl was cute when she was serious, so he also wrote a letter of understanding back to the other party.

The gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Tonks were two sets of decent dresses. They seemed to be particularly worried that Levin didn't have enough clothes to wear.

Tonks' gift was a set of Auror's combat belts, on which a series of small gadgets such as potion bottles and peepholes could be hung, so that they could be used at any time during the battle. What surprised Levin the most were Zhang Qiu and Cirilla.

These two young ladies also gave him gifts.

Zhang Qiu's gift was a handmade mung bean cake as a testimony to their fellow countrymen in a foreign country.

Cirilla gave him a shiny knife. She was worthy of being a female witcher. Why didn't she join the Grimm in the first place? Llanfendor's?

Levin's gift was much simpler.

Most of his Christmas gifts were Muggle specialties, which was in line with his Muggle-born identity, but it seemed a bit perfunctory.

So he secretly decided to study alchemy hard next year, and strive to exchange all Christmas gifts for homemade magic items next year.

Finally, he also gave a big gift to the Laerke Orphanage where he was born, a donation of 500 pounds.

Maybe it was a bit of a loss to directly exchange Galleons for pounds, but it was his intention after all.

Only Tonks did not receive any Christmas gifts, because what he gave her was a week-long magic training.

During this week, Levin taught her five simple and practical arcane magic: [Dancing Lights]】、【Mage Armor】、【Grease】、【Invisibility】、【Mirror Image].

In fact, he also wanted to teach more and more complex spells, but time was limited, and arcane magic was too different from the native spells in the Harry Potter world.

In this week, Tonks had difficulty learning these five spells alone.

In the end, Levin could only leave a note and promised to write to ask questions.

If you really want to learn more, you can only wait for the summer vacation.

In a blink of an eye, the vacation was over. Levin reluctantly waved goodbye to the Tonks family and boarded the train to Hogwarts.

Returning to Hogwarts was undoubtedly a pleasant experience for Levin.

The little wizards who had stayed at home for two weeks gathered together again and excitedly shared their vacation experiences with each other, which gave Levin a headache.

What vacation experience could he share?

He said that he broke into a cave where a group of poachers were entrenched, rescued a captured Auror, and together with the Auror, he wiped out the entire poacher gang?

Not to mention that this matter could not be told to anyone, even if he said it, someone had to believe it.

So whenever someone talked to him about their holiday experience, he could only use the universal rhetoric to perfunctorily answer:

"really"、"Really?"、"What happened next?", a set of three consecutive words, always works.

After dealing with who knows how many little wizards came to chat with him,

Levin finally met someone who had something serious to do with him. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

That was the expedition team from Gryffindor.

But their state was a little strange.

Hermione and Harry, on the left and right, forced Ron, who was bowing his head, to come to him as if they were escorting a prisoner.

"You are……"

Levin is a little confused


"Hurry up!"

Hermione and Harry urged.

So the boy pursed his lips and looked at Levin with a red face. After a long while, he squeezed out a sentence:

"I'm sorry, Levin, about that incident before the holiday... I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have treated you like that.……"

He stumbled over the 26 words in this sentence and it took him a minute to finish it.

Levin was a little confused at first and it took him a while to understand what he was referring to.

In fact, with his maturity, he would never get angry with a group of 11-year-olds over such a small matter because of inexplicable jealousy.

So he nodded and answered in the expectant eyes of the other party:"It's nothing, Ron, I have forgotten about that matter."

"That... that's good, that's good."

Ron's red face finally relaxed. Being forgiven by Levin meant that he not only restored a friendship, but also reached an understanding with the other two partners - it was too uncomfortable to be accused of doing something wrong by two friends.

The other two members of the iron triangle seemed a little useless compared to Miss Know-it-all. The man didn't interrupt but smiled uncomfortably.

The happiest person in the trio at this time was Hermione.

She had a secret with someone else that she had to hide from Levin. This made her feel inexplicably guilty and guilty, as if she had betrayed him.

This feeling made her feel very strange.

Obviously, she and Levin had many little secrets that they had kept from Harry and Ron, such as the few self-created spells that Levin taught her privately.

Why didn't she feel guilty about Harry and Ron?

Aren't they all friends?

Hermione's little brain couldn't figure this out, but she was very happy that she didn't have to bear that kind of guilt now and could speak openly in front of Levin.

So she said frankly;"Levin, do you still remember the big dog with three heads? In fact, we have been trying to figure out what it is guarding."

She also did not forget to provide what they thought was the key information:"We guess that this thing is what Professor Snape wants to get. Harry said that he once saw bite marks on Snape's feet. In addition, Professor Snape cast a curse on Harry during the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match.……"

Ron also hurriedly added,"We asked Hagrid before, and he accidentally mentioned the name Nicolas Flamel. We guessed that what Snape wanted must be related to him."

"That's why you wanted to find out who Nicolas Flamel was," Levin concluded.

Ron nodded awkwardly. He had a quarrel with Levin because of this.

The worst thing was that they still didn't find out who Nicolas Flamel was during this holiday. It would have been fine if Hermione went home during the holiday, but he and Harry stayed in Hogwarts for the whole holiday and made no progress on this matter.

They originally planned to read more books during this holiday to find the truth about Nicolas Flamel and prove that they could get the answer without Levin, but the world is unpredictable and they failed for various reasons.

After accidentally discovering the Mirror of Erised, Harry became addicted to it.

The Mirror of Erised is a magical mirror that can reveal the most urgent and strongest desires in a person's heart.

From the Mirror of Erised, Harry was able to see his parents and see himself living happily with them, which made him unable to extricate himself.

As for Ron himself, he wanted to sleep as soon as he read, and ultimately failed to find out Nicolas Flamel's identity.

So after going around in circles, they could only put their hopes on Levin.

Update [5/4, additional update [8/15] Sorry, the update was mixed up and 54 was released early.

Added by: thiensuthuho

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