After Ravenclaw's victory over Slytherin, a long time passed, the winter chill gradually left, and the school life of the little wizards gradually opened a new chapter.

In Ravenclaw, many little wizards found that since the Quidditch game, their Cirilla had become closer and closer to the first-year Levin.

Occasionally, someone saw Cirilla abandon her best friend Penelope and talk and laugh with Levin in the corridor on the eighth floor of the castle.

This made a large number of senior boys beat their chests and stamp their feet.

Cirilla, the most beautiful girl in Ravenclaw, who countless people pursued but could not get, had such a close relationship with a freshman. Is it so popular to be able to play Quidditch?

For a time, Levin received countless envy, jealousy and hatred.

For him, this kind of envy and jealousy from the same sex was harmless, and even made him a little proud.

But in this matter, he was far more innocent than those boys imagined.

Because he did not develop a further relationship with Cirilla - for the time being.

At the age of 11, he has only just begun to show signs of sexuality - although he is not young, he has not yet developed formally according to his age.

He and Cirilla meet frequently, but only to go to the Room of Requirement to practice magic.

After hearing that there is hope of returning home, this girl from the demon hunter world becomes very proactive and asks Levin to help her improve her strength so that she can contribute to Levin's process of achieving his"small goal".

It must be said that Cirilla's talent in magic is even better than Miss Granger.

Of course, in terms of IQ alone, Cirilla may not be as high as Hermione, but Cirilla has a good talent.

She has"ancient blood" and is called a natural"magic source" by the warlocks among demon hunters.

When it comes to learning magic, the sorceresses are more worried about the consequences of her losing control of her magic power than worrying about whether she can learn it.

After coming to the world of Harry Potter, Cirilla's magic loss of control no longer happens, and her talent in magic is fully demonstrated.

For example, relying solely on her memories, she reproduced several witcher sigils that Geralt had demonstrated.

In the process of teaching Cirilla, Levin also felt deeply that

Cirilla was not an"academic" spellcaster who relied on learning and studying to master magic, but a"feeling" spellcaster.

Cirilla may not understand the casting methods and spell models that Levin told her about, but she can imitate Levin's casting methods by feeling and master them in a rough way.

The simpler the spell, the more so. She even mastered [Fireball] in just one day.

Sometimes Levin even wondered if there was a big green-skinned guy in her mind.

Of course, this talent also has a price, that is, the more sophisticated the spell, the harder it is for her to learn.

For example, [Mirror Image】、【Identification】、【Human Immobilization】、【She just couldn't learn the magic of"Mad Laughter" or something like that.

But it didn't matter, she didn't need these magics in battle.

According to Levin's observation, he found that Ciri preferred simple, rough, and fast-acting magic in battle.

Her favorite was the elemental magic of the energy system: for example,"Burning Hands"】、【Frost Nova】、【Fireball, etc., especially the melee spell of Burning Hands.

Levin felt that this girl wanted to completely give up the long-range advantage of magic and rely purely on physical fitness and melee spells to ravage the enemy. She is worthy of being the adopted daughter of a demon hunter, the future female demon hunter.

Perhaps we can think of a way to help her master the skills of a magic warrior?

In short, when Levin and Cirilla were taking"extracurricular interest classes" for the floating city and to cross the crystal wall system, most young wizards had exhausted their experience just by learning the content in class.

The Easter holiday passed in a flash, and summer and final exams were getting closer and closer. The library was full of students looking through materials.

Levin didn't spend as much time in the library as in the past, but whenever he was in the library, he could see Hermione and the two fools who were dragged in unwillingly most of the time.

Miss Granger, who has some Ravenclaw genes, is indeed an atypical Gryffindor.

She really loves learning and really wants to compete with Levin in terms of grades.

Hermione: I can't beat you in extracurricular knowledge, but if it's limited to in-class knowledge, I can't beat you.

The little girl is really proud in this regard.

As typical Gryffindors, Harry and Ron are in big trouble. They sigh and yawn all day long. In addition to struggling to complete the pile of homework assigned by the teacher, they also have to complete the review plan made by Hermione for them.

They really can't understand why someone would start reviewing two months in advance of the final exam.

