After confirming that Hagrid and the other two were safe, Levin turned back to check on the unicorn.

When Levin returned to the unicorn, the beautiful animal looked very bad - it didn't even have the strength to chase after Scholar Moonstone, and could only lie on the ground groaning in pain.

But when Levin got closer, the other party showed a happy expression.

Is this Scholar Moonstone so attractive?

It's like it's been sucked.

Levin pointed at the unicorn's wound with his wand:

"【"Healing spell"

This is the most basic healing spell.

In the past semester, Levin has learned almost all the spells below level 3 that he can get his hands on, and the"Healing Spell" is no exception.

However, after he cast the spell, the unicorn's wound only stopped bleeding slightly, and there was no healing effect.

You know, after he learned this spell, he tried it himself, and it worked immediately every time. Why didn't it work on the unicorn? Levin didn't believe it, and tried it repeatedly several times. Each time, it only made the wound recover a little, but within a minute, the wound would burst open again.

Until"Detect Magic" gave him the answer,

Levin saw a strong smell of curse at the wound.

Some black magic can indeed make wounds difficult to heal, a typical example is Snape's invention [Invisible Sharpness].

Levin was at a loss as to what to do.

He tried to take a tonic potion from the Auror's belt and feed it to the unicorn, but it still had little effect.

Suddenly, he discovered that the unicorn also had a wound on its nose, but now it had disappeared.

What was going on?

He looked at the unicorn, who was now lying obediently beside Levin, constantly moving his head closer to the wallet on his waist.

Could it be the effect of the Scholar's Moonstone?

Levin took out the moonstone and tried to place it near the most obvious wound on the unicorn's thigh.

He then discovered that as the moonstone approached, the curse on the wound began to fade, and was eventually completely dispelled, with signs of the wound also recovering.

He used the [Healing Spell] on the wound again.

This time the effect was much more obvious, and the silver-blue blood finally stopped flowing out.

"It turns out that this thing has the power to dispel the curse."

So, in the following period of time, he used the power of the moonstone to dispel the curse and heal all the wounds on the unicorn.

Soon, the unicorn's life was no longer in danger, and it only needed to rest for a period of time to recover.

【You watched as Scholar Moonstone removed the dark magic curse, and you learned the spell [Remove Curse】】

【Curse of Removal: A 3rd level abjuration spell that instantly removes all curses from an item or creature.】

【You have learned the healing power of moonstone, the technique of restoring life with the power of nature, and the magic of rejuvenation.】】

【Rejuvenation: Harnessing the power of nature for healing】

"Rejuvenation? Isn't this a druid spell?"

Levin was surprised.

He had always been exposed to spells in the magic world and had learned spells that consumed magic power. Who would have thought that he would suddenly learn a druid spell here?

Although both are spells, there is a fundamental difference between spells.

Wizards control magic power, while druid spells use natural forces. They are not of the same system.

"Sure enough, the power within this scholar's moonstone is closely related to nature."

"No wonder it reacted to the Forbidden Forest, no wonder it led me to find the injured unicorn, no wonder the unicorn kept staring at the moonstone."

Levin gradually understood everything.

He remembered the research on unicorns by wizards in the Harry Potter world: the unicorn is a beautiful animal that can be seen in the forests of Northern Europe. Adult unicorns are silver-white and golden when they are young. The horn, blood and hair of the unicorn all have strong magical effects: the horn has the effect of detoxification, the tail hair can be used to make wands, and its blood can prolong life.

Its personality is very different from its docile appearance, and it can fight with fire dragons. It generally avoids contact with humans and is likely to be more willing to let witches rather than wizards approach it. It runs very fast and is very difficult to capture it.

But in other magical worlds In the Harry Potter world, unicorns are not only magical creatures, but also have symbolic meanings.

Unicorns are synonymous with kindness and purity, and are the guardians of nature. In those worlds with gods, unicorns serve the gods of nature and forests, and are the lords and guardians of the forests.

In short, unicorns are creatures that are closely related to natural forces.

According to the research of wizards in the Harry Potter world, the magic used by magical creatures is different from the magic used by wizards.

As for how they are different, whether each magical creature has unique magic, or whether there is another power system between magical creatures, they did not explore it further.

But Levin can now It is clear: in this world, in addition to magic, there is at least another power system (to read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!), and that is the power of nature.

This power is widely present in nature and in nature-related magical creatures.

If this result is published as a book, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire wizarding world.

But this is something Levin will consider in the future.

At the moment, all he wants to do is pet the unicorn in front of him.

There is no way, the little guy is really too cute.

From the appearance, the unicorn in front of him should not be a full-grown adult. Its head-to-body ratio is still a bit juvenile, and the mane on its back is still mixed with Mixed with gold.

Although the unicorn's hair looked a little messy due to the previous battle, the completely smooth silver hair like brocade without any impurities was indeed very attractive. Coupled with its graceful appearance like a horse and its big watery eyes, even Levin, who didn't often keep pets, wanted to touch it.

Facing Levin's tentatively extended hand, the unicorn was quite enthusiastic and took the initiative to hand over its head. Did n't they say that unicorns would reject wizards?

But Levin was very happy. The little guy really knew how to be a unicorn. It was worth his effort to save it.

So Levin simply put its head in his arms and rubbed it,

"……"Oh, stop rubbing it, it's messing up my mane."

Halfway through, Levin suddenly heard a childish female voice in his arms.

It was bad. He just remembered that he could [talk to animals].

"Um... you can talk."

Levin let go of the unicorn's head and said embarrassedly

"Of course, which unicorn can't talk?"The little guy rolled his eyes in a humane way, then tilted his head and looked at Levin with a strange look:"Mr. Druid, how come you can speak the language of unicorns?"

The expression of its tilted head once again made Levin cute. Resisting the urge to touch him, Levin explained:"This is the effect of magic. In fact, I can communicate with almost any magical creature-as long as they can communicate."

This sentence is true. Although Levin has [Animal Talk], the quality of the conversation depends entirely on the intelligence of the animal.

Talking to ordinary kittens and puppies, as well as Levin's eagle owl Hummer, is like communicating with a three or four-year-old child.

If it is a toad, a mouse, or even a creature with lower intelligence, the communication is limited to the simplest and basic emotions.

When encountering a creature like a unicorn with the intelligence of an adult, it can naturally speak normally.

"So that's how it is, magic is really magical, worthy of being called Master Druid."

The unicorn nodded, not quite understanding, and then happily nudged Levin's chest with his head:"That's great, since I can talk to Master Druid, then I want to tell you in person, thank you Master Druid for saving me!"

"Master Druid is really smart. He set up the trap early in the morning, and then lured the bad guys here and defeated them in one fell swoop. Master Druid is amazing."

Wow, such a straightforward thank you... What a frank child.

But it's a pity that the Master Druid you admired was not luring the enemy before, but running away. The trap was only set in a hurry. In the end, he had to fight with the Dark Lord, not actively wanting to help you.

However, facing these watery, shining and innocent eyes, Levin really couldn't bear to disappoint her expectations, so he nodded:"It's okay, little guy, this is what I should do."

Then, he asked curiously:"But you, little guy, I'm obviously a wizard, why do you call me a druid? Do you know what a druid is?"

"What else can a druid be? A druid is a druid."

The unicorn looked at Levin, confused:

"My parents told me that the person who represents nature is a druid. The moonstone chose you, so you are the spokesperson for nature, so you are the druid."

It seems that they have never seen a druid.

This is no wonder. After all, this is the world of wizards. Druidism has disappeared thousands of years ago. However, judging from the fact that the ancient Celts left behind the"Scholar Moonstone", there may have been real druids at that time, and the moonstone was a sacred artifact of the druids.

So, when the Saxons landed in England and ruled the Celts and wiped out the druids, could it be that the wizards deliberately exterminated the druids?

After all, they are all spellcasters, and they are jealous of each other when they meet.

Levin felt that he might have accidentally guessed the truth.

However, this kind of historical issue has nothing to do with him now. The key is the issue of moonstone and druid power.

Since moonstone has the power of nature and is a druid's sacred object, is it possible for him to master the power of druids?

Update [5/4, additional update [11/18].

Transcript: thiensuthuho

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