They really don't understand Miss Granger's earnest expectations for them: as her friend in Gryffindor, Hermione doesn't want them to embarrass themselves in front of Levin.

Finally one day, the suffering duo found an opportunity to be liberated.

They ran to Levin mysteriously and told him that Hagrid had something good to show them and wanted to invite Levin to join them.

Damn, you two boys, you actually think of us when you have good things? It's worth helping you before.

Levin was somewhat relieved and somewhat amused.

He knew what was going on as soon as he heard it - Hagrid's dragon egg had arrived.

To be honest, he still didn't want to get involved.

After all, seeing the dragon egg meant that a series of troublesome things would be related to him, such as the battle against Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest and the trapdoor adventure afterwards. (To read the novels of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!) If he got involved in these things, it would not be in line with his principle of keeping a low profile.

But after thinking about it carefully, it would not be a good idea to refuse outright. On the one hand, he had always wanted to visit the Forbidden Forest - where he could get a lot of medicinal materials for permanent attribute potions - but because he was not familiar with the Forbidden Forest, he had never been able to go.

Now there was an opportunity for Hagrid to be a free guide, which should not be missed.

On the other hand, he really wanted to see the ultimate secret of alchemy in the legend - the Philosopher's Stone.

You know, this might be his last chance to see the Philosopher's Stone in person in this world - keeping a low profile is certainly important, but the Philosopher's Stone is also very attractive. What if he could understand something from it?.

After all, plans cannot keep up with changes. He underestimated the speed of his own strength and knowledge expansion. The principles set at the beginning of the school were no longer in line with the reality.

Besides, he had not seen the dragons of this world with his own eyes.

Finally, since they were so enthusiastic, Levin did not want to turn down their face.

So he nodded and agreed.

"Great!" The two of them were immediately excited,"Since you are going too, Hermione will have no choice but to let us go to Hagrid."

Levin: After all this time, you are using me as a tool to suppress Hermione, right?

So, on the way to Hagrid's hut, Levin had to endure Hermione's contempt.

After arriving near the hut, Levin keenly discovered that there was a strange energy rising in his wallet.

When he opened it, he found that it was the Scholar's Moonstone.

What's going on?

He was a little puzzled.

""Knock, knock, knock."

Harry went forward and knocked on Hagrid's door.

Seeing his destination, he put down the moonstone for the time being.

Hagrid's wooden door was very heavy, and it usually took a lot of effort to open it.

Levin strongly suspected that this half-giant relied on his physical fitness to use the weight of the door as an anti-theft measure.

At least the unlocking spell [Alaho Open] could not work on this kind of door.

""Here they come!"

Hagrid's voice was very loud even through the wooden door.

Hagrid's big furry head stuck out from the door, and after carefully observing the surroundings, he let the four people into the house. After entering the house, Levin found that all the curtains in the room were drawn tightly.

Hermione suddenly became sensitive:"Hagrid, you didn't do anything out of line again?"

Hagrid's eyes widened immediately:"How can you slander someone's innocence like this? Raising animals is not out of line... Raising animals is the job of the game manager, can it be considered out of line?"

However, the more he said this, the more people didn't believe it, and they looked around in the house.

Seeing that the four little wizards all looked very interested, Hagrid sighed:"Okay, okay, I was going to tell you about this. But you have to promise not to tell anyone else!"

"Of course""Don't you believe me yet?""Let's get started!"Everyone said.

So he leaned over and used an iron hook to open the stove.

Everyone looked over and saw a strange ellipsoidal object in the charcoal fire.

It was a big black egg!

Even in the hot charcoal fire, the egg did not change at all, which was obviously very extraordinary.

If you look closely, the eggshell is not smooth, but full of needle-like protrusions. It looks dry and rough, not round at all. It is a dragon egg!

After seeing it, Levin suddenly had an idea: Is there a mace in the male dragon's body?

His reasoning is this.

This egg is so rough, but it can be produced smoothly, which means that the female dragon is also quite rough and thick.

Since the female dragon has thick skin and flesh, the male dragon can only be a mace. If it is a little more delicate, it will rub against the rough inner skin of the female dragon, and the female dragon will definitely not feel anything.

Only a mace can comfort a female dragon that can give birth to such a rough egg.

Update [5/4, additional update [9/17]. thiensuthuho

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